
the oath of a father Beyond the Veil: A Naruto Reincarnation

In the chaotic streets of the city, a young man's life abruptly ends, his existence forever altered by the cruel hand of fate. As he grapples with the harsh realities of his new existence, he is driven by a relentless desire to reunite with his family. Traversing the treacherous landscape between life and death, he confronts the shadows of his past and the daunting mysteries of the afterlife. Fueled by a father's desperate determination, he embarks on a perilous journey to safeguard his daughter's future, navigating a world teetering on the brink of darkness. a haunting saga of loss, resilience, and the enduring echoes of love that linger in the darkest corners of existence. just a side project, I'm tired of seeing these low quality fanfictions that keep tarnishing Naruto , I'm hoping to make a fanfiction that will be of better quality than these cultivation (Chinese) and harem FF . do leave some comments and reviews, I will do everything within my abilities to better what I do therefore you guys need to show me the way to betterment this is just a side project smh my novel version got deleted... anyway nothing except my plotline and the MC belongs to me everything else to the author of naruto if I used something from you or anything like that do tell me so that I see what I can do and take it down

Grigo · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

the restart

Seven demons were seated around a round stone tablet, their faces etched with frustration and concern. Finally, one of them broke the tense silence.

"What a drag... Seriously, did the Grim Reaper have to send us such an individual? We're facing a crisis that could spell the end of our existence... Anyway, I'm too tired to speak, but just so you know, I'm willing to work for our survival," Belphegor spoke, his voice weary and tense.

The other demons exchanged glances, a mixture of amusement and apprehension flickering in their eyes. If even the laziest demon among them was willing to exert effort, it signaled the severity of their predicament.

Lucifer, his expression tinged with shame, reluctantly acknowledged the truth. "I have to admit, even if my pride won't allow it, he's immensely more powerful than all of us. Even with our combined efforts, we might not be able to take him down..." He paused, taking a deep breath before sighing heavily. "We need to summon the Grim Reaper and implore him to intervene. As much as I despise that creature, he's our only hope to save our existence."

Surveying the room with a disappointed gaze, Lucifer silently pleaded for any helpful suggestions from his fellow demons.

Satan, embodying the essence of wrath, couldn't contain his fury. "That bastard!! First, he sends that human to us, and second, he doesn't even bother to come up here and check on him or take him away before he becomes too powerful. And why would the human risk our existence by summoning the Grim Reaper, huh?!" His tone conveyed the gravity of their situation, underscoring the urgency of their plight.

Belphegor, once again speaking with urgency, turned to his fellow demons. "Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan... Do any of you have anything that might aid us? Or are we to unite and summon the Grim Reaper?"

Beelzebub, with his imposing stature, weighed in. "I'm not even sure how he would accomplish such a task... After all, it is..." His words were cut short by a sudden chill that permeated the room. The candlelight flickered ominously as if death itself had entered. "Don't bother trying to summon me. I've seen enough," a chilling voice echoed, sending shivers down their spines. Everyone turned to locate the source of the voice, but found nothing. "I will deal with him, but I'll need your assistance to temporarily suppress his powers," the voice continued, now beside Belphegor, who had jolted awake from the sudden cold on his right side.

Before anyone could respond, a fist lashed out towards the Grim Reaper, who had appeared unexpectedly at their gathering. "Don't try to dodge this, you bastard! Because of you, we might face extinction! And the fact that you need our help proves he's stronger than you thought!" Satan snarled, attempting to strike the Grim Reaper. However, the Grim Reaper, as elusive as ever, remained unaffected, the punch passing right through him.

Surprised by the lack of impact, Satan struggled to maintain his balance. "Calm down, Satan. Now is not the time. We have more pressing matters to address," Belphegor interjected with unusual seriousness.

Ignoring Satan's outburst, the Grim Reaper turned to the others seated at the table. "He is right. I will require your assistance to temporarily suppress his powers using seals, which I will instruct you on. So, will you set aside your animosity towards me and work together to banish him to another realm?"

A heavy silence hung in the air until Mammon cleared his throat, his eyes gleaming with greed. "Is it possible to perhaps steal a portion of his powers?"

The Grim Reaper's response was swift and decisive. "No. We do not have time for such selfish endeavors. Will you agree to cooperate?"

Belphegor nodded solemnly. "I'm in. If we can rid ourselves of him, it would bring peace to these wretched lands."

Lucifer, eager to see the threat gone, added his approval. "Anything to make him disappear."

