
[Game Start]

Harry Potter was not a normal boy, far from it and he was reminded of it every day by his relatives, as he was in their words, 'A Freak'.

Harry did everything hoping for some recognition, hoping to please his relatives for them to treat him like something.

Our story starts on new years day when Harry was left alone when his relatives went out to a new years party, he was finished his chores early so he decided that it wouldn't hurt to try out his cousins new game console. Hours passed without him realising it and he turned around because of the door being slammed open, "BOY! What are you doing?!".

Vernon was angry, his purple face filled with rage, Harry was shocked silent. "Nothing to say for yourself Huh?!, Wait right here!." While Vernon wasnt screaming anymore, the smirk on his face told harry differently.

A mere minute later, you could hear Vernons legs stomping up the stairs.

"Vernon?" Came the sleepy voice of his aunt. "Come to bed, Its 4am".

"Not yet honey, I have a freak to discipline" He responded and walked back into the room and Harry's heart fell after seeing what his uncle was holding, A Metal Bat.

What happened next was the greatest pain Harry felt in his entire life and it lasted for about an hour, and after it ended Vernon threw the bloody mess of his nephew into the cupboard.

(The Next Morning)

Harry woke up roughly as he was in an uncomfortable position after his uncle threw him in the cupboard, as he opened his eyes a two blue screens popped up in front of him.

Initializing, Standby...

Scanning Subject... Subject Identified

Harry James Potter.

Ritual Enhancement...

Scanning... Scan Complete.

+200 Luck, Perk Gained! [The Gamer]

Perk Gained! [Lily's Protection].

Initializing Gamer Installation...

Installation Complete!

Upgrading Subject Harry Potter To Gamers Body...

Upgrade Complete!

New Perk! [Gamers Body]

New Perk! [Gamers Mind]

Uploading HUD.. Upload Complete!

Scanning Subject For Traits...

Scan Comlete!

[Inherit Abilities]

Born Wisard,

Parseltongue (Genetic Mutation),

Lightning Affinity,

Air Affinity,


Converting Players Attributes To Base Form.... Complete!

Available Perk Points : 5

Available Attribute Points : 25

Available Skill Points : 10

ERROR: World Tree Data Corruption..

Attempting Fix.... Fix Failed!


Erasing, [Elemental Bending], [X Mutation], [Catch 'Em All], [VR: Sword Art], [DxD: Highschool], [NarutoVerse].


Fix Ongoing...

Uploading Welcome Screen...

Upload Complete!

Language Selection: English



Welcome To The Game

Harry James Potter

Please Press [Continue]


As Harry sat upright he stared at the screen then pinched him self, confirming this wasnt a dream. Carefully, as if the screen could bite his hand off at any second he tapped continue.


You Have Slept In Your 'Bed?'

HP, CP and MP Have Been Fully Restored.

All Negative Status Effects Have Been Cured.


If anyone else saw Harry they would see him staring off into space, but Harry was actually trying to remember what happened the previous night.

As the memories eventually came to him he looked at the screen in front of him that was an awful lot like the screens he would see in Dudleys games.

Contemplating with himself, he eventually gave up and called out "Status" just hoping for something to happen. So naturally when a screen popped up he was extremely surprised.

Harry James Potter, Age: 7

Title - The Boy Who Lived

Race: Wizard

Status: Alive

Affiliation: Self

Occupation: The Gamer (Lvl. 1/8)

Level - 1 (0/50 Xp)

Hp - 1000/1000 (- 10/minute)

Mp - 500 (- 5/minute)

(Strength)Str - 5 (-3) 2

(Dexterity)Dex - 5 (-3) 2

(Vitality)Vit - 5 (-3) 2

(Endurance)End - 5 (-3) 2

(Intelligence)Int - 10

(Wisdom)Wis - 10

(Luck)Luk - 189

(Defence)Def - 5 (-3) 2

(Charisma)Cha - 5 (-10) -5

Points Available - 25

Perk Points - 5

Skill Points - 25


Pound - 0

As he looked at his status he heard banging on the door, accompanied by a "Wake up freak!". As he opened the door he accidentally swiped his hand through the screen, thus dispersing it.

As he moved the stool over to the stove, a screen popped up which made him jump.

[Quest Alert!]

Breakfast Dash!

The Dursleys are hungry!

Prepare food for them, quickly!


13 Sausages

13 Bacon

12 Scrambled Eggs

10 Pieces Of Toast

1 Glass Of Apple Juice

2 Black Coffees

Side Objective

Get Cooking Skill To Level 5

Hidden Objective



2 Hours, 30 Minutes.



+10 Rep With The Dursleys


Side Objective Reward

Skill Book: Heal



Hidden Objective Reward





Beaten With A Bat.

