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Leia o romance THE MOON'S CURSE escrito pelo autor Kunal_Karmakar publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Bloody Mary: A ruthless world.

Are you tired of all the stories with female leads being romance stories about some hot, dangerous, vampiric billionaire werewolf who also works as a surgeon? If no then just move along for this is no chick flick. If yes then welcome and I hope you enjoy this story. Before we start with the actual synopsis I'll just clear up some basic questions that you may have. #1: The mc will never partake in any romance because she doesn't care about that kind of thing. #2: The mc will not partake in any sexual activity because she isn't interested, just think of her as an extreme Asexual, neither interested in romance nor intimacy. #3: It will be obvious as you read through that the world where this story takes place is not Earth. It's a technologically advanced world with pretty similar culture and inventions to that of Earth but not Earth. There are two moons. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• On the night when the two moons were fully visible in the night sky many people fell ill. The next day 40% of the world's population had been killed off, not just the human population but the entire world population. It would have been one of the world's greatest cataclysms if it had just stopped there but tragedy always likes company. With the notification that rang in everyone's heads informing them of the successful installation of the [system] the dead rose and attacked their former loved ones intent on laying waste to all that lived. They were faster, stronger and felt no pain. They could open doors, climb stairs, smash windows and some could even drive cars. That was merely the opening act of the transition of the world from one of animals, guns and science to one of monsters, swords and magic. Humanity's only hope of survival became the hard to use, uncooperative so called system. In just one night the name of the game became survival of the absolute fittest. The weak can only be grinded into nourishment to make the strong even powerful. There's no "us" anymore just you vs everyone else. All you can hope for is that your only ally (your self) is not too incompetent. Will the young Mary Drusilla who miraculously managed to survive the illness of the twin full moon manage to survive in this new world? Will she die as another nameless pebble kicked to the side of the road? Might she even thrive? you probably already know the answer but you'll have to read to find out the how. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This is an original story written by me! Your only god and savior: Lustful_Death. I plan on making this novel fully free but if you wish to support me then you are welcome to do so when I set up a Patreon. Currently only posting on Webnovel, Ritoria and Scribble hub but I plan to branch out and post on other places, if you have any recommendations please inform me, I read every comment and review. I plan on posting this to Royal Road next. My profile page can be found using the following link: "https://www.royalroad.com/profile/258877/fictions" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I do not own the cover image. I did not make it I just modified it a bit. I also don't know who made the original one so if you know who owns it or if you are the one who owns it please contact me using my email address: LustfulDeath6186@gmail.com

Lustful_Death · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The feared Crimson King

I flinch as his hand reaches to my face, and aggressively pulls down the cloak from my head. He surveys my tear stained face and jewelry all the way down to my dress. Then he speaks, "what's your name?" I open my mouth but no words come out. Fear grips me again. "I believe I asked you a question," his eyes grow darker. "Al-Alice" I whisper. His eyes wander outside to the window. "You will address me as 'your highness' and I do not tolerate mistakes. I will punish you and you will never forget to follow my orders. Do I make myself clear?" -------------------- In this world everybody has a soulmate. Two people that are meant to be together for the rest of their lives. Finding them isn't as hard as you'd think, since every two people that belong together have the same tattoo somewhere on their body. It is something you're born with, something that's meant to be. There is no doubt that these two people no matter the status or finances, belong together. Some grow up knowing their future soulmate, some find them later in life, but in the end they always belong together. Marrying someone, who isn't you soulmate is punishable here in my family's kingdom Lyria. My father always believed in the bond. But what if the bond isn't meant to be after all. Or could it be true that my soulmate is no other than darkness himself. That he's the heartless king our country is currently at war with. The one that leaves not even woman and children alive.... Ranks✨ #2 forced ~02.07.20 #2 heartless ~07.07.20 #91 fear ~09.07.20 #1 castle ~10.07.20 #1 obsession ~12.07.20 #1 royalty ~ 02.08.20 #1 hatelove ~02.08.20 #1 cruel ~02.08.20 #1 hate ~ 03.08.20 #1 princess ~ 10.08.20 #1 king ~ 26.11.20 #3 midieval ~ 22.12.20 #1 evil ~ 20.02.21 CAUTION This book contains violence and gore along with cursing. Also if you're triggered by domestic violence DONT READ THIS BOOK. Thanks.

MsDarkerdays · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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