
The New World of Demon "EN"

Demian, a young university student of tender age, awakens from a mysterious dream and finds himself engulfed in shadows, immersing into a new reality full of wonders and dangers. With each step in this unfamiliar world, he discovers that his dreams may not be mere illusions, but rather memories of a past life or a call towards a grand destiny. Demian ventures into a realm of fairies, dragons, and ancient powers. There, he faces challenges that will test his courage, determination, and wit. With each new experience, Demian learns more about himself and the world around him as he embarks on an epic quest in search of his true purpose and destiny. As he confronts formidable enemies and encounters unexpected allies, Demian uncovers the hidden power within himself and becomes a hero destined to change the course of history.

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7 Chs

Unleashed Magic "The Tournament Begins"

The sun began to disappear on the horizon, painting the sky with golden and pink hues. The city was filled with palpable energy, an air of anticipation spreading through the streets as wizards from all corners of the kingdom arrived for the grand event. Food stalls and magical merchandise lined the path towards the coliseum, where the tournament would take place.

The city resonated with the excitement of the upcoming event. Wizards prepared themselves, fine-tuning their spells and strategies, while spectators hurried to find the best seats in the stands.

Nami, with a smile of anticipation, watched the hustle and bustle from a nearby terrace. "I'm excited but also a bit nervous," she admitted.

Trying to break the ice, Demon asked, "So, do you have any special spells for the tournament?"

Nami chuckled softly, "Maybe a couple. But don't worry, you'll see them tomorrow in the arena."

Laughter and smiles filled the air, until Demon, with a slightly flirtatious tone, said, "It would be an honor to have such a talented companion like you in the tournament."

Nami looked at him with surprise and then laughed softly, "Thank you, Demon, but remember, we are both companions and competitors at the same time."

Demon, feeling a bit embarrassed but trying to keep his composure, laughed, "You're right, I was just joking."

Night fell quickly, and both retired to rest, aware that the next day would be filled with challenges and emotions.

On the morning of the tournament, the coliseum was filled with wizards and spectators. The stands echoed with chants and cheers of encouragement. The arena shimmered with a magical glow, ready to witness the most thrilling duels.

Demon and Nami found themselves in the preparation area, warming up and going over their strategies. Dracarys watched from the shadows, her gaze filled with pride and anticipation.

"Remember, Demon, don't use the power I gave you unless absolutely necessary," Dracarys whispered.

Demon nodded, "I understand, Mother."

With the background music announcing the start of the tournament, the two companions prepared to enter the arena, ready to prove their worth and skills to all present.

The inauguration of the tournament was led by the three spirit guardian bearers, imposing figures that filled the atmosphere with their presence. The tournament announcer named each of them, and with each name, the respect and admiration of those present manifested in loud cheers and applause.

Finally, the bearer of the Spirit of Darkness and Light stepped forward, their presence shrouded in mystery and majesty. With a deep and resonant voice, they delivered their speech:

"Wizards and inhabitants of this great kingdom, today we gather in this tournament to celebrate the power, skill, and fighting spirit that defines us. Each of you has come here with the desire to prove your worth, to face challenges, and overcome obstacles.

In shadows and light, we find balance. In every spell cast, in every strategy employed, our determination and spirit are reflected. But remember, it is not just power that defines us, but how we use it. True strength lies in our hearts, in our ability to protect, to love, and to fight for what is right.

So I invite you to give your all in this arena, to show the world what you are made of. No matter where you come from, what your past or lineage may be, today we are all equal before the challenge. May this tournament be a symbol of unity, of overcoming, and of hope for all of us."

As their speech concluded, the three bearers raised their hands to the sky and roared with power. From their hands emanated an energy that formed a protective field over the stadium and the kingdom. This act ensured that no inhabitant would be harmed and that the realm would remain intact, despite the chaos that might unfold in the combat arena.

The tournament progressed swiftly, and the excitement in the air was palpable. The announcer, a man with a deep and resonant voice, took center stage to present the rules of the tournament.

"Welcome, citizens of Thalassar, to this majestic magic tournament! Before the matches begin, it's important to know the rules that will govern this tournament."

The crowd listened attentively, eager to learn the guidelines that would govern the battles.

"The matches will be one-on-one, randomly selected by our magical matchmaking system," announced the commentator, as he displayed a shining crystal that spun, revealing the names of the competitors.

"If a wizard manages to incapacitate their opponent or throws them out of the ring, they will be declared the winner. However, it is crucial to remember that fights to the death are strictly prohibited. Any wizard who causes the death of their rival will be immediately banished from Thalassar and will never be allowed to return."

The crowd nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the consequences.

