
The Narcissist Master and the previous Sword Goddess

"I'm just too handsome. When I was born even the Heavens rumbled for me as if to welcome me. When I look at someone they lower their gazes, because I'm just too god#@m hansome. I am matchless everywhere my talents blind anyone! My spear is indomitable, eternal, ethereal and unstoppable! All other paths and weapons are mere thrash in the road, only the spear deserves respect!" These were the words said by an old man. "When I picked up my sword I was invincible whenever someone got in my way I killed them all. My sword is cold and emontionless. I was almost able to ascend to godhood but I still died." said a little girl who was running for her life.

Shoishiro · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Losing so much protection fees to cry blood

Liang Chen had never heard of the legend, nor did he really care, thr only thing that he cared at the moment was to go and collect his money.

Liang Meng did not notice anything unusual about this mist, in fact it was as if it did not even exist, even if the world disappeared, this mist and this great Winter would continue to exist, as if an almighty being had simply allowed them to do so.

Liang Meng had long since become numb to this strange and unique world where dragons so strong that they could shook the entire galaxy if they appeared lived peacefully inside formations that could give rise to a whole clan.

So this didn't really surprise her.

Soon they arrived to an edge of the mist, until then everything had been forest with a freezing temperature, covered in mist that made it impossible to guide oneself, but thanks to the piece of paper in Liang Meng's hands, they proceeded very smoothly.

When they left the mist, all they could see was basically ice everywhere. From a certain point it was even snowing.

Liang Chen looked around and then snatched the map from Liang Meng's hands, and looked around again, then sprinted forward and came back, and frowned.

Liang Meng did not understand his actions and simply assumed he had finally gone insane.

Then Liang Chen spoke "Could it be they knew I was going to come and collect protection money today? Impossible I even made it a few weeks later than last time."

Liang Meng ignored him and began to try and understand the mist.

Liang Chen gritted his teeth and it seemed like he would start crying tears lf blood at anytime just grom thinking of how much he had just lost bt not being able to collect this protection fee.

Liang Chen grabbed Liang Meng and made haste towards South.

As soon as they left, from far, far away, at least a few thousand millimetres, was an old man. He sighed when he saw Liang Chen leaving, it was a sigh of relief.

Last time Liang Chen had come, the sect had suffered great losses, and its reputation had also been damaged, therefore he really did not wish for something like thag to happen again.

"My North Mist Sect will survive, one way or another. We have always been tasked to watch over the area surrounding the mist, so we have always been able to collect entrance fees, but who cluld have thought that when that bastard came it would all change. All random dogs tried to fight back against the entrance fee." the murmured at first, but by the final sentences, he was already fumming in rage.

"Good thing the Wu Empire warned us, otherwise we wouldn't have had time to activate the preparations we had made before." he added and thrn turned to leavr.

Inside the Wu Palace, the Wu emperor was grining from ear to ear, as if he had just gained the most amazing treasure.

"Hehehe, that bastard Liang should have arrived by now into the territory of thr North. Aish how I wish I could see his face right now." he said as he laughed stupidly.

The Wu princess that was at his side said nothing, and as for Wu Xiu, he was cultivating with all his might, to make sure that he wasn't robbed and bullied by anyone ever again.

While this was happening, Liang Chen was going mad, because after a few days of rushing from North towards South with all his might, he found that the powerful sect of the south was nowbere to be found again. This made him almost go crazy.

He roared full of rage and insulted the whole ancestry line of the Sect Leader of the sect from South, all the way down to the first cells to appear on the whole universe, never repeating all insults more than twice.

He gritted his teeth and swore to find the bastard who made him lose so much money, and kill them right aftet insulting their whole existence and ancestry. From his eyes blood seemed to start coming down from all this anguish.

Liang Meng simply paid him no attention, and simply looked at the sand. They were now standing on a desert. The sand was so fine, that when they walked, they would go quite a bit deep down. The sand was yellow, but at the same time seemed to glow silvery every once in a while, which intrigued her.