
The Negative Chronicles

What lays beyond death? Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? Emptiness? If you are a seeker of truth, look no further. For a price of only negative zero dollars, the Negative Chronicles can help you send the poor protagonist of this novel on a special journey in a not so positive direction! Don't hesitate! It's a limited time sale and won't stay at negative zero for long! #godMC #dungeons

Fluffypie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Red Riding Hood?

A swirling vortex appeared in the air and an average looking youth stumbled out of it. The vortex vanished as the youth observed his surroundings with a hint of vigilance.

Enormous pine trees towered into the sky as far as his eyes could see. He was standing in a small dirt clearing, and the setting sun gave the tranquil forest a beautiful glow.

"A forest?" Pro frowned a bit as he had no clues regarding his situation.

Suddenly, Pro felt a chill as sobbing sounds came from behind him.

Hic. Hic. Hic.

Pro stiffened in place as his face blanched. Pro was sure that there shouldn't be anything behind him moments ago! After all, he examined both front and back when he first came!

He really couldn't be so unlucky to get a horror story in his first draw right?

No. He was someone that survived the attack of an evil spirit! Heck, he even survived the attack of an evil god! A little ghost can't scare him!

Pro firmed his will as he swiftly swiveled around as he leapt back a couple of steps in vigilance.

Sitting on a small boulder in the previously empty clearing was a little girl dressed in a red hooded robe. She had appeared at an unknown time and was now sobbing pitifully. Sitting on the grassy ground next to her was a red, wooden basket.

Fairy tale. Red hooded girl. Forest. These clues easily fit together and clicked in Pro's mind. Could this be the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale?

Pro frowned in thought as he vigilantly stared at the little girl who continued to sob. After a while and seeing no change, Pro slowly backed away.

Although Pro understood that the little girl was innocent in the fairy tale story, but you have to know that this wasn't the fairy tale. This was a dangerous dungeon based on the fairy tale! Who knows what changes there are after a fairy tale is corrupted by negative energy!

So, it was in Pro's best interest that he stayed away until he gathered some more info.

Unfortunately, the dungeon seemed to have other ideas. As soon as Pro took one step outside the edge of the clearing and entered the forest, he felt his surroundings blur as he returned back to his previous spot in front of the sobbing girl.

Pro's heart lurched as he froze in place. There's a problem! What to do if you can't escape from a little crying girl dressed in bloody red?! Online help needed! It's urgent!

Alas there was no one to help him. In the end, Pro wryly smiled. He knew he had to 'continue' the story. He calmed his beating heart and tried to put on his best smile. Time to trigger the next plot with dialogue.

"Little girl, are you alright?"

The sobbing of the little girl came to a stop as she slowly looked up.

A pale, but cute white face was revealed. Curly brown hair flowed down to her shoulders and was hidden by her cloak.

Her hazel, watery eyes stared back at Pro as her cute voice sounded, "Eh? Is Big Brot- uk, why is this one so ugly?"

Pro choked as he swallowed back his spit. What do you mean ugly?! Although his looks were ordinary, he's clearly average and maybe even a bit above average!

Although Pro wanted to argue with the little girl, he still held back. It wasn't because he feared that there was something wrong with the girl. It was just because he wouldn't lower himself to argue with a little girl. That's right.

As if the little girl noticed her gaffe, she cleared her throat and put on a pitiful face, "Ahem. Is Big Brother here to help little Red?"

Pro's lips twitched but he still did his best to respond through gritted teeth, "What do you need help with?"

Little Red's eyes blinked mischievously as they swiveled up and down as if observing Pro like a commodity.

It didn't take long before she nodded with an aggrieved face before she responded, "Little Red wants to visit her grandma. But Little Red is lost. Can Big Brother show Little Red the way to grandma's house?"

Pro dully stared at the little girl. Oi. If even you don't know where your own grandma's house is, do you expect him to know?!

He literally just got here, and all he could see was an endless forest. How in the world is he supposed to find someone's house in this forest?! There is no way a dungeon could be this difficult right? After all, this is only a F- dungeon!

Or maybe he is just weak. Thinking of the traversers and of all the tracking in addition to divination abilities they had, Pro couldn't help but feel weak inside. Hey, he got a golden finger, but he's still worse when compared to other traversers.

