
The mummy 1999

Ashley O'Connell didn't really know where they were going. Neither did she really know why? But it mattered not. Like always she followed her brother, Rick. Little did she know that this adventure would change her forever...

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Hastily Ashley runs behind Rick. Jonathan followed with the book in his hands. They see Imhotep holding a knife above Evelyn. "Stay here" orders Rick and pushes Ashley behind a big stone statue. "I found it evie! I found it" says Jonathan fast. "Shut up and get me off here" orders Evelyn. Rick grabs an ancient sword out of a statue's hand. He jumps up a gravestone and leaps out over the priests. The priest's mummies stop chanting. The mist vanishes. Imhotep steps forward. Rick strikes the artificial knife out of his hand. Imhotep bellows a command. The priests stand up. Knife and swords in hand. They attack Rick. "Open the book Jonathan" shouts Evelyn. Ashley looks at the tied-up girl next to the mummy. She hastily stands up and runs towards Evelyn. "Ashley go back" yells Rick who is struggling with Imhotep. "Ashley" blows Evelyn. "Whoa" yells Ashley when sees the mummy of Anck Su namun moving. She hastily jumps backwards and walks with a big bow around her towards Evelyn. She takes up the knife and cuts the ropes off her wrist. "Ashley" sighs Evelyn and hugs her. "Watch out" she yells and pushes the girl on the side for a raging mummy. "Jonathan the book. That is the only way to kill him" roars Evelyn. Ashley gets up and looks around. "Damn mummies" she groans and dodges for a mummy sword. She falls with her back on the table. With all her might she pushes against the weapon of a mummy pushing him back into the river of souls. The mummy roars as the black soul water devours him. Rick racks and chops the priest mummy. Fighting his way towards Ashley and Evelyn. The skeletal creatures widely wave their swords trying to stab and kill Rick. Jonathan fumbles with the book. Struggling to open it. "I can't get it open it seems to be locked or something." Rick cuts two mummies in half. "We need the key!" "It is in his robes" shouts Evelyn fighting of the mummy of Anck Su Namun. Ashley looks at Imhotep who walks towards Jonathan. "Ash" yells Rick, but it is too late. She jumps off the table, over Anck Su Namun her corpse and runs towards Imhotep. Imhotep grins. "What do I do evie what do I do," asks Jonathan afraid. Imhotep picks up a sacrificial sword for Jonathan. "Read the inscription on the cover" yells Evelyn and looks at Ashley fighting off mummies. Struggling to get closer with Imhotep. Rick fights the mummies cursing and grunting. Jonathan moans. "Keetash something. Naraba something." Jonathan starts to backpedal through the cemetery clutching the golden book. Wide-eyed as Imhotep walks closer towards him. "Ebarra im hatu Kasha?" Jonathan trips and falls. Imhotep charges forward. Ashley hastily jumps over a crawling corpse that Rick just cut in two. She falls on her back because of a giant corpse groaning. "Rashee eem anubis" yells Jonathan. Imhotep raises the sword about to kill Jonathan. And that is when the statue of Anubis suddenly crashes. through the wall. Ashley dodges each other for the brick debris. Shades of Ray Harryhausen. Only better. The gods of death. A horrible decrepit stone face stares angrily down at Jonathan. "Oh boy" whispers Jonathan. Rick decapitated a mummy and looks up at the Anubis. Ashley stands pinned on the ground staring at the stone soldiers. "This just keeps getting better and better" says Rick. Imhotep leaves Jonathan and heads for the big statue. Imhotep looks at Anubis and points to Rick. and in ancient Egyptian, he commands him to attack. Anubis moves for Rick, stomping over mausoleums and through the detritus moat on his way. Rick quickly backs away. "Ashley get out of here" he orders but Ashley doesn't listen. "Do something Jonathan kill it" yells Evelyn while Ashley fights her way towards Imhotep. "You have to be joking" asks Jonathan. Evelyn runs away of Anck Su Namun. "Finish the inscription idiot" she yells."Oh" says Jonathan and hides for Imhotep. "Uhm Hootash im. Now what is that last symbol here?" "What does it look like?" It is an Anck symbol. Withing two little squiggly lines above it and a bird. A stork. On either side!" Evelyn who is being strangled by Anck Su Namun coughs; "Ahmenophus." "Yes I see" says Jonathan peacefully. The Tallon lifts Rick and starts crushing him. Another mummy grabs Ashley from behind and holds her firmly. "Hootash Im Ahmenophus" yells Jonathan. The giant statue of Anubis freezes in its tracks and petrifies. It is off-balance. Starts to fall. Rick slides free of its talons. Evelyn shoves Anck Su Namun away. Anck Su Namun looks up and opens her fetid mouth to scream just as Anubis crashes down on top of her smashing her to powder and driving her into the ground. Imhotep shrieks in rage and horror and then turns towards Jonathan. He lifts the sword high. Ashley jumps in front of him out of nothing. The blade