3 The boy who got adopted

Harry was found on the doorstep of number four privet drive by his aunt Petunia not long after Dumbledore had knocked and appareted away, she got quite the shock when she found the child on her doorstep but none the less took him into the house out of the cold and into the living room. Petunia noticed the letter with the child but decided to wake up Vernon first and make a cup of tea for herself before opening it. With the kettle boiling Vernon came down the stairs with a grumpy look on his face having been woken up at the ridiculous hours of the morning and stared with contempt at Harry before asking Petunia for a cup of tea with two sugars. With the tea made Petunia and Vernon sat on the couch across from Harry looking at him Vernon with a scowl on his face and Petunia with a hint of curiousness.

"Well go on then open the letter woman" vernon spoke down to Petunia sure that this child had something to do with her sister lily's strange world. Reaching for the letter slowly Petunia took hold of it in her thin skeletal like finger before slipping a long nail inside the envelope and slicing across opening the letter in one swift movement. She took the letter out of the envelope along side what looked to be Harry's birth certificate and unfolded it and started reading, after about five minutes tears could be seen on the edges of her eyes, she'd just learned that the boy was her nephew Harry and that her sister lily and husband James had been killed not twenty four hours prior to having the boy delivered to their doorstep, if Harry was awake at this point and saw the tears and pain in Petunia's eyes he'd have been very surprised, he'd always thought that she had hated his mother but this wasn't true, petunia was just a very jealous woman and had been ever since lily received her hogwarts acceptance letter, she still loved her sister very much but had hated being left behind while lily got to enjoy the wonders of magic and over time had come to hate the magical world.

"Well woman what does it say" Vernon asked Petunia while sitting on the sofa sipping from his tea and eating biscuits he'd gotten from heaven knows where.

"Vernon my sister Lily and her husband are dead" Petunia told Vernon slighty sobbing while she spoke. "The boy is their son Harry, some man named Dumbledore has left him here to stay with us because we're his only living relatives, but he can't stay here Vernon I won't have any of my sisters world here, none of the magic or craziness" petunia staring at Harry at this point knew that she should be the one to look after and protect the boy but couldn't bring herself to. "he can sleep here for tonight but in the morning I'll call child services and have them come collect him, come on Vernon let's go back to sleep the sooner I can wake up the sooner we can have him out of here" Petunia stood up and somehow despite the size difference was able to pull Vernon to his feet and trotted him upstairs with mutterings of no wizards or weirdos would be living his house and Petunia's sounds of agreement and with the the night passed without anymore more weird happenings.

Harry woke up extremely hungry and cursed his toddler body for not being able to ask for something to eat and had to resort to what all toddlers and babies do best when they need something he cried and he cried loudly drawing Petunia's attention from the kitchen while she was on the phone. Walking across to Harry petunia put a bottle of formula milk into his mouth and released his hands from his wrappings so he could hold the bottle himself, Harry looked up and petunia with slight appreciation for feeding him and drank away only stopping when he heard Petunia speaking.

"Hello, yes child services uhuh yes this is Petunia Dursley of number four Privet Drive I'd like you to send someone around to collect a child that was left on my doorstep last night, yes I get where your coming fron but I don't want the child in my house, I'm sorry but no I don't care send someone as soon as possible please, yes yes I understand OK five hours thank you, is there anything with him yes the basket he's in and a birth certificate, any letters or reasons why he was left, no I'm afraid there wasn't but as I said I don't want someone else's child in my house I've already one grumpy child to look after and I don't want another, ok thank you see you soon"

Harry was in shock this never happened last time, he spent his childhood more or less being a slave to his aunt Petunia and a punching bag for his uncle Vernon and his cousin Dursley. What was going to happen now would he spend his time in an orphanage, it wouldnt be so bad and at least he'd be treated better.

Five hours past at what seemed like a snails pace with Petunia having to change Harry once and boy was that embarrassing, then Harry had to listen ti Dudley throwing a tantrum because he wasn't allowed to wander around the house in his baby chair. All of a sudden there was a sharp rap at the door and Petunia moved with speed and surprisingly some grace to the door, Harry could hear much other than a few muffled words until a large man came and picked Harry up

"Come on little guy let's get you someplace safe with other kids and nice people to care for you" and with that 10 years of Harry's past or maybe it's future was gone changing who knows what but that's something Harry would deal with when the time came, first he had to get stronger physically and magically. Harry was taken to an nice new orphanage just outside of London where he didn't have to spend very long at all, in fact he was only there for a week before he was adopted. A man who Harry recognised came and collected harry, the man leaned over and spoke to Harry in a very rigid way without changing his facial expressions at all before they left.

"Hello Harry from today I'm going to be your dad, you can call me dad or Severus until your ready to call me it".

And with that the toddler that was the boy who lived Harry Potter left the orphanage very, very confused.

[Name: Harry James Potter




Str:2 Vit:2 Dex:2

Mag:0 Int:42 Luk: 21]

'Harry James Potter the boy who lived survived a killing curse from Lord Voldemort though losing his parents beforehand, he has been given the Gamers power and a second chance by Gaia to save himself, his friends and the wizarding world'

'Skills: Enhanced Memories'

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