
The Mightiest Mortal Grand Order V2

The countdown till the end of the World as we know it is heart thumping, and the people serving as its saviors are a pair of an amnesic Deity and his Demi-Servant, who will journey through the Seven Grand Orders. Let's just hope that will be enough.

vtorx_0867 · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

One Helluva of a Servant bunch, I've got here I…

The automatic door gave a smooth whirl as Billy Batson stepped out to his room into the hallway. Mash had stayed outside, even though he had told her it was alright for her to wait inside, as he refreshed and readied himself.

But then, she strangely turned beet red, flustering while waving her hands around rapidly.

"I, alone with Billy-kun, while he's bathing… My heart won't take it." He had heard her muttering something like that.

The God Incarnate could only arc a confused brow, while having no idea what her problem was… Strange girl.

"Alright, I'm ready." Billy said to Mash, who had been leaning against the wall. Spreading his arms out, he asked. "So… Am I presentable?"

The iliac nodded, although she observed that once again. Her Master still wasn't wearing the supposed Chaldea uniform. Even though the Director had instructed him to do so, the day before.

"But you know, Billy-kun. The Director isn't going to like it. You're still not wearing the proper Master Uniform."

"Eh? But that one's just plain, and kinda' monotone." Billy moaned, looking over his present clothing.

An unbuttoned turtle collared red blazer, with silver trimmings that flayed opened, revealing a white inner, and jet black pants. On the back of Billy's blazer was the silver emblem of Chaldea, glistening under the artificial silver lights.

"This…" Billy gave a goofy smile, while he flourished his blazer. "This is cool."

"Cool, I can agree with…" Mash trailed off. An argument held at the tip of her tongue, which she pulled back through sheer force of will.

'Billy-kun, really dresses a little bit extravagantly.' The Demi-Servant thought to herself.

Perhaps, it is as a result of his Godhood, she didn't know. But what she did know as she checked her gadget, was that they were already late. By now, the preparations are ready, and all that is needed is Billy-kun to begin the Summoning Ritual.

Miss Marie isn't going to be pleased.


"You're late!"

As expected, Olga Marie had a dark look as she folded her arms, regarding the Master-Servant duo sternly. Her feet tapped raptly against the transparent floor, as she waited for a reply.

"It's been 20minutes over than the arranged time. What do you have to say for yourselves, you two?!"

"Um, Mash, she usually this… Well you know, scary?" Billy faux whispered to Mash, who just gave a harried light nod, before she began apologizing. The Chaldean meanwhile, felt like he had actually been under such an aura before.

One that was authoritative, and demanded respect… Rubbing his jaw. The Master felt a phantom pain that made him wince a bit. Followed by the image of a raven haired woman, scolding him in a city of ruins. Only that this one had people in them and… Aliens?!

'What the hell is my brain conjuring?' The amnesiac thought to himself, wearily.

"You know, I can hear you, right?!" Olga Marie interrupted, with a tic mark on her forehead.

While it could be said that both Billy and Mash weren't exactly subtle about it. Her sudden upgraded in physique improved her hearing to point that the pair's conversation wasn't exactly a whisper.


Billy shivered, giving a quick bow of his own.

"Marie, it's my fault. I went and did a little bit of training in the Simulation Room, and got too absorbed. Before I could be done with it, Mash had come to get me, and I had already been doused in sweat, which I had to wash away… So, um. Sorry."

The Tower Lord sighed, annoyance abated. Try as she might, Marie knew that she couldn't stay angry at Billy-kun for long. He just had this face that always made her feel bubbly. To be honest the main reason why she was even angry was not because he was even late.

'What was Billy-kun and Mash doing, that took them this long?' Marie thought, eyeing them both, to which they promptly stood at attention.

"Hahahahaha… I swear you three are the cutest." The Universal Man or was it Woman, Leonardo Da Vinci, chuckled in amusement. Descending the dull white-tainted flight of stairs that led to the summoning space.