Staring at the little girl that was waiting for his response, Pro could only put on a helpless face as he replied with a shrug, "I would love to help, except I have no way to help."

"Eh?" Little Red's confused voice sounded in the clearing before she tilted her her cutely and questioned in a dubious tone, "Really can't? Don't you have a tracking ability of some sort?"




"Maybe a divination ability?"


"A pet that can help you find your way?"

"I don't even have a pet, let alone one that can help to find the way."

"Tsk. So poor and useless," Little Red uttered in disdain while turning her head to the side as if doing so would prevent Pro from hearing her.

An invisible arrow struck Pro's heart as his eyebrow twitched. Okay. Endure. Endure. He has to calm down. It's just a little girl. He shouldn't fight with children. Even if he fights, his danger intuition warned him that it would be him being abused if he attacked.

Turning her face back, Little Red put on a pitiful face once more as she said in a sad voice, "I see. Big Brother can't help Little Red. But, no worries! As long as Big Brother leads the way, Little Red believes that Big Brother will lead Little Red to grandma's house!"

Well. Makes sense. Auto-path to the next quest point, or to be precise, the plot will be forced no matter where he goes.

"Alright then. Let's go, let Biggg Brother lead the way," Pro uttered as he rolled his eyes.

Pro then turned around as he began to stroll of towards the forest. Little Red sat on the rock with no intention to move as she blinked her eyes innocently. It didn't take long for her to see Pro appearing near her once more.

Pro froze in place a bit before he stared back at her, "What do you mean?"

"Big Brother, it means you are going the wrong way."

Oh. Makes sense. After walking back and forth a couple of times, Pro finally found the right direction.

With Pro leading in front, a little girl, dressed in a red hood and cloak, skipped along behind him while holding a basket that seemed too large for her size.

Strolling into the forest, it didn't take long for Pro to notice that his surroundings were quickly darkening. The sun was quickly setting as if to signify the rapidly changing time. It was like the story script was fast-forwarded. It didn't take long for the forest to return to darkness as only faint moonlight lit up a small path forward.

Well, at least it couldn't be more obvious where he needed to go. Still, Pro wasn't too sure, but ... didn't Red Riding Hood take place during the morning and afternoon? How did it become night time all of a sudden?

Tossing these trivial thoughts out of his mind, Pro then focused on his situation. What are the conditions to pass the dungeon? How to get out safely?

As he walked forward, Pro bowed his head in deep thought. Behind him, the little girl had a silly grin on her face as she looked back and forth into the deep, dark forest as if she could see something interesting in the darkness.

Only the peaceful crunching sound from their foot stepping on leaves was heard. Suddenly, the tranquility was broken by long, chilling howl in the forest.


Pro stiffened in place for a moment before he swiftly pulled out a kitchen knife he had stored in his pocket space. It was a knife borrowed from the kitchen in his dorms. He couldn't afford to buy a weapon, so this had to make do.

Glancing at the little girl that still had a hippy smile on her face while looking around with interest, Pro stared at her with strange eyes as he asked, "Aren't you scared?"

"Eh?" the smile on Little Red's face stiffened.

Moments later, Little Red's happy face warped into a pitiful one as her body trembled exaggeratedly, "Eeek. Little Red is scared! Big Brother, you must protect Little Red! Little Red heard that there was a Big Bad Wolf in this forest!"

Pro's mouth twitched a couple of times. Okay! Just continue pretending! I can't even beat you myself. Protect you my ass.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the darkness as Pro felt the ground tremble slightly. Pro squinted his eyes as he vigilantly stared into the darkness in the direction the howl came from.

It didn't take long before the owner of the howl revealed itself.

Prowling out of the darkness was a giant, red furred wolf. Its slanted, almond-shaped eyes was tinted with a strange yellowish glow. Drool leaked from its mouth where two rows of sharp teeth clenched fiercely against each other.

The wolf seemed hungry, and now there are prey in front of it.

Pro's hand trembled a bit as he strengthened his grip on his knife. Will his tiny knife really be enough to penetrate that seemingly tough fur of the wolf?

Alas, he didn't have a chance to worry further. The wolf had pounced forward. The hunt begins.