
Shocking Emergence.

"Even if you are from the Overseer, do you seriously think you can go around and murder my people?!"

The cry blazed, and with this, a sudden intense shockwave erupted from the Sect Master.

Li Wei's face darkened as he took a step back. A near infinite stream of energy formed and roared in his sight, forming a typhoon of pressure that convulsed like a God's descent.

'How can he control so much?"

He could sense a wild and unknown aura within this energy, and it made his blood tingle! This aura, it congealed and began to form the bleak silhouette of a throne behind the Sect Master!

"The Divine Sect is a Heavenly Sect within the Martial Realm! Due to this, we have a mix of the two cultivation energies, and I have learned to tolerate it! So, seeing that you are a Martial Being, I am in a great position! Do you not think that I haven't conjured a couple methods against your type after being in this place for all this time?!"

A blinding white light erupted from him as the massive culmination of heavenly energy converged into his body, tinged in a frightening aura!

A strange feeling arose in Li Wei as he watched the shaking atmosphere subside and the incalculable scale of energy recede into nothing but a few wisps.

What was left was but an old man. Yet, he wasn't old!

Pristine skin and a set of striking muscles; his eyes vibrant and young; his hair lavish in the colour of white! This wasn't an aged white, it was a white filled with vitality!

Before, although he was still filled with vitality, it was old and somewhat deathly. Yet this was nothing of the sort!

His robes had tightened and his frame exuded the presence of that of a powerhouse in his prime.

The Sect Master's eyes flashed a glimmer of something majestic as he gazed at Li Wei with hatred. He gripped his fists, and staring at his body, he spoke with a dark voice.

"I am fine with my death being the punishment! But, for the death of others to happen because of me, I will not accept it!"

Li Wei shuddered as he saw an odd white congeal around the Sect Master. This wasn't something formed from energy nor was it something done on purpose. No, it was a great display of understanding!

A peak, paramount display of comprehension in the first realm of energy!

Who could say that they could make the world react in such a way? Who could say that their understanding could change the world without energy? Who could say that they have reached the peak of the first stage?

The true summit of the first hurdle, the first stage. It is hair-raising and something no cultivator in the lower realm would want to go against!

Only the top masters can display such a profound effect; these number in the dozens in each section!

The Sect Master's eyes blazed with a sharp light as he breathed a deep breath and spoke.

"If you believe that you can kill my people, then you are mistaken! Even if the Overseer is going to come, I do not care! Servant of the Overseer, you will pay with your death!"

Li Wei shivered as he felt an unexplainable sensation flush through him. It was as if he was staring at a great person, a person he would normally grovel at.

It was strange, truly.

'Servant of the Overseer?'

Yet, he still felt confused by the words spoken from the Sect Master.



His eyes trembled as he watched the sect master appear right before him! He couldn't even catch his movements!

"Majesty of the Heavens..."

A grumble growled out of the Sect Master's bright face as a shimmering throne materialised behind him. It pierced the sky, and atop this throne sat a being so great that each foot took the ample size of a forest!


Li Wei felt his blood quake and his skin crawl as he watched that blinding whiteness pierce his pupils. No hesitation shone as he slammed the air with one foot and leapt back!


Yet, distance seemed to lose meaning as that second growl blew a sharp wind unto Li Wei. His body chilled, and through this, that throne shimmered!


A sight so great that it was indescribable befell, where one of the massive hands that clouded the sky lifted itself up and waved in the sky!

Paramount rumbles ruptured the heavens as a brilliant light enveloped everything!


The Sect Master's fury raged as his roar thrashed the atmosphere. The world seemed to fear this voice as the ground shuddered and concaved inwards!


Then, in a startling fashion, a beam of pure terror coloured in white split the atmosphere in two and pounced onto Li Wei!


Li Wei's sight blurred as his body got slammed onto the ground kilometre's below! He didn't even have a chance to fight back, as from standing in the air, he was now against the ground with blurry eyes!


Distraught pain stabbed into every inch of Li Wei's body as a gloop of black blood splattered out of his mouth.

Yet, he didn't even have time to perceive the damage done to him as the robed youth thumped the ground next to him!


A striking web of cracks developed on the earth as the Sect Master leaned down and grasped Li Wei by the neck! His bright white eyes shimmered a pressure that made even Li Wei feel despair, and through this, that massive throne struck and swayed in the heavens before materialising behind the Sect Master again!

"How does death feel like? Why don't you feel it some more to experience the desperation you forced my Elders through!"

Wrath burned in his gaze as the giant sitting on the throne trembled. A collection of thunderous bangs ensued. From this, an even more terrifying occurrence struck Li Wei's bloody eyes!


Both of its hands lifted right above Li Wei's body, and with a whoosh, they clapped!