A certain deity's brow, twitched. "Da Vinci-chan. whatever do you mean by that?"

Placing a palm on her cheek, the Caster smiled entertained. "Whatever you surmise, Billy-kun~"

"Alright! Alright!" The pink hair Head of Medical section intoned in loudly, he gestured at the nearby staffs to get ready, before turning his attention back to others.

"We've got Servants to summon, and they obviously aren't going to be summoning themselves. So let's all begin this shall we, guys."

Giving a light cough, Marie nodded. "Romani's right. Thanks to Billy-kun's improvement to the FATE Summoning System. We all have a surety of summoning Servants as opposed to before."

Just thinking of what the Chief Deity did a few days before, really shocked Olga Marie to the core. And brought her no small amount of despondence. It wasn't exactly a secret, that the FATE Summoning System, while it is the pride of Chaldea, was not exactly perfect.

The concept of the system was for the summoning of Heroic Spirits. But sometimes, that wasn't the case.

Carrots! Books! Miscellaneous items, and more carrots! Olga Marie had actually blushed in embarrassment, when she sometimes spots the staffs devouring the damned carrots in the cafeteria.

The FATE Summoning System wasn't meant to be stem dispenser, you know!

The King of Magic had taken one look at the FATE System, before saying that he had a way of improving it to be at least 10times better than before. Honestly, a certain part of the mage's mind had scoffed at the claim.

While it was speculated that King Solomon was the first official Summoner in history. The techniques of Atlas Institution and its alchemist touch, had improved all the deficiencies that would have been a problem before.

Especially, now that Mash's Shield was online and could serve as a proper anchor to the Throne of Heroes due to its Foundational Concept.

Even though occasional carrots will still be summoned… By the Root! Just saying that felt wrong. The FATE Summoning System was best and most refined system to be established.

It was the peak of what Humanity can accomplish with the proper resources.

Oh, but the Tower Lord should have known better than to challenge the All-Father of Magic…!

2hours! Just a smidgen 2hours! That was all Billy took to improve the FATE Summoning System. Marie could still remember the colorful runes that danced around him, and the magic circles that enveloped the magic-tech.

Borrowing the I-pad used for regulating the System. Billy had reconfigured, and linked it to a new network. A better network.

The look on Romani and Caster's face was quite hilarious in the end, though…

But she digress, motioning. Marie gave Billy the stage, retreating some steps back towards Romani and the others. While she noted that Billy-kun still wasn't outfitted in the appropriate attire. She decided not to reprimand the truant, as what he was presently doing is quite important.

At least, for now…

"How is the operations going, Head-Doctor?" She asked.

Fiddling with an I-phone device for some seconds, Romani nodded with a light smile. "System's all clear, mam. The Stars System function is operational, and ready to go."

"Star System, huh." Olga Marie muttered to herself. "How fitting. So how many do we have on the Celestial-Map?"

"8, we have 8 Stars to grasp."

"8… Definitely better, then." Olga Marie muttered, folding her arms.

While she felt that Billy-kun's ability really undermined the efforts of the best Magus Institution in the world. A feeling of pride suffused her as at the same vein. It could be noted that Billy-kun was doing it for Chaldea.

That means he was doing it for her…

Sitting comfortably on her seat, Leonardo Da Vinci smiled, setting her glasses as she attentively observed the proceedings of events. Crossing her long delicate legs, the Universal Woman rested her hand on her lap, with her chin on her palm.

"It is commonly noted, that a person's characteristics could influence the type of Servant being summoned. Especially when there isn't a clear catalyst. The fact that it is a God or at least something parading as a God that is doing the summoning is unprecedented. Oh, Billy-kun, what would you show this Da Vinci-chan, today~"

ᴪᴪTϺϺGO, V2ᴪᴪ

The summoning room held quite a bit of resemblance to the Coffin arena in the Control Room. High white walls, reflective blue tiles, an array of lights focused at the upper section that reflected down to the lower section, which gave it a dim but solemn ambient.