pierces through her skin. "Ash" yells Rick hastily. Ashley whines and falls to the floor. Red blood streams out of her side. She moans softly and looks at Jonathan. Imhotep stares surprised at her. Jonathan quickly pedals on his hands and knees when Imhotep lifts the sword once again. Ashley stands up again and grabs Imhotep his muscular body. Without hesitating, she presses her lips against his. Imhotep drops the sword and closes her eyes. "Ew" whispers Jonathan. Rick keeps standing with his mouth open wide looking at them. Imhotep places his hands on her slender shoulders. Meanwhile, Ashley rubs her hands over his tight. "Ash" ask Evelyn. Ashley places her hand inside his pocket and takes the key. Still kissing Imhotep she puts her hand on her back. Jonathan looks up and takes the key from her. Jonathan lifts the heavy golden book. He places the key and the book opens with a hiss. Abrupt Imhotep opens his eyes. A broken and sad look appears in his eyes when he sees that Ashley was just distracting him. He grabs her in his arms and shouts angrily. "Ash" yells Rick and rushes towards them. Rick leaps to his feet sword in hand and runs for Imhotep. Imhotep throws Ashley relentlessly on the floor. She bounces on the cold stone floor. "Ashley" yells Rick. Ashley crawls hastily backward and rests her back against a stone pillar. "Get the book" she whispers and looks at Rick. "Ashley no" whispers Rick and places his hand on her jaw. He looks at her bleeding side. Red blood covers her hand. Evelyn comes to sit with him. She looks at Imhotep. Imhotep grabs Jonathan by his troth and pins him to a wall. He grabs the book out of his hands. Rick runs up to him and swings his sword. He slices Imhotep his arm right off. It drops to the ground still clutching the book of the living. Imhotep drops Jonathan and spins around. Facing Rick. Rick grins. "Okay buddy let's see how you are without your right arm." Imhotep grabs Rick and throws him halfway across the cemetery. Rick slams into a gravestone. bounces off and crashes on the ground. He shakes it off. "Alright so he is left-handed," says Rick. "You will be okay" whispers Evelyn over and over while she places bandages around Ashley her side. Hopeless she digs in Rick his bag searching for more bandages. Rick swings his sword and cuts a big lump of rotten flesh out of Imhotep his stomach. He looks human but on the inside, he is still that same rotten mummy. Imhotep backhands Rick. Knocks him twenty feet back. Rick staggers to his feet. Imhotep is right there. Clubs him hard with his left arm. Rick spins through the air, slams into the side of the mausoleum. Imhotep approaches. Rage rests in his eyes. Rick gets up. He quickly pivots and hacks into Imhotep his head. Imhotep grins and punches Rick in the face. Rick is thrown back. Pulling his sword with him. He bounces off on the mausoleum and lands on his feet. He is totally beat to shit. Knees buckling. He can barely stand. Jonathan lifts up the book. Imhotep his severed hand is still attached to it. Jonathan cringes in disgust. Evelyn janks it off trows it away and orders Jonathan to stay with Ashley. Jonathan hastily pulls out his jacket and hangs it over Ashley her slender body. He wraps the sleeves tight around her waist stopping the last bit of bleeding like this. Imhotep strides forward. Rick backs into the mausoleum his sword swinging. Imhotep tries to catch it. It caves through his palm and deeply embeds itself into his forearm. No matter, Imhotep rips the sword away from Rick, and it causally flings it away. Rick turns to run but Imhotep grabs him by the troth. He lifts him off his feet. Rick hangs there a dazed mess. Imhotep grins says something in Ancient Egypt and then starts to strangle Rick. Imhotep pivots and looks at Evelyn. A shear of terror on his face. Then he looks over at the detritus bog. Which starts to bubble and shift. The swirling hole begins to open. And then suddenly the spirit of the Egyptian god waves out of the bog and swirl around the Mummy priests. The mummies all collapse and turn into dust. And then the spirits attack Imhotep. Jonathan trips and falls. He accidentally trows the book of the living in the detritus bog. Evelyn watches as the golden book sinks into the black putrescence. Jonathan looks like he is about to cry. Ten feet of the ground the spirits begin to swirl around Imhotep. Twisting it and turning it and slowly shriving it. Accompanied by a flashing light accompanied by a huge blast of wind and Imhotep is spit out and thrown to the floor. He staggers to his feet. He looks complete normal. His body is complete intact. Rick swings his sword. Imhotep jerks back. The sword scrapes Imhotep his chest a swatch of blood appears across his chest where the sword hit him. He is mortal. Imhotep looks amazed at the wound. Evelyn and Jonathan who supports Ashley run up to Rick. The watch Imhotep gently sinks into the swamp. Right before his head goes under Imhotep and grins. He yells in Ancient Egypt. Evelyn translates; "Death is only the beginning."