
The Otherworld Saga

Life in the town of River Springs was peaceful. It was the typical valley town where you knew your neighbours and had sunday dinner with strangers. Four young adventurous teens are the towns one concern. Imagination in a child is a great thing, but when their teens and still are up to old antics it had everyone worried. Sophie Sawyer, Cam Clarkson, Kevin King and Pierce Parker are the type of kids who sneak out at night to go hunting for monsters. So what happens when one of those nights leads to them discovering actual monsters? Read to see the world of “The Otherworld”

jaqueline_R · TV
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29 Chs

Midnight Monster Hunt Part 2

River Springs, a town so small it didn't even appear on many maps, was a beautiful little town. In a valley, surrounded by cliffs sides, everyone in the town knew who one another was. But like every town it had its troubles; gossiping neighbours, vandalizing teens, a handful of crazies and one group of teens who just didn't want to grow up.

In the town square, sitting in their cars was the town's group of "rebels" as the parent board at the local high school called them.

Leading them was Chuck Roydon, a light-haired delinquent who preferred to hit cars with a hammer and drink until dawn then think of his future. He lived in the now and it worked for him.

"I've been seeing this chick for two months and all she lets me do is touch her tits," Jack Thomson, one of Chuck's crew members says to the others while taking a puff of his cigarette. He took a swig of the bottle of beer that was in his other hand, his face showing a grumbled expression.

"Jackie, she is a catholic. If you want to get to third base you should get with a protestant," Chuck said with a chuckle while he took a swig of his bottle of vodka that he had stolen from his mom's liquor cabinet.

"I know..." the boy said disappointedly, his mind showing thought. "I like her though, she's feisty. She's naturally a redhead."

Cam rode up on his bike alongside the group of boys, rolling his eyes at their conversation. "Having the important conversations again," he murmured, and only his brother and Chuck were the ones to hear his words.

"Cammy. Good, you're here," Richard, also known as Ricky by his friends, jumped off the back of senior Clarkson's pickup truck.

Cam placed his bike against the bench in the square, turning to face his brother with a bored look on his face. "Yes, Richard, I am here since you insist on driving me home so neither of us is home alone with dad," Cam said, crossing his arms over his chest, with a little relief that his brother did it.

Richard walked to Cam, wrapping his arm around his little brother's shoulders, bringing the young teen against his chest. "Forget about that, Cam. Right now.." Richard says then pushed Cam forward into Chuck's blue rusty mustang. "Right now all we want is answers, Cam."

Cameron turned to his brother, then looked up at Chuck as the older boy looked down at him.

"Tell me, Cam. Did you and your weird friends last night happen to run by my house in one of your lame attempts to prove 'monsters' exist?" Chuck questioned him.

Cam shook his head, knowing damn well that he and his friends were on the other side of town. "We were at the junkyard last night, not anywhere near your house, Chuck. Data had heard rumours of weird sounds coming from the place. Figured we should check it out," Cam answered calmly.

Chuck and Cam looked at one another, each with a penetrating stare, looking for any hesitance in the other to use against the other, but neither backed down. Finally, with a puff from his cigarette, Chuck moved his head back, moving his eyes to look at Rick. "Kids free. But if you hear anything, Cameron, about the fucker who did that-" he points to a large key made line on the side of his car, "then tell me." he grabbed the collar of Cam's shirt and pulled the boy to him, glaring into his eyes. "Hear me?"

Cam looked into Chuck's eyes, seeing the fury inside at the little mark on his car.

Careful not to move his head closer to Chuck's he whispered, "loud and clear, Chuck."

With a loud huff, Chuck pushed Cam back onto the ground and turned his attention back to his precious car.

Cam stood onto his feet, following his brother to the old pickup truck. Sat in the passenger side beside his brother, Cam watched as his brother started up the car and looked out the window to Chuck and the others.

He spoke, "Are we on for tonight?"

The rest of the boys looked at Chuck and watched him nod his head. "Eight o'clock. The lake," he told them all.

With a nod of his head, Rick turned his attention back to the road ahead and drove away from the square with his brother's bike behind them.