"Furthermore," the commentator continued, "wizards are allowed to use any type of magic, as long as it doesn't violate the established rules. Spells that manipulate opponents' minds are prohibited, as well as any magic that causes permanent or irreparable harm."

The competitors nodded, mentally preparing for the challenges ahead.

"And finally," the commentator concluded, "all matches will be overseen by a council of expert wizards, who will ensure that the rules are followed and that the matches proceed fairly."

With the rules established, the announcer took a deep breath before announcing the matchups.

"And now, without further ado, the pairings for the first round of the Thalassar tournament," he announced enthusiastically.

The stadium lights illuminated, revealing a large scoreboard with the participants' names. The crowd held its breath, waiting to hear the names that would face off.

"The first match will be between Elandrial and Valerion," proclaimed the commentator.

The stadium buzzed with whispers as Elandrial's name echoed in the air. People began to talk, recalling that he was the only son of the bearer of Light and Darkness.

"I can't believe it, the son of the bearer of Light and Darkness is participating in the tournament," whispered a spectator, his voice laden with surprise and respect.

"They say he has inherited his father's incredible power. He's a formidable wizard and has great potential," another commented, with a tone of admiration and expectation.

Elandrial, with his imposing presence, stood out among the crowd. Although they hadn't exchanged words with him, his reputation as a powerful wizard was well-known.

As the crowd continued to murmur about Elandrial, Demon felt a chill run down his spine. Despite not knowing him personally, he knew that facing Elandrial would be a considerable challenge.

Nami, on the other hand, seemed calm but cautious. She had heard about Elandrial's skills and was prepared for a tough fight.

From the shadows, Dracarys watched attentively. Although she trusted Demon and Nami's abilities, she knew that facing the bearer's son would be an important test on their journey through the tournament.

"Next, we'll have Seraphina against Thorgar," continued the announcer.

The names kept appearing on the glowing board, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. Finally, the announcer reached the last names.

"And in our last match of the first round, we'll have Demon facing Lyria," he announced, followed by applause from the crowd.

"And closing out this round, Nami will face Lorian," added the commentator, generating even more excitement among the spectators.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the wizards' names were announced one by one. Finally, the moment arrived: Elandrial versus Valerion, a wizard known for his mastery of water.

Elandrial positioned himself at one end of the battlefield, his gaze fixed on Valerion. An expectant silence filled the stadium, broken only by the murmurs of the crowd.

The referee raised his arm and, with a quick gesture, signaled the start of the match. Elandrial, with a fluid motion, summoned a dark sphere that began to spin around him, emanating a malevolent energy.

Valerion, on the other hand, was not intimidated. With a gesture of his hand, he caused the water in the stadium to rise and form a defensive barrier in front of him. His eyes reflected determination and focus.

Elandrial advanced, the dark sphere shining brightly as it approached Valerion. However, just before the sphere could impact the water barrier, Valerion made a swift movement with his hands and the barrier transformed into a water lance that was launched towards Elandrial.

The dark mage agilely dodged the attack, but Valerion didn't stop there. Quickly, he summoned a series of water projectiles that he fired towards Elandrial. However, Elandrial, with impressive grace and agility, dodged each of the projectiles.

The crowd became excited with every move, applauding and cheering with excitement at the intensity of the combat. Dracarys watched attentively, assessing Elandrial's abilities and how he performed in battle.

The fight continued, with both wizards showcasing their skill and power. Elandrial, with his dark magic, tried to approach Valerion, while Valerion used his water magic to keep him at bay and counterattack.

Every passing moment made it clear that Elandrial had a significant advantage. Although Valerion showed skill and bravery, Elandrial seemed to move with supernatural grace, each of his movements calculated to perfection.

With each spell Elandrial cast, the atmosphere filled with dark and powerful energy. His hands moved with impressive speed, creating chains of shadows that coiled around Valerion, restricting his movements and increasing his desperation.

Valerion, trying to find a way to counter Elandrial's superiority, summoned waves of water that rose, trying to trap the dark wizard. However, Elandrial simply deflected them with a wave of his hand, as if they were playing into his favor.

"Is that all you have?" taunted Elandrial, his voice resonating coldly in the stadium. The crowd fell silent at his confidence and superiority.

In a last attempt to change the course of the battle, Valerion gathered all his energy and unleashed a powerful jet of water towards Elandrial. But the dark mage simply diverted it with a gesture of his hand, allowing the jet of water to disperse in the air.

With a final and determined movement, Elandrial channeled all his energy into his hand and created a dark sphere from which emanated an evil light. With a roar, he launched the sphere towards Valerion, who tried to defend himself, but it was in vain. The impact was so strong that Valerion was thrown out of the battlefield, unconscious, and giving the victory to Elandrial.

