A man wakes up in a cell with a yellow lantern ring.
"Whats going on ugg my head"
Suddenly memory's not my own start rushing in and I realized " oh crap I'm in young justice as a kidnapped sinestro who was just banished from the green lantern corps.
The bright side is whoever stuck me in his dead body gave me the first created yellow lantern ring and the central yellow power battery in my rings subspace. I can use the ring to escape also two Tamaraneans are here in the cell beside me they could be a huge help.
Using Sinestro's experience I quickly conjure a yellow energy sword and slash my cell door apart.
I fly over to the next cell and shout into it, "If you want to escape then it's not for free I am building a corps similar to the green lanterns join me and I will free you refuse and you can stay in there.
The two Tamaraneans think for a sec and shout "we agree free us"!
I slash open there cell and as they fly out I duplicate two rings and say "welcome to the Yellow lanterns" as i give them there rings.
Suddenly a alarm goes off so we start flying through the complex killing any Psions we see while looking for a ship to escape with.
I use my ring to hack into a computer.
"Ring what's the fastest ship and the way to it"
"The fastest available ship is the intersepter a stolen green lantern ship modified to handle any energy it absorbs and it is in the dock to your right."
We quickly head into the ship after locking the entrance to the dock.
I make my way to the ships power core and supply it with yellow fear energy which in turn transforms the ship to be yellow and gold and powers it and the ai on.
"Ai set the destination as tamaran max speed now."
"Setting designation as planet Tamaran".
Take off in progress.