But most importantly, at the very center. A raised circular platform that had silver etched runes at its rim was placed. This was the most important section of this room. In fact, this was the most important section of Chaldea. After all, it was from here, the Servants were being summoned.

The Chaldea Master stood before the platform with Mash by his side. He felt like he was ought to be experiencing some form of jitteriness of some sort, but unsurprisingly, he felt none.

Probably because this didn't feel like Summoning. It was like he was playing Gatcha.

"Who do you think we're gonna' catch."


Mash's inquiring tone, pulled Billy out of his reverie. He must have unintentionally slipped that one out. With red tint dusted cheeks, Billy cleared his throat, reiterating his words.

"I mean, who do you figure we'll be summoning? Personally, I don't mind seeing that blue spandex old man, though."

Mash nodded in agreement. "Seeing Cu Chulain again would be very pleasant. But we aren't the ones deciding who will come out. It's up to…"

"Fate, right?" Billy drawled.

Well, not like the Chief Deity had a right to argue about that. After all, for all his power, Fate is the very concept he finds quite impossible to subjugate. And this is coming from a guy who could control space and time with his magic.

Fate was just that finicky. But at the moment, the Master didn't want to worry about such vague concepts.

"Alright, let's begin."

Cracking his fingers, while giving his neck some relieving pops. Billy grinned, raising his left hand. The Command Seal of a God glowed.

'Oh yea, wandering Spirits from the Throne, I call upon you.'

'Heroes of ancients!'

'Your strength is once again needed. Your cause conceded.'

'Too all, and any who wishes to save the Human Order…'

'Come to me as my Servant, and I, your Master!'

The etched symbol of lightning and kite, glowed vermillion. Light splashed across the platform, it congregated, taking shape. A humanoid shape.

A Heroic Spirit has answered his call…

"Heh, seems like I've been summoned by an interesting one." An amused baritone voice said as the illumination slowly died down.

'That voice… I recognize it.' Billy raised an eyebrow.

His mind took him on a mental flashback, back when he was in that gully. Yes, this voice belonged to the Heroic Spirit with the Bow.

As the mysterious Servant stepped forward revealing himself. Mash's eyes widened in recognition. She immediately stood forward in front of her Master protectively, while warily eying the tanned white haired Servant.


"Oi, little Miss. No need to get so worked up…" The Servant said, raising his hands in mollification.

"Strangely enough, I can actually remember that discrepant timeline. Back when I was your adversary, due to that damn mud. Although, I suppose that you had something to do with, eh Master?"

Billy threw a salute, seeing that the Servant wasn't hostile.

The Archer even looked different from how the Master last saw him.

While the Servant's eyes still had that dead feel to it. It wasn't as a result of the corruption of the Black Mud -this felt like tiredness- His skin didn't have any black lines scarring it. The one thing that made a stark difference was his dressing; that is the red cropped long sleeved, and the red shroud around his waist that wasn't there before.

"It's ok, Mash." Billy placed his hands on her shoulder. "Seeing that he answered my call, at least, let's can give him the benefit of the doubt, and humor him. After all…"

This time, he addressed the summoned Servant. "You can still remember what happened back then, don't you?"

"Yes, that's right Master or shall I say, Heracules." The Servant smiled ruefully.

Battle was futile that he knew. And strangely enough, even though he could see that his Master didn't possess that overwhelming aura from before, it didn't make him any less frightening. Rather what had taken its place was aura so potent it dwarfed his demi-god form.

'I swear, what is Alaya doing, allowing me to even be summoned by someone she ought to be taking action against? This is quite the conundrum. I haven't seen this ever happening in Humanity's History.'

Plastering a faux sly smile. The Heroic Spirit came down from the platform, stretching his hands to Billy for a handshake.

"Allow me to formerly introduce myself. Servant, Archer. Emiya. Let's get along."

