
The Mighty God of Nothingness

Deep down within the dying, decaying corpse of Hollownest. They're within a black cracked egg, which leaked out the vile orange infection. There was the chained, and rotting Pure Vessel. Degraded of its original divine image, and turned into something most vile and ugly... The kingdom of Hollownest was long dead, the king had passed and most of the gods were either slain or left in search of a new home. The eternal kingdom has fallen... And hope is lost- ..... [RECORD OF GLORY HAS FOUND NEW HOST] [FUSING INTO HOST] [10%] [30%] [60%] [91%] [100!%] ... [ A/N: This story is for fun and fun alone, unlike the Indie Gamer story this is something that I wanted to write just for fun and I will update the book randomly. The MC has a personality I made due to him not really saying anything in the game... This book will have no lovers. ]

Indie_Excursion · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

... What Remains ...

『 Hey! I am the Record of Glory! Your system! Your soul was compatible with this type of system, so it fused with you... Now, do you wish to be free from your shackles, and finally get the freedom you deserve [___]?』

'Who... Who are you? ' The chained entity would ask within it's mind, not expecting for the floating thing in front of him to respond... He looked at the box in front of him, he was curious indeed, after being chained up with nothing but mental torture, something as strange as this does invoke curiosity. The box was blue, with small white lines coursing through it staring from the right corner, the letters on it were floating there aimlessly, from all the white that the entity saw he started to think it may have been a form of Soul Spell... But of course it wasn't, he would have felt the Soul, but all he feels here is a way nothing except for slight warmth... Shaky warmth...

『I am the Record of Glory! 』

[___]: "Record...of...Glory? What is that..."

The being said out of pure curiosity as it stared into the box watching as words got deleted and then replaced in an instant, quicker than he could have possibly seen.

『 The Record of Glory is a form of system that has not found a Host until now! You are the first host that it has had!』

'Host...? What is this thing talking about?' The entity thought to himself as he looked at the screen, slightly raising his hand to touch the screen trying to feel it. The chains that he was still bound by shook, he managed to tap one of his fingers on the screen resulting in it rapidly expanding downwards and more text forming. As well as that on the top there were a box titled 'Tabs' and there were more things there... But all seemed to be locked?

Anyway, he would read through the current screen that was right in front of him at the moment. It took a little bit, and he didn't understand most of it... But it was interesting to say the least, this was something that he has never seen before... ( Well he hasn't seen a lot of things before but eh. )

『 Name: [____] ( Currently Unknown )

Title: The Pure Vessel ( + Rep with Hollownest ), First Host of the Records of Glory.

LVL: 19 ( Due to the banishment of the Radiance, level went down significantly )

Age: 26

Gender: Genderless ( Referred to as Male )

Race: Vessel


Strength: 24 ( Lessened due to banishment and not using weakened over long time )

Speed: 27

Endurance: 29

Wisdom: 15

Vitality: 6


[Rare] Focus (38/100): The ability to focus soul into the users body to heal oneself, the amount of soul used is determined by how bad the injury is or how many injuries are on the users body.

[Common] Triple Slash (45/100): A triple slash that can be used to rend an opponent, this move is very fast and hard to block/dodge.

[Common] Dash (21/100): The ability to move quickly, when dashing the user moves forward/backward very fast. It wastes stamina upon each use, however.

[Rare] Identify (0/100): The ability to identify any form of non-living and living being. Upon the use of the skill a status screen akin to the users will be digested into the users mind or displayed in front of them. At the current level it can only identify low level people and non-living things.

[Rare] Rage(0/100): The power to rage through your enemies! This skill has the chance to randomly turn on once the user gets angry, or it can get turned on with the users will! Once activated strength, speed, and endurance stats will be boosted! But wisdom will go down, turning the user into a killing machine... It can only be used for two minutes at the current level.