As the weight of the Grim Reaper's request settled upon them, the other demons exchanged cautious glances, each grappling with their own thoughts and reservations.

Mammon, ever the embodiment of greed, reluctantly nodded. "Fine, I suppose cooperation is in our best interest if it means preserving our existence."

Asmodeus, known for his cunning, remained silent for a moment, contemplating the potential risks and rewards. Finally, he spoke with a measured tone. "It appears we have little choice in the matter. If suppressing his powers is the key to our survival, then I am onboard."

Beelzebub, still processing the sudden turn of events, reluctantly agreed. "I suppose if it means avoiding our demise, I will do what is necessary."

Leviathan, typically aloof and detached, simply nodded in acquiescence. His gaze, however, hinted at a deeper contemplation of the situation.

In the depths of their minds, each demon grappled with the implications of their decision. Suppressing the powers of such a formidable adversary would undoubtedly require a considerable exertion of energy and resources. They pondered the potential toll it might take on them individually and collectively. Yet, the alternative — facing the wrath of an unchecked foe — was far more daunting.

Internally, they debated the logistics of the task ahead. Would it involve complex rituals, ancient incantations, or perhaps sacrifices of a more personal nature? They knew they would have to tread carefully, for any misstep could spell disaster for them all.

Despite their reservations and uncertainties, the demons ultimately found themselves in agreement. With a collective resolve, they prepared to embark on the daunting journey ahead, knowing that their very survival depended on their ability to work together and suppress the powers of their common foe.

"I will bring him out. All you need to do while I seal his powers is to lend me some of your strength. Is that acceptable? If not, we won't have any other options," he asked once more, seeking a clear confirmation that everyone was onboard.

Satan simply huffed in response. "Let's get on with it. I prefer not to stay any longer in your presence."

"Understood. Now let's get moving," the Grim Reaper finalized the session and departed towards the Hunter's abode.


MC: pov ( yeah his name will be introduced later on)

"I really hope they've got a way to summon him or something. Even if I don't like these demons, I prefer not to kill them all. It would be too much of a hassle," I muttered to myself, hoping I wouldn't have to resort to such drastic measures just to draw out the Grim Reaper.

After a few minutes of laying on my makeshift bed, I sensed multiple individuals making their way towards my outpost. "What's going on here?" I muttered, grabbing my katana and heading towards the entrance to see what was happening.

"Aren't these the seven sins?" I managed to discern the forms of Lucifer and Belphegor. While I'd never seen the rest of them, I had accumulated enough intel, while improving my stealth, to know who they were. Grinning madly after scanning the group rushing towards me, I shouted, enhancing my voice with chakra, "GRIM!!! THERE YOU ARE, YOU FUCKER!" Announcing my awareness of their presence, I rushed to meet them head-on.

'Haha, they seem tense,' I analyzed their behaviors and could only assume they had planned something, but my head-on confrontation made them a bit insecure. 'How cute.'

*Thud!* I landed a few meters in front of them and asked, "So... What's your plan? Do you want to fight me all together, or is there another reason for this gathering? Perhaps to wish me farewell? How cute..." A snarl began to form on my face, but before I could continue, Satan came towards me with his fist cocked back.

"You worthless piece of shit! Just die already!"

The fist came closer and closer. It was just a centimeter from my face. I sidestepped.



The Grim Reaper, who found himself at the front of the group, looked down at his feet only to see Satan's head. He didn't even see the Hunter take out his sword or do anything for that matter. For the first time, death found its nemesis. A mortal that could scare him was not an unusual sight for him, but it never bode well.

The rest of the demons snapped out of their stupor when the head finished rolling on the ground. They looked back at his body and then at the Hunter, who simply swiped his hand downwards to get rid of Satan's blood. Disbelief, sorrow, and for the second time in their existence, fear, filled them — fear of a being so utterly powerful that it had the ability to decide their fate on a whim.

"Mind telling me now what's going on here?" I asked, looking at the demons and the Grim Reaper. I grew confused. They were all shivering, even the Grim Reaper, shaking his bones. 'How is he doing that? Is he like a rattlesnake? It's unsettling,' I thought, making sure not to voice it aloud, for my goal was not to provoke them but to find a way to my family.

'Okay, scratch that. They're taking way too much time to give me a response.' I just went towards Satan's body and sat on it, putting my right foot on my left foot.

