

"Master Alex, to be a bodyguard there are many skills you're going to have to learn. from first aid, crowd control, communication, to understanding martial arts." within a study room, Alex was paying close attention to his uncle Butler going over everything.

"Today, I will teach you first Aid, and slowly we will cross off things bit by bit until it all comes together for a test. having a strong body alone isn't everything, so get ready to put in the work." the butler said calmly, while I nodded lightly to his words.

So, Alex began to start learning. First Aid was something he quickly mastered, within the hour, catching the Butler off guard. Although the butler wasn't sure if Alex could master First Aid so quickly, when he gave Alex the test and he passed with a perfect score, he moved on to the next point of the lesson. Thinking and reasoning skills. For this class, Alex took notes not wanting to leave everything up to his memory alone. after hours of learning, Alex went to go see his Uncle.

They had small talk, but it was clear that neither of them was the type of small talk. His uncle was too busy with his wake, leaving Alex to dig for something to say, but in the end, he just said his goodbye and headed back home. tomorrow, he planned to go shopping for new clothing...

So the night went by. Alex had pretty much been up for more than 18 hours, yet he felt clear-minded as ever. that was something he took note of and added to the list of stuff to study later. So, upon returning home he went to sleep.

he got up early, seemingly needing less sleep as he felt like he had a full night of sleep. he got up to the good news that everything he asked Clizby to do was ready, and all that was waiting was for me and Jenny to sign some paper. which we did over the phone,

After all that, I went to go to the store to buy clothing. but first I needed a new car, I couldn't drive a limo everywhere... right? So, I went on to go online to buy a cool-looking used car for only 15k. it was a Chrysler 300, in perfect condition. I went to go pick it up and signed the paper right away, before going to buy some clothing.

I guess I took a liking to baggy pants as that is the pair of pants I bought. I also wanted some shorts. but since I was a businessman, I understood I would need some suits, and of course, suits that could fit me were rare, so I needed them to be made perfectly for me.

in total, I spent 6k on clothing, before moving on to buy all of the equipment we would need for streaming. after, I returned to the mansion, to find Jenny already there waiting for me.

"wow, you went all out," Jenny said caught off guard seeing the car filled with all types of stuff. I rubbed my nose slightly at her words, 

"Well, I didn't want to go shopping again. so I bought everything I needed first... so, how did the talk with your family go?" I asked while the maids stepped forward to take everything inside. 

There were over 60 workers here. in total, I had to cough up over 3 million a year to pay them all, on top of mansion maintenance, the total cost of owning everything was over 6 million a year.

To say the least, my Uncle's pay wasn't enough to keep this place. I also guess my uncle gave me this place to teach me that I shouldn't jump to luxury too quickly, and keep things to a level I could afford. 

But I had a month to get everything, which means in total I had 2 months to make 6 million. how would I do that? I didn't know but will work my butt off. Jenny's idea was the first opportunity, I understood it would take some time to become the best streamer, but still, it could bring in good money. The second opportunity was something that I had to get going to.

"... it went well," Jenny said with a sigh. I was left confused, so Jenny went on to explain everything. Lana and her father explained how they were facing a lot of pressure to fight for the next in line for the family head.

But they realized they couldn't... so they turned towards Lisa. yes, she was spoiled, and yes she was given the most attention. but they explained all that came at a price. Lisa carried the most burden so that Jenny didn't have to. they gave Lisa all that attention because they placed all of their dreams and hopes into her, meanwhile, she never had to lift a finger and never even had to get a job.

they didn't spoil her because there was a high likelihood she would start getting into drugs, and other things. So, in a way they were harsher on Lisa, but at the same time hash on her. 

This left Jenny feeling guilty as she had held some hatred towards them and her sister. but as she thought of it, wasn't her life good? She got to stay home all day, never needing to worry about anything. She had an allowance and her parents handled everything for her.

meanwhile, her sister had her parent's full attention... how could Lisa breathe? She even felt some pity for Lisa and felt unease when her parents wanted to get more involved in her life, and quickly shut that door before it could open.

