Hideki just wanted to be popular with the ladies, and how might one go about doing that, you might ask? Join the adventurer's guild and become a hero, of course! As a Rank C adventurer, Hideki is sent on a mission to subjugate a necromancer. That's when everything goes wrong for him. Follow Megumi, the necromancer, and Hideki, the unfortunate hero, on her villainous journey to reign supreme among all villains in this LitRPG!
Hideki stabbed his sword into the undead creature's face that stood before him. The eerie green glow left its eyes as it fell to the ground for its final death. Another one of these foul things bites the dust! He spun around in a fancy maneuver and slashed through another of the creatures, cleaving it cleanly in half. At his current level, killing these things seemed to be a piece of cake.
He was one of four adventurers who had been dispatched to Whitegrove by his guild; the others being a rogue, a priest, and a warlock. His class was that of a warrior and he had spent many days honing his skills over the past few years. With luck this mission would help him finally raise his rank within the guild.
His motivations for being an adventurer, you ask? Well it was simple, he wanted to become rich and famous for the sake of getting all the ladies. Some may have said that he was an idiot for doing such a dangerous job for these reasons, but he liked to live life on the edge and what else was there to live for anyway?
The others had gotten separated from him as they tried to get the villagers to safety. He wasn't here for that though, and had continued on alone to find and eliminate the source of the threat. He was alone amidst a field of foes, but that was just how he liked it. Soloing allowed him to gain larger amounts of experience, and he didn't need the others against these things anyway. He grinned widely as he took out another two enemies. He had been fighting his way through the town toward the graveyard for a while now and he was literally covered from head to toe in gore.
Finally, the graveyard was within sight and up the incline he saw the source of all Whitegrove's problems, a powerful looking person clad in heavy black armor. The person stood at the crest of the hill and carried an enormous looking two-handed greatsword. Undead creatures were popping out of graves around the domineering figure at a slow but steady rate. There! That must be the necromancer! I'm supposed to alert the others, but I can take him. More experience for me!
Hideki charged up the hill, cutting through the weaklings and slashed at the iron-clad figure. WIthout a word, his opponent smacked away Hideki's attempt at a blow. This didn't slow him down at all, however and he swung wildly at the figure, he rained down a furious flurry of blows using his Tiger Stance sword style. He had invested several TP into the active skill which granted him skill in the offensive school of swordplay.
The enemy was pushed back without any time to counter-attack. Now!
He activated another of his talents and his sword blade began to glow with a faint white aura. He ducked below a heavy swing of the enemy's sword and countered by swinging low and taking his enemy's legs out from under him.
As the enemy fell to the ground Hideki let out a silent cheer inside his head and brought his blade down on the prone enemy, ending his life. He grinned in satisfaction as the host of undead around him collapsed. He heard the sound of a notification. *Ding*
Congratulations! You have reached level 9!
+1 TP
"Sweet! That's how it's done! The guild's going to have to promote me to Rank B now! Finally, I'll be able to leave this podunk region and move on to bigger and better quests and loot!" Hideki was so excited that he did a little dance over the corpse to celebrate.
You have been hit with Eldritch Blast!
Critical Blow
-300 HP
Hideki lay face down in the grass, unable to move. His HP was critically low, and did he mention that this hurt like fucking hell? He would scream in agony if only his lips would move. As it was, he could only stare at the grass of the graveyard in the moonlit night as he slowly died from the continuous damage of the attack.
You suffer from burns!
-25 HP
Fuck! Is this really how it ends? No ladies, no fortune, not even a chance to make a name for myself?
You suffer from burns!
-25 HP
The last thing he saw before everything went dark was the sight of some girl's feet as she stood next to him. The frills of her white and black dress hung down to her ankles and he could see her simple white shoes. From what he could tell, he had just been killed by a fucking child.
You suffer from burns!
-25 HP
You have died!
A white light appeared at the end of a tunnel in front of Hideki. He found that he was somehow standing, and there was nothing around him but swirling darkness. So this is it, huh? This is how it all ends? He sighed to himself and began to walk toward the light. Maybe next time I'm born into the world, I'll do better. It's said the gods give people second chances, that can't be all made up, right?
As he continued toward the light he saw the figure of a beautiful, blonde haired woman with delicate, white wings. She was quite literally the girl of his dreams. She had a large chest and a welcoming smile on her face. Maybe being dead won't be so bad after all?
He grinned. Once he was a little closer, the angel began to speak to him in a melodic voice, "Welcome to the after—"
She was cut off as he felt a powerful pressure on his very soul. Suddenly, a choker appeared around his neck with a glowing red ruby attached at its center. What the fuck?
He tried with everything he had to continue forward and to remove the thing from his neck, but he was yanked forcefully back down the tunnel by an invisible cord.
"No!" he screamed.
You have been afflicted by Soul Trap!
Your immortal soul has been bound to the living world in service of Megumi the Necromancer!
His spirit smashed back into the lifeless corpse that was once his body. His head ached and he found that he could move again. He sat up and looked around. There were two things that he noticed:
Not much time had passed. The undead corpses still littered the ground around him.
A girl, maybe thirteen to fifteen years old, with long silver hair, pale skin, and light purple eyes was crouched next to him with a wicked grin on her face.
"Hello there. I'm Megumi, and you get to be my new toy."
Fuck my life, he thought as he tried unsuccessfully to make his body reach up and strangle the girl.