

How do you find your way to acceptance? Why do you still care about people even though they have backstabbed you so many times. Why do you still strive to be perfect in everyone else's image when you already are in your own. Even when people make you feel like shit you just brush it off like it's nothing.

Well, then I'm taking you on my journey to find myself.

To start off I'm Alex just your typical teenager (or so I thought) who just isolates themselves for one too many reasons. My life has been mostly shit. With my dad being an alcoholic, and my mom a drug addict and an abusive "mother figure". I've had to deal with it for the past 16 years of my life. Oh and I suffer from Depression ,DID ,Anxiety ,Social Anxiety, and some other stuff I don't really feel like naming

Also my social life I don't really have one except for my friend James. He's been with me for as long as I can remember.

Then there's my traumatic past that I have to deal with but we're not going to talk about that right now. But anyway if you're still here I'm surprised.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way let's get on with my bullcrap story.

If you guys want you guys can try and tell me what you think is going to happen or how the story is going to go anyways love you all

grimreaper68creators' thoughts
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