"Hello? Am I alone here or something? Are you guys just illusions?" They were frustrating. They just kept staring at me, making me blush... Not kidding, I'm actually considering killing them all.

The Grim Reaper finally opened his mouth. "I have a proposal... You see, I can-"

"Cut the crap! We had a deal. Where is my family?" I interrupted him, no time for bullshit, straight to business.

"It's complicated. The task I was given was that after you became strong enough here, I would send you to another realm facing an existential crisis. You would help that realm become stronger and eliminate the danger. Afterward, you would have the opportunity to make a wish. Of course, I don't have the power to accomplish this task, but our creator does," the Grim Reaper explained, standing still, awaiting my response. But the demons... Were they playing dice with Satan's bones? When did they even have time to carve dice with his bones? Never mind the demons; they were here, that's all.

"So... I still have to help another universe to be able to see my family? What guarantee do I have that you aren't lying to me?" I challenged the Grim Reaper, skeptical of his claims.

"I understand your doubts, Hunter. Given our past interactions, I can't blame you for questioning my sincerity. But I assure you, the task at hand is of utmost importance, not just for your own sake but for the balance of another realm. As for guarantees, all I can offer is my word and the gravity of the situation we face. If you choose to trust me, together, we can bring about a resolution that benefits us all."

"Grim, I need information. Where am I being sent?" I inquired, considering the possibilities.

The Grim Reaper pondered for a moment before revealing the destination, "Naruto."

"What?!" I exclaimed in shock. Why Naruto? Wasn't everything alright there?

"Why? The story is good and all, isn't it?" the grim replied with a shake of his head.

"No, you see, Naruto was supposed to go like this: the child of prophecy saves the earth by getting rid of Kaguya, and then peace forever. But no, someone decided to send in the other Otsutsukis down there, and thus Boruto happened. The boss isn't happy, so we gotta change that," he explained.

'Yeah, makes sense. Boruto is an insult to Naruto, but still, his existence is legit,' I mused aloud.

"Exactly. Now, what exactly would you want me to do?" I inquired, intrigued by the prospect.

The Grim Reaper seemed taken aback by my question, his aura growing warmer. "How and what you do is up to you. You are strong enough to solo everyone there. But there's one thing you'd have to know: to send you there, I will have to seal a part of your strength temporarily. This is to prevent the entity that messed up Naruto from knowing that help is on its way. Once you are there, he won't be able to do anything, not even make it difficult for you. He's already on our watchlist, but he can cut off your access to that realm, so we need to make it discreet."

'Sealing a part of my strength? That doesn't sound appealing now, does it?' I thought to myself, but then asked the Grim to confirm, "There's no other way?"

"No," he replied firmly.

"And once I get rid of the Otsutsukis, I would be able to reunite with my family?" I sought confirmation.

The Grim nodded. "Exactly. You may even be able to decide where you would like to live with your family, whether it's on Earth, in the Naruto verse, or elsewhere."

"Nope, not here. Definitely not," I blurted out, rejecting the idea of staying in the Grim's realm.

The Grim looked amused. "This is understandable, haha."

"Alright, Grim, I'm ready. Tell me when I would be sent there, and what time it would be," I said, preparing myself for the journey.

The Grim, satisfied with my readiness, approached me. "Whenever you are ready, I will first seal your powers temporarily. For you, it would be a lot, but down there, you will still be as powerful as Hashirama, mind you. So no worries for survival. As for what time it will be there, it's up to you to decide."

'This is intriguing. If I could choose when to appear there, it would be fascinating. I need to plan it. When would be the most practical time for me? While Hashirama is alive or when Tobirama is Hokage? Urgh, so many possibilities. It truly opens many doors for me. The question is, how much time would I need to integrate myself into the Naruto verse? I need more information.'

"And how much time would be needed for my power to return to its peak?" I wondered if Grim knew.

"Approximately 20 years will be needed for you to restore your strength passively," he responded.

"Twenty years, huh? Not much at all." Twenty years might seem significant to a normal being, but for me, having lived for over 1530 years, it's relatively brief. Although I don't remember the exact number of years, I do know that I've been here for a long time.

"Twenty years sounds good. I've made up my mind about when I should appear there. Now, seal my powers and let's proceed," I instructed Grim.


With my powers sealed and poised for a new journey, I discussed the details of my transfer to the new world with Grim.

"What timeline do you prefer?" Grim inquired.

