
Chapter 1

Biola sat at the front of his room in the hostel with his friend Sola. They were discussing the news of cultist who were terrorizing the school. Sola started the discussion.

"Biola don't you see that the problem of cultists in this university is getting to the situation we can describe as worse. Infact I heard that the Avengers (a cult group in the university but a major mafia-like group outside the university) attacked and stabbed a student in the faculty of arts, just because he refused to join them, but I think the police will soon bring this boys to book." Sola concluded. (It was now Biola's turn to comment on the story.)

"Hmm! Mister busybody, where you hear that one from ohh! Before you start feeding me with lies that can be proved wrong with little evidence." Biola retorted whilst scowling.

"Ahah! Biola!" Sola exclaimed. "When will you stop being a blockhead? I can't believe that you my friend can be so ridiculous not to see that what am telling you is true."

"Well, now am a blockhead and a ridiculous person. I see now that you are very stupid, you have clearly overstayed your welcome. If you would please get out of my sight, I have more important things to do than to sit here and gossip with you." Biola said hotly. He was now boiling with rage, he was a hot-headed person and Sola has clearly rattled his cage.

"So it has now gotten to that. It's alright but let me inform you of this, if I ever see you near my hostel again or anywhere around my vicinity you are gonna get it." Sola said angrily and stalked off.

Biola just kept silent and watched him disappear from his sight. The reason why he'd being friends with this dude in the first place was because he was pretty brilliant and since they were in the same department he do help him with some things he didn't understand in their work and/or projects. To be sincere he isn't really brilliant but he wasn't going to admit that to anyone anytime soon and he wasn't going to let one idiot talk to him this way and go scot-free.

"You just stepped on a Python's tail, son of a bitch now you get your reward." He said and entered his room.


Deep inside the thick forest surrounding the school, around 1:00am, gang members known as The Avengers came together to meet since word has gone round the members of the gang that Biola the second-in-command to their gang leader had something important to discuss with them.

The leader of the gang (Bohlex) addressed the gang members first.

"Members of The Avengers, I greet you tonight and I am very happy to tell you that our last operation was successful all thanks to Python and Spike." Bohlex announced whilst beaming.

To this news the others cheered and hailed Python(Biola) and Spike because the last operation was a hard but to crack.

The members (over two hundred in number, twenty of which are present) were hyper now and it took quite sometime for Bohlex to calm them down and when he finally did he announced the main purpose of their meeting today.

"Well am sure you have all heard that Python has something to tell us today and that's the reason we've gathered, to honor him. Well you may speak now Python." Bohlex said beckoning at Python from the crowd.

Python came out and addressed them, telling them that there was an ant he wanted them to squash and that he would appreciate it if they gave him support. He further elucidated that the ant in question is a busybody and that he carries every news of whatever happened in their gang and whoever they killed or maimed.

Almost immediately Biola finished his speech, the gang shouted that he had their full support.


The next day in Sola's room, which was a spacious and neat room since he was a neat person originally and despised dirt because he regarded it as a poison that kills slowly.

There were some pieces of furniture in the room such as a chair, a table, a medium sized radio, a little bookshelf, a bed and mostly the essentials a student needed.

Sola was woken up by the sound of his alarm but he at first lazed away time on the bed groaning and mumbling something about why the alarm woke him up but as he suddenly remembered that he had a lecture that day, he sprang up like a spring from his bed as if someone just passed an electric current through his bed. He then had his bath and quickly dressed up and he was ready to receive his lecture in no time. On his way to his faculty he decied to pass a secluded route that was a shortcut to his destination, not knowing he just took a shortcut to his doom.

Halfway along the route, he passed by a group of six guys, he greeted them but they cut him dead.

Well that's their problem. He thought as he turned at a corner. He hadn't walked for two more minutes when he saw about seven guys blocking his path, at this point he started getting suspicious, he was about to tell them off for obstructing his path, when they brought out their guns, all seven of them, he turned around to try and escape when he saw the six guys he passed earlier all pointing guns at him. He was going to scream when they shot him, all thirteen of them.

Five minutes after the incident, the police, who had being alerted by the school security guards when they heard gun shots, arrived at the gruesome scene where they saw Sola's bullet riddled body in a pool of blood with a hole drilled by a bullet in his forehead.


Sola's bereaved parents were in a very bad mood, Sola was their only child, they were in an uncontrolled broken dam of tears on the lake of sorrow. Sympathizers tried to console them it was as useless as trying to get a pig out of the mud, you might be able to remove the pig from the mud but you would never be able to get the mud out of the pig, this is what applies to the case of the pains of Mr. and Mrs. Adekunle.

The bereaved parents had sworn to avenge their son and being extremely rich with a lot of influence this would be easy for them to do.

The police detective handling the case was a very shrewd man who would do absolutely anything to bring culprits to book. His name was Mr. Tyler.

He got word, after thorough investigation and questioning that the murdered was cornered and shot by thirteen young men.

Mr. Tyler proceeded with his investigation and asked around Sola's university where he later found out that Sola had a fall out with an unknown student a day before the murder. He smelled a rat when he finally figured this out, he knew that Sola's murder was due to the fallout he had with this certain person who was now a suspect.

He continued his investigation trying to find out the identity of his suspect, but he was always met with a dead end.

The result of the autopsy, carried out from the city morgue showed that the body of the victim apart from the bullet in his head played a host to thirteen bullets all at different positions.

One day, while shopping for groceries, Mr. Tyler saw a letter in his shopping basket of which he had no idea how it got there, having in it's contents that he should drop the case he was currently handling before it was too late.

Mr. Tyler was rather amused at the contents of the letter, he laughed and then tore the letter into tiny pieces right in the shopping mall. But he decided to put himself on extra vigilance.

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