"How concise… Billy Batson." Billy said, taking Emiya's hand, shaking back. "Let's get along."

Seeing that there wasn't any storm brewing. Mash breathed a sigh of relief before giving a bow. "Mash Kyrielight. Sorry about my actions just now. I…"

Emiya raised a hand, stopping her.

"Nah~ that was a reasonable course of action, Mash Kyrielight. A good Servant ought to do what you did. That's what I would have done as well. So let by gone be by gone, and let's get along."

Mash smiled, nodding in relief. "Let's get along."

Seeing that the coast was clear, Marie strutted ahead with Romani following behind. Da Vinci remained in her chair, as she reckoned that she would still meet up with the Servant by the end of the day.

At the moment, she is just here to speculate.

"Fou, Fou!" A soft fur rubbed her legs affectionately, before it landed on her lap.

"Oh, Fou-san." Caster greeted, petting the squirrel-like beast to which it relaxed on her thighs. "Aren't you going to go be with, Mash-chan and Billy-kun?"

The Chaldean mascot in all but name, glanced at the duo, before sniffing the air as if huffing. "Fou!"

"Hmm~ so you didn't want to disturb them as they're busy. What a thoughtful little cutie." Da Vinci cooed, rubbing her fur.



Olga Marie stood before Emiya, face stern as she introduced herself. "I am Olga Marie Animusphere. Head of Chaldea."

"Servant, Archer. From the way you introduced yourself, can I assume that you're their boss?" Emiya had asked that question with a surreptitious but simple intention in mind.

The Archer wanted to know the hierarchy of the place. Who is the boss and what have you. The Archer didn't want to do one thing, then have another telling him what to do with claiming that they have a higher authority.

He was already dealing with Alaya, and all her hijinks.

To Olga Marie. That question felt loaded.

Logically, as the heir of the Animuspehere. She is the Head of Chaldea. But it was under her jurisdiction that the world went to hell. Using that same logic, it could be supposed that she was no longer fit to be Chaldea's Head due to her negligence on the truth of the matter.

No matter how well hidden, or close it may be…

Using that same logic. It would be for the best that someone more capable takes her place as the head of Chaldea. Billy Batson. There was no one more capable… Not even her.

But then he just had to say it…

"What the hell are you talking about, Archer?" Billy asked truly confused. "Why are you asking such a foolish question, when the Boss had just introduced herself?"

Suddenly, peal-like laughter rang in the hall. Leonardo Da Vinci shook her chair which jolted Fou a little, although that didn't seem to bother it. Wiping away the budding tears in her eyes, she said.

"Hahahaha… Marie-chan, what's with that look of surprise on your face? Is Billy-kun's reply really that surprising, after everything you've both been through?"

"Shut up, indolent Servant!" The Tower-Lord screeched.

But what couldn't be denied was the hue of red on her beautiful face. While Billy Batson words might have sounded so plain. To Marie, it was anything but that. Respect for her legacy.

No matter how hard she tried, Marie still had that little voice telling her it wouldn't be enough…

The destruction of Humanity, coupled with the betrayal of the one person she trusted the most, certainly didn't help matter in the slightest…

But then, it was that thoughtless faith Billy had in her that filled her with a mysterious strength. Breathing in, Marie stood a little bit straighter, addressing Archer. "Yes. Yes, I am."

Emiya's eyes widened a little in understanding.

Catching the bashful looks thrown at his Master by both Mash and Marie. He wondered whether Billy knew that they were both interested in him. When he saw the look on Billy's face, something in the Archer stirred.

'Wait, don't tell me?!'

He really wanted to punch his Master right this instant.

'It's like I'm watching Emiya Shirou. Ignorant, and dense rom-com characters, the whole lots of them.'

But this didn't concern him, so he wouldn't interfere. Not like he would even if you gave him money.

Seeing that as settled, Billy said. "Let's get right to next one shall we? Oh, and before I forget. Romani, it is showing there, right?"

