
Arianna, the Courtesan

Teleporting was still the worst possible sensation to Virgil. It was only for a few seconds, but amidst that spare time was the worst kind of nausea he thinks he's ever felt before. His head feels as though every drop of blood in his body rushed to his temples and wanted to burst free. Tingles traveled up his arms and legs, numbing his limbs for the duration of the travel making bracing for a landing extremely difficult.

The cathedral walls appeared before him yet again, a few feet above the ground with momentum he could hardly control thanks to not feeling his limbs, he covered his head and tumbled across the ground. The impact removing any nausea and numbness.

'Why is the pain of hitting the ground the most pleasant part of this teleportation crap?' Virgil thought to himself.

"It'll take a while before you get the landing down." Vermillion said, appearing out of a black mist. Unlike Virgil falling from 2 feet above the ground, the mist formed at ground level and Vermillion walked out of it. However his face showing the discomfort of teleportation- that part being unavoidable unlike the landing.

"Oh look who it is!" Came a voice from inside the cathedral.

A boy, who appeared to be around Virgil's age was standing. He had short blonde hair, with bright red eyes. He wore the typical hunter outfit that most hunter shops sold, the exception being on his face was a gas mask.

Vermillion had obvious surprise in his eyes.

"Oh my god. That's a face you don't see often." Vermillion said with a smug grin on his face.

"And who might this be?" Drako said walking up to Virgil with his arms spread to his sides.

Virgil finally regained his composure.

"Virgil. Virgil Whimsyshire." Virgil said with discomfort in his eyes. It was bizarre to see someone in this world that seemed somewhat normal. Everyone has been either full of malice, cautious and depressing, or just outright insane.

"Whimsa-what?" Drako asked with a dumb look on his face.

"He doesn't have a title yet, Drako." Vermillion said.

Drako's hands went up in the air whilst taking a step back.

"A new face in the nightmare?! Why are your clothes not that of a new face? Those are clothes for traversing the mountains of Cainhurst with the amount of frost resistance they would have!"

"I suppose I was a traveler in my past life." Virgil laughed awkwardly.

"Why haven't you taken him to her yet? That's your job isn't it?" Drako scolded Vermillion.

Vermillion looked away with an annoyed pout on his face. This was most bizarre to Virgil to see! It was almost terrifying.

"I don't want to speak to that hag." Vermillion said.

"Oh no no no this just won't do. You can't be mad at her for you sitting around free loading in the church. Everyone has to pull their weight, you delivering the fledglings to her is yours for crying out loud." Drako said with a hand on his head.

Virgil was becoming more and more uneasy by the second.

"Uh title? Hag? What's going on?" Virgil asked.

"What did I say about calling me a hag you ungrateful brat!" Yelled a woman's voice from above the three young hunters.

Virgil looked up to see a woman with long blonde hair, and an elegant red dress was on the balcony to the cathedral.

"God damnit." Vermillion sighed.

"Who is that boy? Did I hear something about a fledgling? Damnit Milo can you do anything right?!" She yelled at him, removing her shoe and throwing it at his head.

Virgil just saw her shoe bounce off of Vermillion's head, his face glowing red like a tomato from the action. Virgil was trying to hold back a laugh but was close to failing miserably.

"DAMN YOU WOMAN. MUST YOU DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO GET UNDER MY SKIN?!" Vermillion shouted, his red mist forming around him flowing around frantically.

Virgil thought the appearance hilarious. Vermillion's mist was showing Vermillion's emotions for him, it was beyond entertaining.

"Bah. Drako, make yourself useful and bring him up to my office." She ordered while going into the Cathedral.

Virgil gave a puzzling expression to Drako, Drako simple shrugged with a smile. He was obviously used to this.

"AND MILO BRING ME MY DAMN SHOE." They all heard her scream.

"It's Vermillion for fucks sake." Vermillion whispered harshly to himself while picking up her shoe off the floor.

"WHAT?!" She screamed.

"NOTHING HAG." He yelled, stomping into the building, face glowing, but holding her shoe nonetheless.

"What was any of that?" Virgil whispered to Drako, hoping not to anger the woman if she overheard the question.

"Haha, you'll get used to it. Time to introduce you to Arianna, the Courtesan."

Virgil's face went bright red.

"The what?"