The crowd erupted in a mixture of awe and applause. Elandrial, with a satisfied smile, looked around, savoring his victory. Despite his coldness, his performance had made it clear why he was one of the most feared and respected wizards in the tournament.

The commentator, excited by the spectacle he had just witnessed, couldn't contain his enthusiasm: "That was truly magnificent! The winner is Elandrial!"

As the crowd applauded and cheered for Elandrial's victory, Demon felt his body tense. A mixture of admiration and fear seized him as he witnessed the power displayed by Elandrial. His hands clenched tightly, feeling the pressure of having to face an opponent of such caliber in the near future.

Nami, meanwhile, watched the battlefield carefully, trying to analyze every detail of the combat. In her mind, thoughts and doubts formed: "If I win this round, I'll face him... I... I don't know if I can." The idea of facing Elandrial, with all the power and reputation preceding him, filled her with uncertainty. However, she also felt a growing determination, fueled by the desire to prove herself and her abilities.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, Dracarys watched with penetrating eyes. Although she showed no emotion, her gaze revealed a mixture of concern and anticipation for what would come next in the tournament.

The commentator, regaining his composure after the astonishing previous combat, announced with enthusiasm the next matchup: "And now, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the next battle! In the left corner, with her mastery of the wind, let me introduce Seraphina!"

From the designated corner for the combatants, a wizard stepped forward gracefully, her cloak billowing in the wind, emanating a fresh and revitalizing energy.

"And in the right corner, with his mud magic, promising to shake the ground, let's welcome Thorgar!"

Thorgar, a burly wizard with robes reminiscent of the color of damp earth, advanced firmly towards the center of the arena, raising a hand in greeting to the audience.

Both wizards positioned themselves on their respective sides of the arena, preparing for the showdown. The tension in the air was palpable, and the spectators eagerly awaited the start of the combat.

With the arena filled with anticipation, the commentator announced enthusiastically: "And the match between Seraphina and Thorgar begins! Let the duel begin!"

Seraphina, with unparalleled elegance, raised her hands to the sky. A whirlwind began to form around her, the mage's hair rising like silk strands dancing with the wind. With a vigorous cry, Seraphina cast her spell, "Cosmic Vortex!"

Thorgar, anticipating the attack, quickly summoned a mud wall in front of him. The vortex of wind collided with the barrier, causing the mud to solidify and harden instantly. Sparks and earth fragments flew in all directions, but Thorgar remained unharmed behind his improvised fortress.

"Wow, Thorgar showed solid defense against Seraphina's powerful attack!" exclaimed the commentator. "It's truly entertaining to see how these wizards adapt and counter each other's attacks."

Quickly recovering, Seraphina formed a small tornado in her hand and hurled it towards Thorgar. But this time, Thorgar had another strategy in mind. With a swift gesture, he made the ground mud rise and wrap around the tornado, dissipating it before it could reach him.

"Impressive! Thorgar uses the earth to his advantage to neutralize Seraphina's tornado," shouted the commentator, excited by the wizards' skill. "This combat is becoming a spectacle of strategy and magical ability."

The crowd was in a frenzy, applauding and cheering both wizards for their prowess and bravery in combat.

Seraphina, despite not being daunted by Thorgar's counterattack, decided to change tactics. She extended her hands to the sky, and a series of air currents began to swirl around her, forming an ascending spiral. With concentration and precision, she channeled her energy into shaping the wind formation, forming a series of sharp wind blades.

"Celestial Blades!" Seraphina shouted, quickly launching the blades towards Thorgar.

Thorgar, seeing the new attack, acted cunningly. He summoned columns of mud from the ground, which rose quickly to intercept the blades. Some of the blades collided with the mud columns, deflecting or embedding themselves in them, while others were dissolved by the moisture of the mud.

"What an ingenious defense from Thorgar! It seems Seraphina has to exert even more effort to overcome it," commented the narrator enthusiastically. "This combat is a true duel of wit and magical skill."

Seraphina, seeing that her attack did not have the desired effect, decided to change her strategy once again. This time, instead of directly attacking Thorgar, she opted to create a distraction. She raised a large amount of dust and dry leaves from the ground, creating a curtain of wind and dust that enveloped the entire arena.

Amidst the dust curtain, Seraphina moved quickly, using the wind to conceal her movements. Thorgar, confused by the sudden blindness, tried to use his magic to perceive Seraphina's location, but the dust curtain made the task difficult for him.

After a few tense moments, the dust curtain began to dissipate, revealing Seraphina behind Thorgar, preparing for a surprise attack.