The pink haired doctor nodded. Lifting up his I-Pad which displayed, the figure of the Archer, Emiya, showcasing his stats, and Noble Phantasm tier. "It's succinct and easy to understand."

"Good. Now…" Billy snapped his fingers. The platform glows in response.

Another Heroic Spirit summoned.

"Eh? W-Wait, Billy-kun. What about the incantation from before?" Mash asked in surprise.

Billy's abrupt method of summoning the second time, surprised her. Seeing that, he had to chant the first time, for Archer to be summoned.

"Oh, right." Billy raised his hand, showing his Command Seal that was currently glowing ruby red. "As long as this glows. Incantations aren't needed for me to summon a Servant."

"Then why do so the first time?"

"… … … … Because I thought it was cool."

"Billy-kun, please be serious!" This time, it was the High Human who cut in exasperated.


But really. The main reason he did so the first time was because he thought it was cool.

Presently, it was just the same as how Emiya had been summoned. The increasing luminance which promptly became taking shape, accompanied by light squalls. Although, Billy, Mash and Marie couldn't help breaking into a smile at its familiar outline.

Especially towards the staff in hand… It reminisced to that of a certain roguish Forest Sage.

"Yo, Billy, Mash, and little mage." The Ulster style hero greeted. The lights dimmed, revealing a familiar figure dressed in blue robes.

"Caster!" Mash perked up in joyful astonishment.

She had just been discussing with Billy on the possibility on summoning the Irish hero. But who would have thought it would happen just at the second summon… What a serendipitous surprise.

"Who are you calling, little mage, Cu Chulain? I am Olga Marie, or have that brute brain of yours forgotten already?"

"Nah, little mage just felt more appropriate… Wait, Mash, what did you just call me?" The Sage paused.

It has happened once again; his damn bad luck.

Innocuously, the Demi-Servant tilted her head. "Caster?"

"Damn it." Cu Chulain muttered, looking downwards at his present garb. "Again…"

It wasn't his favored spandex, neither was there the famed blood-lusted spear made from the bones of a god. It was that ridiculous robe with a stupid staff.

"Dammit all! I'm still a Caster?! I wasn't even known as a Sage, by Lugh. What kind of bad luck is this?!" He huffed, stomping down the stage.

Billy gave a light chuckle, shaking his head. "A pleasure to fight with you once again."

Cu Chulain could only wave his hand, moping. By the time he spotted the other figure dressed in red inside the room. His face turned sour.

"My luck must have reached an all-time low, to have been summoned alongside you."

Emiya snorted. "I could say the same as well. Petulant man-child, crying because he isn't in his favorite Class-san."

"Do you really want to fight, tan-skin bastard?"

"With a Caster Class? Heh, I take back what I said about you, before. You are an idiot."

"Oh, now, you're gonna' get it!"

Gathering a bit of mana in his palms, Billy gave a light clap which came off with the sound of erupting thunder.

"That's enough of you, two. If you both are really that hungry for action, we have a Simulation Room made especially for you, Servants to go all out. But for now, let me get this done with."

Seeing that there was no argument -well apart from both Emiya and Cu Chulain huffing- Billy sighed before taking in a deep breath…

And ascended into the realm of the divines.


To both Emiya and Cu Chulain, it felt like they were under an unexpected incursion due to yellow lightning that struck against their Summoner. But to the others, they knew Billy Batson was becoming something else. Something more.

Mortal form relinquished to that of a God… Marvel.

"Oi, you're Billy Batson, right?" Cu Chulain questioned dumbly, towards the hovering deity in red, white, and gold.

Lustrous white cape billowed, and lightning crackled around Marvel's chassis. "Of course I am."

The Irish hero heaved, sparing a glance at the Anti-Heroic Spirit who stood shock-stilled at the sight of the unviable, and said.