"After careful consideration, I've chosen to be transferred to the year 30 after Konoha's creation, right after Madara and Hashirama's fight," I responded. 'If I intend to make an impact, this would be the perfect time. I've already planned ahead; I just hope it works as I envisioned.' Internally, I pondered, 'Hopefully, Hashirama and Tobirama are as portrayed in the anime.'

Grim nodded in agreement. "This is feasible. Are you ready?"

I nodded, bracing myself for the transition.

"Do it."

In an instant, Grim whisked me away, depositing me in a lush forest. Lost in admiration of the scenery, I was jolted back to reality when Grim spoke again.

"Okay, Hunter, my task here is complete. Your powers will return to their peak in about 20 years, as promised. I wish you luck in your endeavors. As for our location, we're in the Land of Fire. Hashirama defeated Madara a few days ago and is currently recuperating. Konoha lies straight to the south. Now, I must depart. I don't want the so-called god that messed with the Naruto timeline to know I'm here."

With those final words, Grim vanished into a swirling portal, leaving me alone. "Wow... he just left like that. Damn... Hey!! He left me alone, what the...! Wait, that's a neat ability. I need to research this. Alright, what am I supposed to do now? Ah, yes, Hashirama. I need to go talk to him and make an impression that might help me in the future. Well, my goal is to operate in the shadows first, not the Danzo kind of darkness, but to bide my time until I can emerge. And for that, I need Hashirama's and Tobirama's help."

With my goal set, I headed south to Konoha, still taking the time to appreciate the diverse scenery. After millennia in a wasteland of bodies and blood, I had developed an appreciation for different environments.

Surrounded by the untouched beauty of nature, I beheld a landscape of breathtaking wonder: rivers flowing gracefully, mountains standing sentinel, and forests teeming with life. The soft caress of the evening breeze whispered through the trees, carrying the pure scent of the earth. Each element seemed to call out to me—the wind promising freedom, the earth grounding me in place.

But as the sun dipped below the horizon, I made the fateful decision to unleash the Kanjō Chakura Kokoro Fū Jō Kagi seal, releasing a flood of emotions pent up for centuries. With each memory and feeling unleashed, the tranquility shattered. The earth trembled beneath my feet as craters erupted, swallowing the once-lush forest whole. The rivers, once serene, raged with the fury of my unleashed emotions, carving new paths through the land.

As chaos reigned and the landscape transformed into a wasteland of my own making, I grappled to regain control. With every ounce of willpower, I sealed away the tempest within, restoring calm to the winds, soothing the rivers back to their gentle flow, and attempting to mend the scars etched upon the land. Yet, the memory of destruction lingered, a stark reminder of the power held within.

"I need to choose a better moment; I can't linger here for too long." After regaining my composure, I concealed myself. The disturbance I caused would undoubtedly draw attention, and I couldn't risk revealing my existence to anyone just yet. I departed the area swiftly, knowing it would soon become the focal point of a bustling crowd in the coming hours.


I found myself atop Hokage Mountain, gazing down at Konoha. I couldn't help but admire the very place where the child of prophecy would be born. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I'd find myself here.

'What now?' I wondered. 'Okay, first things first, I've got to get some clothes. I can't afford to present myself to the Hokage with just a shirt to cover my body.'

After realizing the urgency of the situation, I embarked on a stealthy run across the rooftops of the village. It was nighttime, ensuring that nobody would see or hear me. I took extra care to completely conceal myself. The Grim had mentioned sealing a part of my strength, but my stealth wasn't part of that. Yes, it made me stronger in a global sense, but he had only sealed a portion of my chakra—quite a significant amount, in fact. Before, I had 30 times the Nine Tails' chakra, but now, all I had was 3 times his chakra. Still formidable, but significantly reduced in my eyes.

Yeah, sure, it's still a lot, but for me, it's as if my strength has been divided by ten,' I mused. "Anyway, I have to search for clothes that have been left out to dry... Ah! There they are. Wow, they look nice and cool. I'm sorry, boss, but I've got to get something to wear to be presentable."

With clothes in hand, I made my way back to Hokage Mountain. Now, all that was left was to find Hashirama. Closing my eyes, I expanded my senses, gauging the amount of chakra that emanated from individuals. Suddenly, I sensed him. "Ah, there he is," I murmured to myself. "Wow, there's another huge amount of chakra beside him. What the...?" My mind raced until a realization struck me. "Mito? Maybe? The jinchuriki of the Nine Tails."

With Hashirama's location determined, I decided to make my way there, eager to begin my journey in this new world.