1 Children and their imagined friends.

Have you ever wondered where authors and artist ideas come from? Like all good stories this one starts at home with a young set of Boy and Girl twins. It was dark out and the Boy David should have been in bed, but someone compelled Him awake and got him on his feet. It seems this Boy forgot he was awake as he felt compelled to walk to the door of the shared bedroom. The room was dark but the pink and blue walls could be clearly seen with a wooden bunk bed in the back. There is a Nohas ark snow globe on the child sized dresser and a chest with a mirror on the path to the door. "Rose... Rose!!! are you awake?" I said as I David gripped the wood side to the bed. "David it's late, what is it?" replied Rose in an annoyed tone while rubbing her eyes with her arm. "Something's wrong, I feel like I have to go downstairs." David replied while his feet walked themselves tward the door, hands gripping furniture desperately along the way. "To the bathroom?" she said wondering why not go upstairs instead? "I must look like I'm a dying duck" David thought as his hand reached for the door. He tripped forceably and cralled into the strangely lit hallway with it's white flower wall paper. Fear overtook Him as David gazed down the stairs and had his quick chat with God. "Dear God this doesn't feel natrual and I want you to know I trust you, please help me if possible as I fight life's final war with pain." As the pair of entity's possessed David's body and He fell down the stairs of his Blue home.

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