So, her parents gave her a wider range of freedom. She could now do stuff like go outside more often, although she couldn't stay out for too long, and had to let them know where she was, which Jenny happily agreed to as it meant she could come over here whenever she wanted.

"I see... well, I should get going to meet them," I said softly, to which Jenny nodded. She was going to stay here and get all of the computer stuff ready, I didn't know anything about it and only knew the stuff she taught me yesterday. so putting stuff together and setting them up, I would have been useless and slowed her down.

So, I left and she went up to the 4th floor to set everything up. meanwhile, I went to a coffee shop where Jenny's parents were waiting for me. they had already saved a seat and were waiting for me, so I went to sit opposite the two.

"... before anything. Allow us to first apologize before we explain." Lana said while lowering her head along with her husband. although caught off guard, I had them sit down and explain everything. but instead of saying anything, Lana pulled out a set of papers.

"This is the information given to us 5 years ago." She said while handing me the papers. I took the paper and went on to go through them, and instantly I frowned seeing this. the information here talked about me and said I was the trash son of some rich father who realized I was a good for nothing.

When I drugged a woman and raped her along with many other things such as doing drugs, and almost getting arrested. my father realized he had to do something, and since things were going bad for him, he met with the Smith family head and made a deal with them. His son would marry into the family under a few conditions, in return he would open the doorway for the Smith family to rise higher.

but there were just a few conditions, such as this information about who his son was, along with many other things. is information was extremely hard for Lana to even get her hands on and had to pay a large price, and when they realized the type of person their daughter was going to marry, they were of course not happy.

"We were against the marriage from the start, but my father offered Lisa the chance to be the next family head if she went through with it... Lisa's willingness to marry you forced us to have no say in this. out of fear, you would return to that spoiled demonic son of a rich man, we were harsh." Lana's husband said with a lowered head, while Lana began to start crying.

"we're sorry. we should have double-checked, but the news was too convincing. you didn't know how to read or write, you had trouble understanding everything around you, and we just assumed you did way too many drugs, and that your mind was troubled by the side effects. when you began acting normally, we just thought the effects of the drugs were disappearing. the price for the information also put us off, we just took it as fact." Lana said in tears, leaving me not knowing what to say.

Was what they were saying the truth or a lie? If they were lying, I had nothing to say but the fact they were too good... but even though I believed their words, that didn't make the past 5 years feel any better.

"allow us to make up for our mistake..." Lana said while pushing another paper towards me, I took the paper and went through it. I looked at the paper and my eyes widened as this was the ownership of one of the supermarkets owned by the Smiths.

 It was called Redapple. It had many branches all over the city, and the one they just offered me was their best one which brought in a total of 41 million a year. That was a huge amount of money, and all I would have to do was simply overlook the supermarket while collecting all of the profit, they were even willing to lend me a hand if needed. it was all written within the contract. 

"We are truly sorry but I understand you might hate us and money alone isn't good enough to make it all disappear. we are not asking for anything with us giving you that, we just want to show you how sorry we are." She said while removing her tears. I looked at them and back at the paper.

this would be a huge loss to the Smith family, of course, I had Clizby give me a good understanding of the Smith family and their many sources of income. A loss of 41 million a year would be a huge drop in the Smith family's yearly income which only added up to 270 million a year. thats not adding the fact this drop would show on Lana and her side of the family.

if I take this, I wouldn't need to worry about paying that 6 million, but at the same time... was this a family I should trust? 

"I have to think about this," I said softly, to which Lana nodded with a disappointed look, but she smiled the next moment.

"I understand, take this contract as a sign of our apologies for those years we were miss treating you," Lana said, to which I hesitated slightly. but I nodded, since they put it like that, I would happily take it. I was not against the idea of taking something and ignoring the person who gave it to me. but I will return home and review everything before concluding my next move.

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