[Rare] Dying Wish (0/100): When a being dies, their final wish will be engraved upon this world... This ability can only activate when near death, this ability has the capability of creating a wish which can come true! This wish can be anything, currently at this level the wish would have a low chance of success. 』

[___]: "How interesting..."

The entity would say to himself as he attempted to try to open up the strange boxes held above this elongated screen. Only to get a message appear in front of him, resulting in him sighing.

『 System Fragments are required to unlock Omniversal Gacha, Creation Supermarket, and more! Find System Fragments through hard fights and such! 』

[___]:"Okay then.."

He would say to himself again, he was genuinely confused by most of this, but he was going along with it for the most part. He would move his hand as the box closed, he would look at his chains. Remembering all the skills that he saw were displayed on that screen.

'Alright... My apologies Father, but I want... No... I need to go and see the condition of my home...' He would think to himself as he opened the screen, looking at Rage and then with a single thought command he felt overwhelming rage and anger charge through him. Causing him to groan and growl, he would move his arm sharply causing the chains to sway and hit the walls, he used his other arm to grab one of the chains and ripped it off.

He would continue to quickly tear through all the chains, with surprising ease, the boost given by him through the Rage skill truly was not something to scoff at... By the end of him tearing through all the chains, he would finally rip out the final one and slammed into the ground, at the same time Rage went off due to being on for a bit.

[____]:"That was... Strange to say the least..."

He would say to himself as he walked forward, he was now standing in front of a barrier made with soul. He used this as a chance to use another one of those 'skills' he used Identify, but it didn't work.. So he would go back to the basics, he would take out his nail which he obtained when he broke out of the chains, it was stabbed into the floor...

He sliced at the barrier, and surprisingly it broke down quickly, probably due to how long it was there. Soul spells need a supply of course, and this barrier was probably low on it.. He would make his way forward through his prison, the feeling of being without chains was refreshing, but he also couldn't help but notice his increase in knowledge on this Record of Glory.

It seemed like slowly he was gaining more and more knowledge on it, without him even knowing. It was like mastering a sword without even doing anything, it was a strange thing. But it would be useful for him..

The dark cold floor would shake as the exit to the black egg was shattered after a few strong hits, he would exit out of the black egg.. His feet hitting the cold stone floor, and then the cold breath of air would swirl around him like it was greeting him again. He couldn't help but chuckle at the feeling, something that was faintly familiar to him.

( [___] POV For Most of the story from now on )

I would be met with the cold pleasurable air of the outside once again, something that was common in Hollownest but was considered to be a divine pleasure to me... I was sealed within that prison of my Father's creation for so long, all I could remember is the sickly manipulative warm air that strangled me every second. My foot would step onto the stone plate floor which creaked underneath the pressure, of course I couldn't even stay in this place for long.

I need to see the condition of my home, I refuse to believe in the deceptions of the Radiance no matter how real it seemed... My movements echoed throughout the area as I moved quickly, easily getting out of that original area and now moving into the Crossroads. I would move quickly, using Dash seemingly out of natural instinct, moving past all the old weapons and even breaking a stop sign or two along the way.

However, I suddenly stopped moving. Stones flew out and hit whatever was in front of me, and two sounds would be heard in my head... But was disturbed me was the warm air, the sickly warm air and the moving. Continuing my movement I would now be walking forward, silently, and fearfully looking forward hoping.

[___]: "... By the Gods....This... This cannot be true...!"

In front of me was a swarm of infected citizens, orange goop leaking out of their shells and soulless eyes. They stumbled around mindlessly, some even speaking slowly attempting to reclaim even a slight piece of their mind, it disgusted me... It made me feel, worthless... What was the point of being sealed for so long if it didn't mean anything in the end.

I clenched my fist tightly and then took a deep breath, I looked down.. 'Calm down...Maybe it was just the area around myself that got infected... The Radiance is a powerful being afterall... Though I do wonder why F-father didn't close it off...' I would think still shaking a little... Maybe I could find hope, maybe this was just an accident of sorts?

