
The Merchant's Path to Immortality

In the cutthroat world of cultivation, Lin Feng starts as a struggling merchant with grand ambitions. Driven by dreams of power and wealth, he establishes Phoenix Treasures, a fledgling business that quickly gains a reputation for its high-quality goods and innovative trading strategies. Despite numerous challenges, including rival merchants and sinister sects, Lin Feng's strategic mind and unwavering determination propel him forward. Throughout his journey, Lin Feng attends prestigious events like the Grand Alchemist's Symposium, where he learns advanced alchemical techniques and forges valuable alliances.

JianTian21 · Ação
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15 Chs

The Web of Intrigue

The alchemist's symposium had been a resounding success, elevating Lin Feng's status and providing valuable knowledge. However, as Lin Feng's influence grew, so did the number of adversaries who sought to undermine him. The most prominent among them was Jiang Wu, whose resentment had only intensified after his defeat at the symposium.

One evening, as Lin Feng was reviewing business reports in his study, Mo Chen entered with a troubled expression. "Feng, we have received troubling news. Several of our trade caravans have gone missing. The last one was transporting a shipment of rare herbs for our new elixirs."

Lin Feng's brow furrowed. "Do we have any leads on who might be responsible?"

Mo Chen nodded. "Our sources suggest that it could be the work of the Black Serpent Clan. However, there are also whispers of a new player in the region—someone with the resources and ambition to challenge us."

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed. "Jiang Wu."

Mo Chen sighed. "It's a strong possibility. His influence has been growing, and he has been making alliances with various factions."

Lin Feng leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "We need to get to the bottom of this. If Jiang Wu is behind these attacks, we must find a way to expose and counter him."

To that end, Lin Feng decided to launch an investigation. He dispatched trusted agents to gather intelligence on Jiang Wu's activities and alliances. Meanwhile, he increased security on their trade routes and worked to fortify their existing alliances.

Days turned into weeks, and the tension in Xingzhou continued to rise. Reports of skirmishes and sabotage became more frequent, putting everyone on edge. Despite the challenges, Lin Feng remained focused, determined to protect his business and allies.

One night, as Lin Feng was meditating in his private chamber, he felt a presence. Opening his eyes, he saw Mei Ling standing in the doorway. "Master Lin, I have urgent news."

Lin Feng gestured for her to enter. "What is it, Mei Ling?"

Mei Ling's face was pale, her eyes wide with concern. "I have discovered evidence that Jiang Wu is indeed behind the attacks on our caravans. He has been working with the Black Serpent Clan, using their resources to undermine us."

Lin Feng's expression hardened. "This confirms our suspicions. We need to act swiftly. Do you have any suggestions?"

Mei Ling hesitated, then spoke with determination. "We could set a trap. Use a decoy caravan to lure out the attackers and capture them. If we can get them to talk, we might be able to gather enough evidence to expose Jiang Wu."

Lin Feng nodded. "It's a risky plan, but it could work. We'll need to be precise and coordinated. I'll make the arrangements."

With the plan set in motion, Lin Feng and his allies prepared for the operation. They carefully selected a decoy caravan, ensuring it appeared valuable enough to attract the attackers' attention. Lin Feng also enlisted the help of skilled cultivators to accompany the caravan and provide protection.

The day of the operation arrived, and the decoy caravan set off along one of the trade routes. Lin Feng and his team followed at a distance, ready to spring into action at the first sign of trouble.

As expected, the caravan was ambushed by a group of masked assailants. Lin Feng and his team moved swiftly, surrounding the attackers and cutting off their escape routes. The skirmish was brief but intense, with Lin Feng's cultivators quickly gaining the upper hand.

With the attackers subdued, Lin Feng approached the leader, who was bound and kneeling on the ground. "Who sent you?" he demanded.

The leader spat on the ground, defiant. "You think you can intimidate me? I answer to no one."

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed. "Perhaps not. But you will answer to the law. Take him away."

As the captives were escorted back to Xingzhou, Lin Feng felt a sense of grim satisfaction. The operation had been a success, but the real challenge lay ahead. He needed to gather enough evidence to expose Jiang Wu and put an end to his schemes.

Over the next few days, Lin Feng and his team interrogated the captives, slowly piecing together the extent of Jiang Wu's plans. The evidence they gathered was damning, revealing a web of deceit and corruption that implicated several influential figures.

With the evidence in hand, Lin Feng decided to confront Jiang Wu directly. He arranged a meeting in a neutral location, inviting key leaders and allies to witness the proceedings.

The meeting was held in a grand hall, with representatives from various sects and clans in attendance. Lin Feng stood at the center, flanked by Mo Chen and Li Mei, as Jiang Wu entered with an air of confidence.

"Lin Feng, to what do I owe this invitation?" Jiang Wu asked, his tone mocking.

Lin Feng's expression was stern. "We have uncovered evidence of your involvement in the attacks on our caravans. Your alliance with the Black Serpent Clan and your attempts to undermine Phoenix Treasures will not go unpunished."

Jiang Wu's eyes flashed with anger. "You dare accuse me without proof?"

Lin Feng gestured to one of his allies, who presented the gathered evidence. "This is proof enough. Your actions have threatened the stability of Xingzhou and endangered countless lives. It is time for you to answer for your crimes."

The room fell silent as the evidence was reviewed. The gathered leaders murmured among themselves, their expressions ranging from shock to outrage.

Master Yun Tian, who had also been invited to the meeting, stepped forward. "Jiang Wu, these accusations are serious. If the evidence is true, you have much to answer for."

Jiang Wu's face twisted with fury. "This is a setup! Lin Feng, you will pay for this!"

Before Jiang Wu could react, Lin Feng's allies moved to restrain him. "Take him away," Lin Feng ordered. "He will face trial for his crimes."

As Jiang Wu was led away, Lin Feng addressed the assembled leaders. "Let this be a lesson to all who seek to undermine peace and prosperity for their own gain. Phoenix Treasures will continue to stand for justice and integrity."

The leaders nodded in agreement, their respect for Lin Feng growing. With Jiang Wu exposed and his schemes thwarted, Lin Feng felt a sense of accomplishment. But he knew that the path ahead would continue to be challenging.

Returning to Xingzhou, Lin Feng focused on rebuilding and strengthening their position. He expanded their network of allies, ensuring that Phoenix Treasures remained a beacon of strength and stability.

With Mo Chen, Li Mei, and his loyal allies by his side, Lin Feng felt confident in his ability to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The web of intrigue had been unraveled, but new trials awaited.