


I crashed to the ground holding my throat while gasping for air. Tears dampened the corners of my eyes as my vision came back. 

Laying on the ground was Sister Martha, with a sword threw her chest. Blood pooled out oh her wound and onto the ground, slowly making its way towards me. Shuddering I moved further away only to bump into something. 

Glancing upwards I saw Sage. A dark shadow covered his face and all that showed was his piercing red eyes. 

Without even uttering a word he picked me up and walked away. 

Even though his warmth brought me great comfort and relief, tears still poured out in a steady stream. 

I don't know how long I cried or even when I fell asleep but by the time I woke up I was tucked into an animal hide type bed. 

When going to sit up I was stopped by a strong squeeze around my hip area. 


Curled up next to me was Sage. His bare shoulders indicting that he was shirtless, yet it also showed off his subtle muscles. 

His soft fluffy hair was far too tempting to me as I reached my hand out to gently rub his hair. 

While playing with his hair I examined his features. 

Long and full eyelashes, soft silky black hair, tan skin and a small beauty mark underneath his right eye. The most unique feature was his horns. Since he must have been using some type of concealment magic I was unable to spot them last time. Stopping my actions I reached my hands towards them. Gently rubbing my hands against it I was in awe by them. They were a blackish reddish color, and even though they were horns that were usually used to identify demons; it was pretty.

As I played with them I glanced down only to be startled because staring up at me was Sage's pretty ruby eyes. 

"S-sorry I didn't mean to m-mess with them." I quickly moved my hands away, blushing from embarrassment. 

A slight chuckle erupted from him as he sat up scratching his head. I turned my head even further around to escape the scene that was presented to me, but I peeped just a little. Once again I was met with Sage's smirking face.

I got up and rushed to the outside of the cave with my face extremely warm, and I didn't doubt that I had a growing blush.

My heart continues pounding didn't help at all. 


Glancing back at him I stuttered, "Y-Yes?" 

"Can I kidnap you?" With a slight tilt of his head, he asked something so creepy yet he still held an innocent tone.

"W-what do you mean by that?" I wasn't afraid of him, just confused by what he meant.

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