Locked Away With No Food For The Week.

-100 Rep With The Dursleys.

Harry just looked at the screen and decided it was best to do as it said, especially with the failure option of that.

As he was cooking he accidentally burnt the toast and it looked as if it was turned into data and it disappeared, as he saw that he started freaking out only to notice it was back to where it was before he started cooking it and wondered what happened and continued cooking, a few minutes later he got a new skill popped up.

[Skill Gained!]

(Passive) Cooking

Level - 1

Anyone Can Cook!

Well... Most Can! And That Include You!

This Represents Your Ability To Cook Good Food!

15% Chance To Not Burn Your Food

55% Ingredients Wasted

Food Is Cooked 5% Faster

As he read his new skill he got a little pissed, he was doing this all his life only for it all to be reset in one night, after a few minutes of glaring he finally sighed and started cooking again and two hours later he had finished cooking and gained 7 levels on his cooking skill, he had 30 minutes left so he decided make some toast for himself.

A few minutes later he walked to the table, dodging Dudleys leg, and gave them all their food.

[You Have Completed A Quest!]

Breakfast Dash!

The Dursleys Are Hungry!

Make Food For Them Quickly!

Objective (Complete!)

13 Sausages

13 Bacon

12 Scrambled Eggs

10 Pieces Of Toast

1 Glass Of Apple Juice

2 Black Coffees

Side Objective (Complete!)

Get Cooking Skill To Level 5

Hidden Objective (Complete!)

Make Yourself Food

Objective Reward


+10 Rep With The Dursleys


Side Objective Reward

Skill Book: Heal



Hidden Objective Reward

10 Levels To [Cooking] Skill

Skill Book: Observe




Level Up 1-4


"Boy!, Ms. Figgs is too sick to mind you today, so we want you to do your chores, then out of the house" Vernon started off. Harry didn't bother answering he just turned and left, As Harry sat in his cupboard he started wondering what it would be like to have not stayed with the Dursleys, only to be knocked out of his musings by a *Ping!*

[Quest Alert!]

Run, Bitch, Run!

You Are Sick And Tired Of The Dursleys, So You Decided To Run Away!


Run Away From The Dursleys

Side Objective

Steal Anything Useful

Hidden Objective






As Harry saw that he froze, wondering why he didnt think of that before. As he looked at the screen he carefully brought his hand over to the screen and pressed on Yes. Once the screen popped away it left Harry realising what type of quest he accepted, I mean the failure is DEATH!

A few minutes later Harry heard the front door slam shut which he knew was their way of saying 'Get To Work!', As he crawled out of his closet he quickly went to the fridge and took out all the food that didnt need to be cooked (Bread, Cake, Milk, E.c.t) and came to a problem, he couldn't carry all of it.

As he started brainstorming he remembered that in Might and Magic 2, characters had an inventory that could hold their items. As he called out "Inventory" a screen popped up with him on the right and his clothes in little slots beside his character, on his left was lots of boxes with three boxes occupied, as he looked at the occupied boxes he recognised the three of them as a photo and two books.

He quickly grabbed the picture from his inventory and saw it was a grown man and a grown woman waving at him with a baby in between them, he stared at the picture and saw a water drop fall on it, making it damp and realised he was crying. He quickly wiped his tears away and stood up, he then put the picture back into his inventory, along with all the food he had.

He stood up and took out the two books from his inventory and as he brought them out two screens popped up.


Would You Like To Learn [Heal]?




Would You Like To Learn [Observe]?



As Harry tapped Yes on both of them new screens popped up.


(Active) [Heal] Lvl. 1

A Basic Utility Spell For Anyone Wanting To Learn Healing.

100MP Per 100HP

500MP Per Status Effect



(Active) [Ovserve] Lvl. 1

This Skill Alows User To See Targets Information.

It's Current Level Only Allows User To See Max Hp And Mp

1MP Per Use


Harry quickly grabbed all the money in Dudleys money box and all the money in his Aunt and Uncles Drawers. He then ran out of the house into a forest only for a screen to pop up.

You Have Entered An Instant Dungeon!

Dungeons are places where reality shifts and the only people that should be there are you and the enemy.

There are many kind of dungeons but this one is called a field dungeon.

No deep dark caves or mighty towers for you to explore, just the beautiful land before you.


[Quest Alert!]

Dungeons 101

You've entered your first dungeon!

Escape with your life!


Defeat All Mobs

Defeat The Boss






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