
Interesting People

Juda took a deep breath as he let his eyes return to normal. "Geez, what a bunch of weirdos. Good luck finding a girlfriend with that attitude. Yeesh."

"Are you an idiot??!!" The girl from behind him said, catching his attention. "Do you have any idea what you just did?!!"

Juda turned around to face the girl he had just rescued with a confused expression. "Weren't those guys botheing you? Seemed like you needed help....or was I wrong??"

"Yes they were bothering me but I didn't need your help," the girl said, a pissed look on her face. "Now because of you the situation is even worse then it was before!! If I had just let them finish feeling me up then they would have left and my family wouldn't be in danger of bankruptcy!! You total dumbass!!"

Juda didn't really get most of what the girl was saying but he did catch one thing in her words that bothered him. "Do you honestly believe they would've stopped at just copping a feel? They were clearly going to force themselves on you in the worst way possible. I couldn't let them just do what they wanted. Really letting them off with a broken hand was already being merciful."

The girl stood there glaring before pushing past Juda, heading for the alley entrance. "I don't care what you have to say. If my family suffers from this then you'll most certainly pay. Moron!!"

Juda didn't know what to say as the girl turned the corner, confusion coloring his face. He hadn't expected a thank you after stopping them, but he also hadn't expected her to get so angry. His good intentions had apparently backfired which wasn't a first for him but it still confused him nonetheless. He had always helped others regardless of the inconvenience to him and though he had met with his own share of angry and ungrateful people, this was the first time someone had gotten angry after he saved them from r*pe.

"Well, that was interesting at least," Juda said as he put his hands behind his head, walking back to the alley entrance. "Nobles are weird though. I met 3 already and 2 of them were rapists while the other one was a girl with a weird kink for being forced.....I wonder what a royal is like."

Juda didn't really ponder too much on what had transpired as he suddenly remembered his original plan to arrive at school early. Judging from how the sun had risen, it was at least 6:50, leaving him two hours to arrive on time. If he started running again, he could still make it way before he was supposed to and still have enough time to explore the buildings for a little bit.

Readjusting the large backpack, Juda broke into a full on dash, preparing to run the whole way there, quickly darting out of the alley and turning left. Surprsingly, after running for about a minute, he passed both the girl who had almost been r*ped and the rapists from the Tolan family. All three of them seemed to be headed in the same direction but at separate paces so they didn't run into each other again. Juda's guess was that all three of them went to Mastik Academy, and the thought of being in the same school as those weirdos actually made him smile as he left each of them in the dust, heading for the enormous buildings in the distance.

"I guess school will be as interesting as I hoped if nobles are just like the three of them." Juda said as he ran around another building, his breathing even as he effortlessly closed the distance between him and the school. "I wonder how the food tastes. I bet it tastes awesome!!"

Juda closed the distance a few minutes after he started running, eventually getting to the point where the houses belonging to nobility just stopped and a wall blocked Juda from approaching any further. The wall was smooth cement that looked almost brand new and was easily at least 365 cm. It was clear that this was the start of the school though Juda was a bit surprised as he was still quite a bit of distance away from the rather tall buildings.

Looking to the left and right and seeing no opening, Juda deicided to just run the length and see if he could find one such as a gate or door. His father hadn't told him that there was a wall here, but he figured that it must've been new so his father had just neglected to mention it. He didn't question the need for a wall, but he did question how he was supposed to get in.

If the school really wanted to try to keep him from getting enrolled then all they would have to do was stall him long enough until 9:00 passed. If there were guards at the gate then this would be the best way to do that, denying him entry until they got permission from the school which they could say took a few hours to do. In the end, the school got what they wanted without anyone being the wiser. Of course, Juda couldn't allow this so he came up with another plan just in case it did. Just push past and ignore them like they weren't even there.

However, luckily for Juda, when he arrived at the gate leading inside, he didn't see any guards blocking the entrance, just a clear shot forward. Although this looked a bit too suspicious, Juda just shrugged it off and kept on moving, running at full speed through the gate and onto the path that lead straight to the large buildings in the distance.

Along the way, with the sun casting its morning rays over the school, people were emerging from the homes and making their way towards the same buildings that Juda was heading to. They all had on the same outfits as they conversed with one another, talked, laugh, and basically took their sweet time walking. The only one who was running was Juda and that alone was enough to cause him to stand out as people began to point, whisper, and laugh.

Juda didn't really mind much though as he darted through small groups of people, avoiding the jokers who would stick their foots out, and ignoring those who called out to him. He only had one goal in mind as he raced towards his destination with happiness in each breath and eagerness in every step. He was finally able to begin his life as a trained Magician.

However, fate seemed keen on screwing him over as a sense of danger approached from behind, Juda's instincts screaming at him to defend himself. Without even hesitating, Juda spun around just in time to see a sword aimed straight for his shoulder, a nonlethal area where he wouldn't be killed but would still hurt like hell.

Sliding to a stop, Juda managed to move just enough to have the blade merely knick his arm instead of piercing him. However while the wielder, a silver haired girl, flew past him, another person wielding a spear wasnt too far behind and struck out at inhuman speed, a speed that Juda could hardly keep up with. Not only was the spear weilder fast but Juda was already offbalance from the sudden attack from the silver haired girl so he was at a major disadvantage. Not only that but he could feel two more attackers from either side of him waiting for him should he escape.