A thunderous slap bellowed above Li Wei as a blistering crack emerged in the sky! It threw sparks in the air, and as this happened a force that seemed to be able to destroy everything grew.


Li Wei's ears buzzed as that rupturing sound seemed to bring sharp slicing sensations all over his body.


A high pitch ringing revoked his hearing as his neck crackled under the furious grip of the Sect Master. Even then, he could still see a pulsating white spew out of the crack in the sky.

'What is that...'

An aura he couldn't describe wept his senses into disarray. This whiteness, he felt that he wouldn't be able to even move it. The pressure it brought was that of a world; an immovable, unkillable thing that couldn't be changed or parted.


The entire world swung as lightning bolts appeared out of nowhere and struck forest after grassland after forest!


The sect master seemed to pale a bit as a droplet of blood drooped out of his lip. Though, he didn't seem to care about his condition as he pointed at Li Wei.

"Break with the Second!"

Li Wei's face, of utter disgruntled madness, seemed to go numb as he turned his head and caught something in the corner of his eye. It was a black silhouette of some kind.


But he had no time to speak anymore as a surreal light enveloped him. His vision turned to fog, and before he knew it, everything had disappeared. The sect master, the world, light, everything.

It all transformed into a pitch black void.


A step ensued, and at this moment, a blurry white figure emerged before Li Wei. Its entire body was glimmering, and with this distraught horror quaked.


It was as if he was staring at death!

He tried to move, he tried to cry out, but he was frozen. His body, his everything.

The figure remained unchanged to his inner struggle as it lifted its bright palm and pointed at Li Wei.


A placid voice encompassed the world as a pulsating glow blitzed on the figures fingertip. A high pitch ring cried out in space, where a startling crack erupted out of nowhere! Right in front of Li Wei!

The glow atop the figure shuddered and erupted with a blinding glare!


The crack grew as it traced the edges of space with a cruel touch. It crawled, it wriggled; it splintered right towards Li Wei...

'That will kill me!'

Li Wei could feel transcendent energy coming from that white figure's fingertip. It was this energy that made him feel helpless, so utterly incapable of fighting back!


Deathly energy encompassed Li Wei as despair writhed in his expression. His entire body twitched and attempted to escape, but no luck still!


That same disconcerting voice echoed in his ears as the cracks splintered outwards more and more. By this point, it would only take a couple seconds more to reach Li Wei!


A second passed.


And another.


Of course, these seconds were brimming with an unwillingness that verged towards madness. Yet, it changed nothing.

'Damn the colour white!!'


A surreal splinter followed, and with this, the cracks in space touched Li Wei's face. It was soft, strange, like silk.


That chilling echo resounded its last breath.


The world shuddered.

"Heh, little boy, you can't die on me just yet!"

A soul-chilling voice rippled out from space itself.


The cracks stagnated, and the white figure froze as a trace of hysteria overflowed in its placid expression.


Black, black that transcended the abyss.

It spread from nothing and appeared from nothing.


Then, in a matter of an instant, a lanky version of Li Wei formed and stood beside the creaking cracks in space. His snarly grin widened, and his white eyes narrowed with mockery.

"Hm... A void formed from the second, where time is still, or so they say. Heh!"

The white figure seemed to shiver as its sight caught the black figure's smirk. It was unknown what this white figure was, but strangely, it seemed to dread the black figure with great passion.

"A sentient attack made through second realm energy!"

A bit of shock glimmered in the black figure's eyes as he took a step forward and appeared before the white figure like God's and ghosts. He raised his hand, and with a simple wave, the white figure trembled.

"Why don't ya dissipate for this Martial Soul here."

His words echoed a strange tune in the air as the white figure, without resistance, dissipated.

The void shook, and in much the same way, it dissipated as well.

Li Wei stared wide-eyed at the whole scene; the black figure made the entire thing look so easy...

'How strong is this monster?'

Nonetheless, he didn't have time to question the absurdity of what had happened. For the black figure didn't even turn around to face him as he ripped a hole in space like before and jumped in.

"This is annoying... You forgot the thing I was using against you!"

He, however, left a little something as he left. Though it just made Li Wei confused.

'What thing?'

Nonetheless, Li Wei could only watch the cracks in space, that were touching him, recede at a gradual pace. Though, he soon forgot about this as he refocused on the world that was forming in his sight.

It was odd; like the world was being painted on a canvas. Colours merged and intertwined, the sky spruced into life, and light prickled his senses.

Then, with a hum, he picked up the dumbfounded look of sect master, who was no longer grasping his neck. Instead, he was standing a couple metres away, pale-faced.

He looked around Li Wei with confusion, and after a great moment of silence, a murmur escaped from his quivering lip.

"Second realm cultivator..."

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