
The mark of an alpha

Isabella young hates high school- most likely because of his fellow werewolf classmates are assholes and treat her as the weakest one which is right since she's an omega . she has never been that girl -the popular one with great grades, the powerful warrior with incredible skills and proud parents , or the talented tracker that her pack relies on . bella finds that she's best at cursing unnecessarily , snarking back in the worst situations , and consuming chocolate pop tarts at alarming rates . However , bella's foundation is shaken when a certain alpha comes into town and the two discover that they are mates - predestined to fall in love . As an Alpha of the dark wood pack , Alexander has to maintain a certain level of control . He has a routine that he religiously follows and he never strays from it . the cruch of bones underneath his paws , the slide of blood between his fingertips - they a leave him satisfied .None of that comes close to the joy he feels when he finally finds his mate bella . Unfortunately , bella's home and school life isn't the easiest , abd the two hour distance between their packs complicates their relationship . Alexander must , for the first time ever , give up a bit of control when bella refuses to be bossed around .

marram_lamouchi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

chapter one

They say that high school is fun . They say it's the time of your life , that it's filled with experiences like your first crush , or cheating on tests with your best friends , or weekend study sessions with your classmates and shitty fast food restaurants at midnight .

All I relate to is the shitty food part .

I dread walking to the cafeteria where the serve you fuck-knows-what on a plastic tray and call it a day . Seriously , yesterday I Waited twenty-five minutes in the line just to consume a bendable slice of "pizza" with an almost play-dough-like consistency .

You bet your ass that I didn't eat that shit .

At this shithole , I survive off of my chocolate pop-tarts and hide as much of my face as possible that is still acceptable with a beanie and hope I don't get noticed .

Except , I've learned that my hopes are never answered in the ways i wish . Hope is saved for the popular kids  - the ones with parents who adore them .The ones with friends who gossip about jared stein , the star linebacker who has a magic dick- or so I've heard .

I wonder why I don't have friends like that at this school . Well guess the answer is easy because I'm an omega with an unusual eyes color that scares people off of me

On my way to the cafeteria , l'm intercepted and shoved into a locker full-force by none other than Brittany Mathews , the stupidly hot and stupidly popular student council president , cheerleader , a.k.a the golden girl , a.k.a the leader of the pathetic posse of girls who pick on me .

I wonder why ... I've done nothing wrong to offend them .

I  hope you enjoy it as well . I continued right off where I stopped in the last chapter .

I cringe as my  spiral notebooks fly out of my hands , one page of my biology spiral ripping as it connects with the floor  at a strange angle .

what the fuck , Mathews ? " I growl at her .

Oh , maybe that's why they pick on me .I can't keep my fucking mouth shut .

I have a feeling that Brittany  , the golden-haired messiah of our school , would have walked away if  I hadn't have said anything . However , she's surrounded by her friends - Amelia , Emma , olivia ,  her stereotypically boyfriend cooper and  the rest of their gang ( jack , chris ,tom ) . He can't turn down the opportunity to showcase his werewolf dominance to impress her .

I'm average if not ugly as shit and I can appreciate that Brittany  is attractive . She's intelligent , popular , and talented- she's bendy and can do twenty fucking flips in a row on the football field.

unfortunately , the Moon Goddess gives the worst people the best lives , and Britney is living the dream .

Despite her outward appearance , Brittany 's personality is as dry as an Arizona desert and as annoying as a Jeffree Star apology video . I honestly don't know how people stand her . But cooper does . He's dating her , after all.

After my little outburst , cooper's eyes blue eyes dilate , revealing that his wolf tendencies are taking over . Basically I'm fucked 

All I wanted was to eat my chocolat poptart ....

" Did you just say something , omega ?"  Cooper teases  , entering my pesonal space . His friends laugh at his "comeback" , but I just internally groan . I'm getting real bored of him saying that shit all of the fucking time , not just him but the whole pack ! sometimes i wonder if they know my  fucking name ....

I'm an omega , it's not something  I'm ashamed of , and it shouldn't be an insult .

"Yeah" I respond , already regretting this word .  " I said , what the fuck ? " . Shoving me into lockers and pushing books out of  my hand isn't very creative ,  why not teach your precious girlfriend something new , she's making me get bored seriously " .

I grin at him ,  knowing just the words to get under his skin . As a werewolf  , any dominant one will feel threatned when another isn't immediately submissive to them especially if  the insult is coming from an omega . Teasing him  makes him so much hotter .

I know he's not my mate , and I should be meeting mine soon because I just turned 16 a few months ago , but he is probably the most attractive person I have ever I met . He is so fucking muscular-probably hoping all of the bicep curls will help him deflect the insults that mommy and daddy throw his way . He has this blonde , almost golden hair that has a stray piece in front of his eyes . He also possessed a sharp jawline and a broad nose leading to the hot scowl always pasted onto his perfect face .

Too bad he's an asshole .

I feel the punch before my brain registers what's happening . My back hits one of those bulky padlocks and I groan at the impact , that'll leave another bruise .

the  posse  howls with laughter  , shoving each other around , patting Cooper on the back .

I poke around my face , finding nothing broken . No blood , either . I'll just have a swollen eye for a day or two until my increased healing kicks in , as I'm slower than most because of my  recessive genes .

He shakes out his right hand , and it's almost hilarious to think that he could have injured it by punching me . Yeah , I have a hard fucking face , serves him right .

He tilts his head to the right , signaling to his friends to follow him .  At this point ,  Brittany has already joined in on the fun . She looks at Cooper with a gleam in her eyes-pride , lust , I don't fucking know . I could never be proud of a man for hurting someone weaker than him . 

Brittany grabs Cooper by the shoulders and proceeds to fuck his mouth with her tongue . It's disgusting , honestly . All I want to do is scream "keep it PG-13" or "get a room " or "my eyes !" but that will lead to me having two black eyes and I really don't need my face being busted up even more just because I can't keep my fucking mouth shut  .

So I say nothing . Which is a miracle in itself !! .

The sound of their wet kisses fill the hallway , echoing off of the linoleum floors and barren white walls that remind me of an insane asylum 

I would honestly opt to go there instead of staying here and listening to the strange sounds  .

Brittany finally pulls away , whispers something that I just fucking bet is supposed to be in a husky voice , then she walks away three pups at her heels , following her cooper and his gang .

He turns around to me and said " pick up your shit and leave " 

Well i was going to do just that without you telling me what to fucking do ! but I don't voice my thoughts . 

I grab my shit and walk to my class knowing that i'm so fucking late .

𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮 . 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝘂𝘆𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁 :) .

𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲 .

𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 🐺