I would move forward, pushing the infected away from myself. I didn't want to fight the people who I am supposed to protect, I am a Knight of Hollownest and a Knight is a sword and shield for the citizens... I would continue my movement the bugs attempting to attack me, but their bodies were so weak due to the infection that they either broke apart on contact or they tripped and fell... It made me feel even more guilty...

[___]: "... I swear I will get my revenge on the Radiance for this..." I would say to myself as I looked up seeing a chain leading upwards, to the surface. A pale light would shine from above, with ease I jumped up and then landed on the ground.

There were many streetlamps everywhere, the lumaflies still being active after so long... For some reason it gave me even more hope than I had previously... I walked forward, enjoying the calmness and the cold air that made me forget about the people below me...

I would then hear some chatter from forward, there was a small village, made up of a few homes... It seemed to be lively for the most part, my attention would land on an insect sitting down on a bench relaxing. As I made my way towards the bug, he seemed to look at me with a surprised look.

[___]: "Hello...I am sorry for interrupting your relaxation... But would you be so kind as to tell me where the rest of everyone is? The only thing I have been met with so far is the walking corpses from below... Is there any way for me to reach the Palace?"

I would ask a simple question to the old insect, he would think for a second, while he did that I sat down on the bench. It creaked, and it felt quite uncomfortable, considering how large I was.

???:"I'm afraid...I do not know what you are speaking of.. I also have to tell you that there is no other person below, they have all had their mind slain and turned mad as a result.. I'm quite suprised with your appearance, since you seemingly came from below."

The old bug said with a calm voice as he looked at me curiously, but for me... I was panicking from the inside, something that I myself am not used to.

[___]:"Thank you for the knowledge... I will be taking my leave now"

I would put my hands on my legs as I rose up from the bench making it creak due to my weight and size.

[___]: "I will come back here sooner or later.. Do not worry, I just need some time to myself.. Apologies."

I would say as the old bug nodded in understanding, he seemed to be happy just by having someone talk to him. As I walked away I was thinking to myself 'So... It's really all gone huh... Everything that Father worked for... Everything that I stood to protect, gone in an instant... Everything that everyone did was just... Meaningless...' I did not shed a tear.. I had no right to cry. Instead I stood there, looking at my hand.

'What is the point of my existence? I am now a knight without a kingdom to protect, without people to stand for, without a Lord- a Father to obey and protect... What do I do now?... What do I do now!? ' I would think to myself in a panick, I would growl as I went farther from the village sitting down on the ground.. 'I'm free, freedom is something I wished for, but not this type of freedom.. Freedom without a purpose, and this thing... That freed me...' I would hear a beep.

『 Congratulations! You have earned your first Quest after being set free and seeing the kingdoms state!

The Knight Turned Lord!

"A King who cannot protect himself and the kingdom he creates is not worthy of the title of Lord! A Lord is a being who can support the kingdom and its needs! To protect, attack, and move the kingdom forward! That is a Lord!"

After losing your sole purpose to seal the Radiance, and after seeing that there is nothing left to protect in this ruined kingdom. There is only one path left, to take the crown for yourself. To become the Lord of Hollownest, you are the last standing knight, the sealer of the plague, the Kin of the Pale King!

The Crown Begs Itself To Be Worn By You!

Rewards( Standard Path ): Creation Supermarket Fragment, 100 Credits, Skill Book.

Rewards ( Unique Path ): Creation Supermarket Fragment, 100,000 Credits, Skill Book, 10 points to all stats

Rewards ( HIDDEN PATH ): ??????????????????』

[___]: "A knight... Turned lord?... Is such a thing even possible?.."


A/N: Alright now it's time for the Lore and Plot to kick it, and for my writing skills to ascend. If you came here for pure hero action then your going to be disappointed, if you came here for the harem then you'll be sad to hear there is no harem! This is gonna be fun! See ya all!