(Well this isn't good,) Juda thought as his brain spun at light speed, pondering everything at an inhuman level. (Lets try and reason with them and see where that goes. There are too many of them for me to actually be a match for.)

Juda, on the verge of being stabbed, held up his hands and looked the weilder dead in the eyes. The guy holding the spear stopped just before he reached Juda's throat, merely pricking him, drawing a single drop of blood. Whether or not he could have dodged it was unimportant as the moment he did, three other attacks would have surely followed. The only logical choice Juda could find was to surrender and hope they didn't try and kill him.

"Well, aren't you guys strong," Juda said as he felt a cold metal being pressed up against the side of his neck. He smiled at the guy in front of him, his eyes glowing blue for a split second. "Of course, catching people by surprise isn't exactly a fair fight. That aside, why exactly DID you guys decide to attack me."

Instead of the guy in front of him responding, the silver haired girl behind him pressing the sword against his neck answered. "We recieved a report from the gate that an unidentified male had infiltrated the school grounds and was heading straight for the school. We naturally assumed this was you as your not wearing the school uniform. Of course if we're wrong then please show us your families crest located on your body and we'll apologize and be on our way."

Juda lowered his hands and laughed. "What? you guys recieved a report that fast? I literally just passed through the gate which was just wide open without a single guard postioned there. Not to mention that I dont have this family thingy....I just joined this Academy today."

"Don't believe this ugly bastard," A voice yelled from in front of them. "He beat me to a pulp and ran past me. He's no transfer."

Due to the guy holding the spear in front of him, Juda was unable to see who had spoken at first. After moving his head slightly to the side however, Juda was able to see the rapist from earlier standing there with a clutched broken hand. He had a wicked expression on his face as he looked towards Juda with a vengeful gleam in his eyes. It turned out that this guy was the guard that was supposed to be watching the gate.

"Oh, Tolan Rapist, you finally made it?" Juda asked with a smile. "How's your hand doing? You really should get that checked out. It could get bad if you don't, but then again it would only serve you right."

The words coming out of Juda's mouth caused not only the four attackers to look towards the young man from the Tolan family but also everyone who had stopped to watch the show. It seemed that even in a place where nobles existed, r*pe wasn't exactly something that was overlooked. Juda had put the youth on the spot and it was clear that the guy didn't like it.

"Tolan Rapist?" The silver haired girl asked with an emotionless voice. "What exactly does that mean? Care to explain, Jake Tolan??"

Jake took a step back as everyone looked at him. "Its nothing important. I just wanted to tell you that the kid was telling the truth and I let him pass through. Thats all....right friend??"

Jake looked over at Juda with what was obviously a forced smile, clearly hoping to cover up what he had done not too long ago. Juda had two choices now and either one of them was fine with him. He could leave the guy to the school and let him get punished or even expelled or he could agree and let him off the hook while also allowing himself entry into the school without being deemed an intruder.

Juda smiled and nodded. "Of course, he had also said earlier that he would pass it on to the school as I'm the one whose supposed to be starting today. What I called him was just a nickname I gave to him which was all in good fun. Now could you guys please take your weapons off of me?"

After a few seconds of obvious hesitation, the silver haired girl gave the order to put the weapons away, causing Juda to sigh in relief as the sword and spear were moved away from his neck.

"We deeply apologize for stopping you," the silver haired girl said as the other three attackers dispersed into the crowd. "Now that we know your the new student theres no more need for weapons then. However, there are some things I'd like to discuss with you."

Rubbing the blood away from the scratch he had on his arm, Juda turned around to face the silver gaired girl.

The girl was around Judas own height, around 167cm, with light silver hair that reached well past her waist and bright golden eyes. She had quite the voluptuous figure that was accentuated by her rather small outfit she wore. She had on a modified school uniform, a cropped black shirt and a black skirt with red lining the bottom, and had three swords, that Juda recognized as katanas, tied to her waist. In short terms, she was beautiful and Juda couldn't help but admire her beauty, however he wasn't to the point of being overwhelmed by it.

"If your the new guy then that means you're the person I was supposed to meet at 9:00 this morning," The girl said as she sheathed her blade. "I was told that you had started from your home in the slums some 160 miles from here. How'd you make it over here so fast?"

Juda smiled and shrugged. "Situps, pushups, and plenty of juice. I used my magic power obviouslt...as to what magic...Im not telling."

The girl looked into Judas eyes with emotionless stare before turning around. "My name is Haruna Jumanji from the Jumanji family. In order to be admitted into the school, you will gave to pass three tests to gauge whether or not your fit. The first one, the one where you merely had to get here being one of them. Although I feel the principal was the one who underhandedly tried to get you caught up at the gate."

"For your second test, please follow me, we'll first have to assign you your personal crest." Haruna continued to speak as she walked forward, ignoring the still staring and rather quiet crowd as she went. "If the crest manages to form then youll be eligible for the final test."

"Whats the final test," Juda asked curiously as he followed behind her.

Haruna stopped and turned to face him, the wind blowing her hair around wildly as she gazed into his eyes, blue and gold meeting each other. "You'll have to fight me in a match and come out on top."