7 Disowned


"Father I_"


"Noah, how about...how about we let her speak her mind, I'm sure that Xiao Xin has a perfect reason for what she did"

Noah's livid expression turns away from Hao Chen's imploring eyes, only to go back to the determined ones of Ara.

He knows that his daughter is not the same, that she has changed. Ever since they escorted out the Bulocks, coming back with her to the study room he has not seen her flinch to his penetrative look, not even once.

This timid daughter of his hasn't shied away from his harsh words, nor has she backed away from his flaring noise. When did she grow so much that she could even think of defying him, refusing his plans for her future? Has he been so lenient on her that the respect he deserves holds no value to her? Has he recently let fly so high that she forgot her wings were borrowed from him?

Perhaps maybe...

Or maybe, maybe she has forgotten who she is after all the freedom that he had given her. Has she forgotten what her duties are as his daughter? Or perhaps she never knew what they are? I guess it really won't hurt for him to know where she lost her way right?


The words tumble out of his lips long before he has the knowledge of their preexistence in his thoughts.

Ara moistens her lips before taking the given chance before Noah can even take it back.

"Father, I apologize for the way I have done things, that was not my intention. I know that all you have done for me has only been for the betterment of my life and the family, you only wish for the best for me and I respect that. However, there are certain things that I have to decide for myself such as marriage... That and I also have my own dreams and aspirations which I want to fulfill in this life, such as having my own career and being successful"

Noah and Hao Chen cant notice it, but Ara's hands are shaking behind her back. No one knows how much courage it has taken for her to find the right words to say to her father without disrespecting him as the master of the house.

She has to do this though, its the first step she has to take to set her own path in this world. She meant the words she said 'in this life'. Because she's already lived her life before for other people, she's already flushed her dreams away before. In this life, she has the chance to take those dreams, bring them to life, and cherish their existence.

"Is this really what you want little Xin?" It is Hao Chen's soft voice that makes Ara strengthen her resolve as she nods at both her parents.


"Hao Chen, I want you to tell this unfilial child in front of me to pack her bags and leave my house immediately"

"Noah!" Hao Chen cries out as her eyes widen with fear and uncertainty.

"I don't have such a daughter who is as selfish as her" He spits out "butler Sam!"

immediately within seconds, the old butler makes his presence in the study not forgetting to greet the masters of the house.

"Get this girl out of my property_"

"Noo!" Hao Chen screams out as she moves in front of Ara, acting as her shield against butler Sam and Noah. All decorum is lost as long unending streaks of tears fall on both her eyes, leaving a pitiful look.

"No one is taking 'OUR' daughter away from here! KILL ME IF YOU DARE TO!", she declares in anger as determination shrouds her vision.

Tears form in Ara's eyes as she realizes just how much she means to her mother.

Noah's eyes squint in rage at the Hao Chen's display affection for Ara, and a dark aura shrouds his being.

Ara notices the change in the atmosphere because of Noah's dark aura and visibly flinches.

Who would have told her that her father would disown her? His own flesh and blood cast aside in a fit of rage. No one could have prepared her for such a turn of events, in fact, Ara was prepared to argue with her dad about things and receive the cold shoulder for a few weeks at most... but who would have thought he'd choose to do the unthinkable.

Funny how this is what his trust in her capabilities amounts to.

(A: bad daddy Noah (-_-), you're very bad)

Ara shakes herself out of her thoughts and moves forward, placing her hand on her mother's shoulder.


She notices how her mother tenses under her touch when she speaks as if expecting what's about to come next.

"I'll go" The two syllables leave her lips as long decided on, giving no chance of refusal from any party.

For a second Noah's eyes soften, before going back to the usual stoic look he always has around others. Hao Chen bites her lower lip, almost drawing blood, thinking of how much it must hurt her daughter to take this decision.

Giving her mother a half-smile, Ara moves out of the study room and navigates through the hallways until she reaches her room.

Not wasting any time, she searches for the smallest traveling bag she has which happens to carry around fifteen kilograms of weight. She packs about fifteen t-shirts, five pairs of jeans, two of her favorite lace jumpsuits, and three pairs of shorts. She leaves the dresses because she knows where she's going, she has plenty of them.

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