
The old princes (In Eragon's world)

It is the story of the heirs of Eragon and Elidor, one of the royal family of the elves the other heir of the wild dragon king. Follow their adventures and see Alagaësia from another point of view.

Sygmaar · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs


I'm running after Egan, yelling at him in my head! We've already been attacked twice in these woods and he runs headlong towards this waterfall as if he had the devil on his heels to go drink!

I'm already starting to feel my breath becoming difficult. How can I have so much energy but get tired as soon as I run for more than 5 minutes?

I'm really going to have to work on this, the facts have proven that I can't use magic casually, I need to be able to decrease the number of times I'm going to have to use magic if I put in more physical effort.

The sound of the waterfall is getting louder and louder to the point of becoming deafening and it doesn't take long for me to catch up with Egan since he is no longer moving.

Panting, I put my arms on my knees, catching my breath. "Egan, what the hell are you doing?" you really want…" The sight that presents itself to me cuts my voice, I am shocked the waterfall that we heard is immense! I wouldn't be surprised to see the top of the village waterfall if the trees didn't block the view. Is everything here excessive? The trees are tall and full of vitality, impossible to see the horizon surrounded by trees of this size even seeing the sky is complicated with the size and density of these trees. But using the adjective tall for trees seems ridiculous to me now that I see this waterfall…

I would be unable to give the height of this waterfall. It is the size of a mountain on which a waterfall would have been embedded...

I feel ridiculously small in front of this show, unlike Egan who drinks whatever he can without caring about his surroundings. He has his head under water to drink and I can guess his every swallow by seeing the periodic movements of his abdomen.

I remain speechless in front of this spectacle… "And bah, you were really thirsty! »

It's by looking at it that I realize how stupid I was!

" SHIT ! I understand why he is so thirsty, he hasn't been able to drink water since he was born. Just blood or morning dew if he took advantage of it during my blackout from my encounter with the panther.

I'm drowning in remorse. I think back to the number of times he communicated his thirst to me. I took it for a whim of a child insisting again and again until out of spite we had no choice but to submit to his whim.

'Sorry Egan, I underestimated your thirst and yelled at you when you repeatedly complained about your thirst'

He pops his head out of the water to look at me but dives back into the water almost immediately.


I join him in my turn and drink until satiety. Catching my breath, my gaze is drawn to the celestial vault clearly visible here. I realize that it is late, the sun will soon be setting. We have to go back. We were able to find water and for food, we can pick up the wolf's corpse on the way back.

"Egan, we have to go, we need to be safe before it gets dark." »

He takes a few seconds to get his head out of the water, panting and makes me chuckle "you look like a glutton, I must have chosen the wrong rodent, rather than a mouse, maybe I should have compared you to a hamster, if you could you would have food reserves in your mouth"

He sprinkles me with a stroke of his paw and stretches himself along the water. "Come on, that'll be enough for today, let's get the wolf and go back to our tree"

Start the way back I realize that carrying a corpse for such a long period is exhausting even if we share the load with two! We had no unpleasant surprises on the way back.

Arrived in front of our Tree, we enter and deposit the wolf inside. The day was long but we were able to drink and we have something to eat. It went better than I expected.

Egan sends me the memory of me sleeping on the floor and him curling up next to me.

I laugh and say "Tired already? Do you want to sleep with dad? »

He nibbles softly staring at me in exasperation, I still laugh putting my hand on the top of his head "Excuse me Egan, don't take my teasing seriously, I told you before I like to tease you." Also forgive me for not understanding how thirsty you were. Let's go to bed, I love knowing you are by my side while I sleep, you keep me warm and it's reassuring not to be alone"

He releases my leg and follows me. It seems he has forgiven me for my misplaced outburst of anger. Once in my bed, I have to press myself against the bark of the tree to let Egan climb up and snuggle up against me, but I'm not complaining.

The last time I fell asleep in this bed I was alone and suffering, today a dragon who chose me as a partner is sleeping by my side and I was able to regain my strength.

Maybe all is not so bad after all. Hunting shouldn't be a problem and we have water within an hour's walk if I can find a straight line route.

Under these conditions, we should be able to survive and give Egan time to grow a bit before exploring further and taking more risks.

Reassured, I fall asleep...

Do not hesitate to give me your opinions, if they are relevant or if there are good ideas, they could influence this story.

Sygmaarcreators' thoughts