
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Chapter 43

As I took in my surroundings, the destruction caused by the battle came into focus. The trees that had once stood tall and proud were now mere stumps, their charred remains still smoldering from the heat of the fire magic. The ground was littered with debris, fallen branches, and rocks that had been dislodged in the chaos. The once peaceful forest was now a desolate wasteland, scarred by the violence that had taken place.

In front of me lay the body of the Nature spirit, its once majestic form now broken and lifeless. Its wooden skin was torn and charred, and the stench of decay emanated from the wound where Andrew's attack had split it in two. Its eyes, once full of life and power, were now dull and lifeless, reflecting the emptiness of death. Slowly the body began to change, trembling and convulsing until it dissolved into pure mana, which seeped into the ground of the forest. There were no remains left behind, except for the damage inflicted upon the once-thriving forest.

As I looked around, I saw that the other members of our group were just as battered and bruised as I was. Lady Cecily and her knights had cuts and bruises on their faces and arms, while Andrew's armor was dented and scratched from the impact of the spirit's attacks.

As I was lost in thought, Lady Cecily and her knights came running toward me. "Sir Lucas!" she exclaimed, her face etched with worry. "You're injured, let me heal you." I knew I was in bad shape; my body was exhausted and I was almost completely drained of mana. Even moving my arm was painful.

"Thank you, sweetheart, but I think I just need to rest for a bit," I replied, mustering a weak smile. "You look tired yourself, so let's take a break together." Lady Cecily looked hesitant, but I insisted that she rest too.

Meanwhile, Andrew approached us with his usual stoic expression. "You've earned yourself a huge bonus, my friend," I said with a chuckle. Andrew had no reaction but responded either way "We have a problem Master Lucas - the carriage is destroyed, and the horses ran away. What's our next move?"

Before I could answer, Lady Cecily spoke up. "You could ride with us," she suggested. "I don't know if it's a miracle, but our carriage managed to remain intact."

"I appreciate your offer, Lady Cecily, but we don't want to be a burden on you and your companions. We're heading to Silverglade, and we can manage on our own."

Lady Cecily's expression softened. "Nonsense, Sir Lucas," she said firmly. "You are our saviors this is the least I can do to repay my debt to you."

I was about to politely reject her offer when Andrew stepped in, picking me up from the ground. "We accept your offer, Lady Cecily. If you could please point us in the direction of the carriage?" Andrew's response caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed as he carried me princess-style.

Lady Cecily giggled at my reaction before pointing in the direction of the carriage. I turned to Andrew with an intense glare. "Ey Andrew, what do you think you're doing?"

"I am doing my duty and looking out for your safety," he replied calmly. "I don't know why you rejected their offer. Being carried for at least a few days before you recover is far more dangerous than waiting a few hours for Lady Cecily to regain her mana and heal you."

While he made a good point, that wasn't the reason for my question. "Couldn't you carry me in a less humiliating way?" I asked

"I just found it the easiest way to carry you, Master Lucas. I didn't intend to embarrass you," Andrew explained as he reached the carriage and opened the door. He gently sat me down, and his face remained stoic, but I could see a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. For a man who shows no emotions, he sure seemed to show a lot in his eyes.

As Andrew closed the door, I was left alone in the carriage. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander as I finally allowed my body to rest. It didn't take long for me to feel my injuries healing and my fatigue dissipating. I sensed a gentle flow of mana entering my body, but it felt calming rather than threatening, so I relaxed and let myself drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Suddenly, I felt a nudge and slowly began opening my eyes. Yawning, I stretched and rubbed my eyes, and then I saw the maid resting next to me and Lady Cecily smiling in front of me.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I looked outside, the dazzling rays of the sun shone directly onto my face, blinding me for a brief moment

"You were sleeping soundly for around 10 hours. I healed you from time to time, and thankfully, you're mostly healed now," Lady Cecily replied.

I moved my arms and legs, and to my surprise, I felt no restriction or pain. It felt like I hadn't even fought a gigantic beast 10 hours ago.

"If you don't mind me asking, Lady Cecily, where are you heading?"

"I was sent to meet my fiancé in Silverglade," she replied with a slight smile.

Silverglade? I wondered to myself. Does Lady Calliope have an heir? As far as I knew, she had no children, and there was no mention of an heir in the novel.

"Have you met him before?" I asked, hoping to gain some insight into the matter. "Maybe I know him." Maybe she could be someone useful in the future even if she is just the daughter of a Baron

"I have never met him," Lady Cecily responded. "His name is Ezekiel. Our families wanted to strengthen our bonds since we are close trading partners. I can only hope he is a good man."

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