"Then why is that I can't differentiate between you and my Chief God, Lugh. In-fact, what the hell is wrong with you? Godsblood, then Demi-God, and now, you're a God! Since when does that even happen?! Pick one and be done with it, you runt! Eh I mean… Divine runt!"

The eyes currently generating sparks under his hood, creased in amusement. "What of you, Emiya? Don't you have any complaints?"

"Me…" The said Servant, pointed at himself before realizing how ridiculous he appeared.

Thankfully, Cu Chulain appeared distracted by the boy, or rather the God's sudden appearance to even take advantage of his slip up.

"Well, what can I say, if not that I've never seen something like this in all my life."

And Afterlife, went unsaid.

Archer covered the lower portion of his face with his palm. His eyes narrowed darkly in deliberation.

This wasn't normal. The fact that Alaya had allowed Archer to be summoned for this without giving him any form of debrief was even stranger. Considering how she normally operates, the Counter-Servant reckoned that even he didn't possess the necessary qualifications for this kind of situation.

This requires the best of the best. This required Grand Class Servants.

'But does that mean that Alaya has granted a deity, the ability to exist in a world that ought not to support him?'

Questions, questions. It all came with the job of being a time-cleaner. But this Emiya had to admit that this is way above his payroll.

Even though, he never gets paid at all.

Marvel hovered towards Cu Chulain, tilting his head for a moment. "The main reason you are complaining all this while, is because of your summoned Class, right?"

Nonplused, the Irish sage replied. "Uh, yeah."

"Hmm… Alright, then. From what I can see, you probably want to be a Lancer Class. Fine, if it's a Lancer you want, a Lancer you will be."

Marvel's will ordained.

Cu Chulain let out a yelp once, before being enveloped in a white aura that obscured his outline, till all that remained was an orb of light. Marvel did no such thing as casting spells, as this was simpler than one would expect.

The Chief Deity manipulated the Ulster style Saint Graph. By keeping the core value, Marvel reconfigured his specs. The material data in Cu Chulain Spirit Core that made him a Caster, was replaced with a more desirable data.

But it should be noted, that this was made possible, due to the fact of Marvel being his Master.

The light died down, and in the place of a Sage. A Mad Dog took his place.

"Now, this I can get behind!" Cu Chulain smirked.

Gáe Bulg sang a blood song, as the now christened Lancer gave it a skillful twirl. He clenched his fist, feeling the power within them. Within him, the power of his heritage, his training, and his blessings were brought at full play…

Cu Chulain can now truly regard himself as the Hero of the Spear.

"Master, I really don't care about the circumstances for your strange power-ups. If your Divinity could keep doing things like this, then it's alright with me."

A deriding scoff, suddenly followed. "How easy can you be."

"What was that, Archer? Do you really think you can spout such bullshit while I'm like this?"

Emiya knew that he would lose if they fought for real, no holds barred. But in this situation, there was nothing, Lancer could do -a literal god has commanded them not to fight- so he would milk this moment for all its worth.

"Just because you've gotten your favorite Class back, doesn't mean you have to get so big headed about it."


"Alright, that's enough." This time, Olga Marie took charge.

Projecting the atmosphere that earned her the nickname 'Chaldea's Lion Boss.' The mage folded her arms as she regarded both Servants sternly.

"You are both Heroes, and most importantly, adults. As Billy-kun has just explained, if you both really want to go at it, there is a Simulation Room made just for that. So shut up, and let the summoning continue."

"… … … You've got spunk, little mage. Alright, I'll let this go. For now."

"Hmph." Emiya huffed but said nothing else. Acquiescing to the command of the Director.

At the back, Romani Archaman dryly laughed, taking in the specs of second Servant, which had suddenly altered due to a Class change. "What a helluva bunch, we've got here."

Marvel gave a smile, before uttering the word to make him Billy Batson once more.


"Now for the third." Billy glanced at the Summoning platform and snapped his fingers. "Come!"

The platform glowed once more. Another Ghost-Liner beckoned into the world of Man.

next up, Omega Spawn Archetype

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