
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · Urbano
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86 Chs

Doctor's Report

Dave didn't argued with Thomas since Thomas was truly the head of the family after his father as Thomas was the first born. Dave watched as Thomas left, following the doctor to his office.

When they got into the Doctor's office, the doctor briefed Thomas on what's going on with Mr Jeff.

"You father seem to have a poor diet and that was the more reason why he suffered from the panic attack, you all should be careful on what kind of news you deliver to your father, unless you want him dead" The doctor advised while Thomas just listened.

If not that the old man will all his assets to Dave why should Thomas still want his father alive, when his not a good father to them.. Thomas seemed lost in his thoughts until the Doctor's voice rang him out his thoughts.

"You all wouldn't be allowed to see him, except you people are quiet, and here is his bill, you should check out with the cashier" The doctor was thru as he dismissed Thomas to go and register for his father's new treatment. Thomas sighed and stood up, and he left the doctor's office and came back to meet his mother and brothers. He casted a single glance of hatred at Dave and his mother spoked first.

"Thomas what did the doctor say?" Mrs Jeff asked as she had wanted to go first before Thomas came forward as the next head of the family.

"He will be fine mom, the doctor said he had a poor diet and hasn't been feeding well, yet you both live together and you are looking this fresh and fatter.." Thomas paused what he. wanted to said and his mother frowned knowing he was dissing her.

"You father has being refusing to eat, I don't know what his thinking about but you shouldn't blame me for your father's health, his not a kid and I can't force him to eat if he doesn't want too" Mrs Bright quickly shifted and wanted to go in to see Jeff.

"The doctor said we shouldn't make noise or disturb him, they will take care of him, I will send some of my boys to guard this place as you all can see, his most trusted and lovely son want to kill him to, but am being kind, because he's still our father, so I will ask my men to guard here. Luke and Brown am leaving" Thomas glare at Dave as he walked past Dave and left the hospital.

Dave was quiet all thru and he said nothing to them. He was still in shock to saw his father fainted right in front of him after he heard Thomas accusations, Dave for a moment wonder if his father actually believed what Thomas was accusing him off, so he remained quiet all thru. And now he heard his stepmother saying that their father has been in deep thoughts, his mind calmed a little hoping that maybe his father didn't suspected him to be Norman, and has been thinking on the recent attack too. Dave sighed as he went into the ward to have a closer look at his father.

Dave saw his father is looking pale, and his heart ached, "Why didn't I notice this since" Dave murmured out and the nurse changing the drip turn to look at Dave, for a moment she was mesmerized by his handsomeness and seem in a daze smiling to him.

"What?" Dave questioned the nurse, as he noticed she was staring at him instead of focusing on what she was doing, and she blushed hard and immediately look away after apologizing "Am sorry sir."

Dave just ignored her, and stood looking at his father, his stepmom and stepbrothers too were in the ward, and they saw how the nurse was admiring Dave, Mrs Jeff frowned and said, "You ain't supposed to be a nurse, if that's how you forgot to treat your patient while admiring another and on duty too".

The nurse immediately bowed her head lowered and apologize, "Am sorry ma," And she just started working there and wouldn't want to lose her job if the report get out that she was ogling at a patient relative, and forgetting to do her job. So quickly she change the drip and left the private ward. After some moment of watching his father sleeping, Dave turned and left too, not saying nothing to his stepmother.

Mrs Bright just hissed as Dave left and she murmured, "How can a man be as beautiful as a woman?."

Brown just smiled and after some minute he replied, "Seems Dave resembles his mother mom."

Mrs Jeff brows knotted as she hated Dave mother, the woman that made her husband maltreated her, even looking at Dave, she hated Dave too, the more for resembling his mother.

All her sons resembles Jeff even her daughter resembles her father, only Dave looked different, Mrs Jeff hated Dave and for some moment, she regretted why she didn't kill him too when he was younger. Mrs Jeff sighed as she shook her head.

Noticing his mother irritation Brown asked "What is it mom?" .

Mrs Jeff sighed and shook her head not wanting to talk about Dave or his mother again, so she said "It nothing Brown, let just allow the sleeping dog lie."

Brown just smiled and did not ask anything further again, as he hated Dave too, and if was easy for him too, he wouldn't mind killing Dave for stealing their father's love, and also inheriting all their father's property, leaving only the mansion to them.

Brown was Twenty-five years old, while Dave is going to thirty years. Brown knew he couldn't beat Dave as Dave was far older than him, he hated Dave and never had he for once acknowledge Dave as his older brother. He planned to secretly attack Dave but even attacking Dave from inside the mansion wasn't easy as the mansion was fully guarded and he cannot shoot Dave, because that way he will be arrested or shot too, he was thinking of a way he would discreetly eliminated Dave and no one will be able to suspect he was the mastermind behind Dave death, that's if he succeed then he will collect all his father's asset back from Dave, Brown gritted his teeth as he finally stood up and left the ward too, Leaving only his mother to stay behind as the man laying on the hospital bed was her husband.

The bodyguards Thomas assigned already arrive and they stood outside the ward door guarding the private room. Thomas already instructed them not to allow Dave into the ward again, if Dave return, but Dave has already gone back home to his apartment to rest for the day and didn't plan on going back to the hospital again.

Dave hoped his father will be fine and when he returns back home to the Jeff's mansion, he will go and see his father in his private office.

Dave drove back home in his exotic car, and he arrived back parking his car at his car park, and he came down and saw Thomas standing outside in front of their mansion like before, but Thomas didn't rushed to him again, as Dave hefty guards stood in between them.

Thomas just glared at Dave as he watch Dave entered into his apartment. Jealousy was written all over Thomas face, as he desired Ashley so much, yet the guards didn't allow him to saw her when he returned back from his entertainment house, they blocked him and Ashley to didn't came out since he returned.

The other time Ashley came out, was when he had smacked Dave, and she was wearing a short gown that her thighs were partly exposed, for a moment she caught his attention and he paused what he wanted to said to his father and stared at her. When Dave saw him looking behind, Dave turned too, and saw he was lustfully staring at Ashley, but just as Dave frowned, he let out the bombshell accusation, and their father fainted just standing next to Dave.

Thomas had no enough time to admired Ashley again, as he had to rushed his father to the hospital, and now he came back home early because of her, she wasn't coming outside again.

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