
Death isn't Fun

In an alley way, a young man with short black hair, slightly brown skin and hazelnut eyes looks up into the snowy night sky slowly bleeding out

Jay:"Well this isn't how I expected to die..... Sigh, this sucks so damn much"

(15 Minutes Earlier)

Jay just finished watching the new Broly movie that boy was he pumped. Broly was so op and it took Goku going Ssj Blue to properly damage him while in his base Ikari. It took both Goku and Vegeta fusing together then going ssj blue to defeat a full powered ssj state Broly. Just wow man.... the new movie is just so much better than the old movie.

Jay:"That movie was so Lit, like damn being a sayian sounds so cool. I wish I was a sayian."

Suddenly Jay heard a scream coming from an alley way. Jay being the kind, brave yet assholey person he is rushed to look what then problem was. When Jay arrived, what he saw made his blood boil. A man in a gray hoodie was currently holding a girl by the neck and pushing her against a wall while molesting her with his free hand

Female?:"Please stop. I'll do anything... PLEASE!!!!!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Rapist?:"Shut up bitch, no one can hear you. Just calm down and enjoy it. I promise you"ll enjoy it"

Jay is disgusted by the conversation, He absolutely hates rapist so he silently approaches the two while being extra careful as to not accidentally hit any of the garbage on the floor. At this point the woman who was now crying sees him coming and he signals to her to be silent. He slowly creeps upon the rapist and quickly grabs him in a headlock, completely catching the man by surprise. He releases the woman and struggles under Jay's grip but he can't break it as Jay was a master and many different martial arts. The man reaches into his left pocket and pulls out a knife and stabs Jay in the side multiple times but jay doesn't break the hold.

Soon the man becomes slack from a lack of air the jay breaks his neck, killing the man. Jay falls to the ground, his white shirt now stained in his own blood and dirt from the alley way.


The man had managed to stab him in his vital areas and he was bleeding out pretty quickly. The woman who jay saved rushed to him and knelt down by his side still crying.

Woman?:"Please hold on, I've already called the police and the hospital. An ambulance is on the way just please don't die."

Tears are now streaming down her face. She has never met someone who would risk their own life for someone else. Looking at his face, she felt her heart clench, he looked to be about 20, the same age as her.

Jay:"What is your name?"

Jay had now started coughing blood. He was in so much pain and he couldn't move his body anymore. he was even starting to lose his vision, but he had to know the woman he ended up saving.

Mia:"My name is Mia."

Jay:"Mia huh, that's a beautiful name"

Mia blushed a bit because no one has ever told her that she has a beautiful name but she quickly lost it as the situation was serious.

Jay:"Do me a favor and live your life, learn self defense and try to be happy."

Mia has now started crying heavily because his words has cut her heart and she didn't want her savior to die, however the ambulance was not close by at the time.

Mia:"I will"(tears still rolling down her face)

Jay:"Good, at least I died for a good reason"

Jay's eyes now completely lost all vision and the last thing he could see and hear was Mia's crying face and her sobs.

Jay opens his eyes to see that he is in some kind of room. There is nothing in there except a wooden chair behind him. All the stab wounds on him had completely been healed and even his clothes were now free from the blood stains.

Jay:"What the hell?..... Didn't I just die?.... What's going on?...... Where am I?"

Suddenly man appeared in front of jay. He had slicked back black hair with eyes that shone like the sun. He was wearing a black suit and tie with a pair of black shoes. He looked at jay with a sad smile.

???:"Hello jay, I assume that you must be very confused. I will answer all of your questions to the best of my ability."

Jay:"OK???, who are you?"

God:"I'm God"

Jay:"No you're not"

God:"Yes I am, How else would you have died and yet you are here alive and well."

Jay: "...."

God:"I thought so as well. However, you died far earlier than you were supposed to die, you were supposed to die at age 82 at home surrounded by your children and grandchildren. I'm really sorry this fate has fallen on you, as a I'm sorry gift I will give you 5 wishes and I will also allow you to decide where you want to be reincarnated into."

Jay was shocked because he was apparently talking to God and he was supposed to live until he was 82 years old but he died for some strange reason, and now God himself was giving him the chance to reincarnate and giving him 5 wishes on top of that.... It sounded like a fairy tale..... or a web novel, but who cares this was awesome.

Jay:"So I'm dead, well that sucks, at least I saved that lady. What happened to her by the way?"

God:"Actually funny story, you were supposed to have survived the stabbing and married her. You would have had a wonderful married life with her and would have had 2 kids and 4 grand kids."

Jay: "....."

God:"Yea sorry about that, anyways, as I said earlier you get to be reincarnated and you also get any 5 wishes you want."

Jay:"Wait a minute, does that include anime worlds as well?"

God:" Yes it does. I've seen your life and you were in love with anime, specifically Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Highschool DXD, Fairy tail and RWBY. You can choose to be reincarnated into any one of these if you like."

Jay was bubbling with happiness at this point, he could reincarnate into any of his favorite anime that he wanted. He thought about it for a while then the thought about the wishes.

Jay: "Do the wishes that I get have any restrictions on them."

God: "The only thing I'm not allowed to give you is power of myself, meaning the power of the one above all. Anything else will do, I'm God so I will grant it onto you."

Jay: "Ok I wish to be reborn into the Dragon Ball Universe as a Sayian."

God: "Very well."

Jay: "And for my first wish, I wish to have an Anime system that i can buy anything in the anime verse using system points.

God: "Done."

Jay: "For my second wish, I wish to have unlimited System Points. Like seriously, why does no one who wishes for a system ask for this."

God: "I usually would restrict this wish but I did say you could ask for anything so I will allow it. Done."

Jay: "YESSSS!!! THAT WORKEDDD!!!!!....cough.... I mean sure , thanks."

Jay was positive that God was gonna give him a limit on how much he could get, but seeing this he wanted to die from happiness. He thought about his last 3 wishes carefully.

Jay: " For my third wish, I wish to have the Ancient Sayian Bloodline mixed with the Legendary Super Sayian Bloodline while also having Elite Sayian latent ability."

God: " Very well, but this will impact you later on in the future. You will figure it out on your own."

Impact you later on in the future?..... Figure it out on you own?... What?.... Jay was so confused. What did God mean by that?...... Ughh, I will think about this later.

Jay: " For my fourth wish, I want true immortality meaning that I'm immune to all ailments (poisons, sicknesses, viruses), could regenerate from any wound almost instantly, and would stop aging at 23 years old. It would also be impossible to rip my soul out of my body as well."

God: "Sure, and what will be your last wish?."

Jay: " I wish that I can travel the anime verse when I reach a certain level of strength."

God: " Your wish is granted. I wish you luck jay, I will talk to you again after you have reached true god tier, Good luck."

Jay realized that his body was slowly becoming transparent. He realized that he was going to the Dragon Ball verse now. He looked back on God and thanked him for giving him such an opportunity. God reading jay's mind gave him a nod, knowing that jay was a kind person when he needs to be, and a dangerous person when the situation arises. He knows that jay will be just fine. And with that, Jay completely disappears from the room leaving a smiling God.

Please leave comments. I really appreciate them. I plan on making my mc a little on the op side so give me any comments whether good or bad. Please comment and give me ideas

The_Wild_Trillcreators' thoughts
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