"Wow, Seraphina with a clever move! Will she be able to take advantage of this opportunity?" exclaimed the commentator, expectant for the outcome of this exciting combat.

Thorgar, with a satisfied smile on his face, pronounced the words of his spell with determination. "Mud Encasement!"

Seraphina felt her feet sinking into the ground, trapped by a viscous substance that emerged rapidly from the ground. She tried to free herself, but the mud solidified around her legs, preventing her from moving.

"But what...! I can't move! How is this possible?" exclaimed Seraphina, surprised and bewildered.

Thorgar chuckled softly, explaining his strategy. "I knew you would rely too much on your offensive abilities, Seraphina. That's why I chose to stay on the defensive, waiting for the right moment to trap you."

The commentator, upon hearing Thorgar's explanation and seeing the situation in the arena, couldn't contain his excitement and shouted enthusiastically: "Incredible move by Thorgar! He has shown that strategy and patience can overcome even the most impressive power! What a combat we are witnessing today in the Thalassar Tournament!"

The kingdom's inhabitants, encouraged by the commentator's excitement, erupted in applause and cheers, impressed by the cunning and skill of the wizards in the arena.

The Terraviento bearer, from the stands, watched with astonished eyes the development of the combat. His expression was one of admiration and respect as he witnessed Thorgar's cunning and strategy.

"Truly impressive," murmured the Terraviento bearer to his companion. "Patience and strategy can be powerful weapons, even more so than brute force. Thorgar! has shown that knowing your opponent and anticipating their moves can lead to victory."

Meanwhile, in the arena, Seraphina continued to struggle to free herself, but Thorgar's mud encasement was firm. Seraphina's efforts were in vain, and the situation seemed increasingly desperate for her.

The commentator, noticing that the combat was nearing its conclusion, announced excitedly: "It seems that Thorgar! has the upper hand in this combat. Seraphina is bravely fighting to free herself, but Thorgar's control over the mud is impressive. Will Seraphina find a way to escape, or will Thorgar! seal his victory?"

The spectators remained on the edge of their seats, expectant to see how the outcome of this exciting combat in the Thalassar Tournament would unfold.

Thorgar, feeling that it was the right moment to conclude the combat, raised his hands and began to channel his magic. A compact sphere of power-charged mud began to form between his hands. With a quick and precise movement, he launched it towards Seraphina.

Seraphina, trapped in the mud encasement and weakened by her efforts to free herself, could not dodge the attack. The sphere struck her directly, enveloping her and causing her to scream in pain and frustration.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Seraphina screamed, her voice echoing in the arena as she struggled to remain standing against the power of Thorgar's attack. The audience fell silent for a moment, stunned by the intensity of the battle.

The commentator, seeing that the battle had reached its conclusion, announced excitedly and expectantly, "And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Thorgar has sealed his victory with an impressive attack! Seraphina fought bravely, but this time the victory goes to Thorgar!"

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, acknowledging the talent and skill of both wizards, but especially Thorgar's cunning and strategy in this matchup. The excitement in the arena was palpable, and everyone eagerly awaited the next bout in the Thalassar Tournament.

The flow of battles continued unabated in the Thalassar Tournament arena. One after another, wizards of different specialties and abilities faced off, each showcasing their prowess and power to an increasingly excited audience.

After several intense matchups that kept the audience on the edge of their seats, the moment many had been waiting for finally arrived: Demon versus Lyria's turn.

As their names were announced, Demon and Lyria made their way to the center of the battlefield. As they walked, the two exchanged serious looks, each assessing the other, trying to anticipate their opponent's moves and strategies.

Lyria, with her elegant blue robe gently fluttering in the magical breeze, exuded an aura of calmness and confidence. Her expertise in water magic had brought her fame, known for her fluid and surprising techniques.

On the other hand, Demon, with his firm and determined stance, radiated intense energy. His mastery of fire magic was evident in the dancing flames that sometimes formed around him, a reflection of his power and passion for combat.

As the two wizards prepared for the showdown, the Bearers in the stands, especially the Oracle, sensed something unusual. A faintly familiar aura, subtle but unmistakable, hung in the air around Demon. It was as if a spirit was present, though its presence was weak and barely perceptible.

The Oracle, with an intriguing smile, remarked, "This matchup will be interesting. There's something in the air, something familiar that catches my attention. Could it be...?"

The other Bearers nodded, sharing the same sensation. Although they couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was, they all felt that something special was about to happen in this battle. The anticipation grew even more, both among the Bearers and the audience eagerly awaiting the start of the showdown between Demon and Lyria.