
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Fantasia
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79 Chs

Chapter 11

Duke Vigar cleared his throat, his eyes darting briefly towards Count George before he spoke. "Count George, I wish to speak with you about your son," he said, his tone measured and serious. "As you know, your son is quite special. Even at the young age of four, his mana is already strong enough to be sensed by both you and me. Therefore, I am making an official offer for an arranged marriage between Adeline and Lucas."

Count George looked apologetic as he replied, "I am sorry, your grace, but I have already discussed this issue with my wife, and we have agreed to allow Lucas to choose his own partner."

Duke Vigar raised a brow, before continuing, "Perhaps this will change your mind: my little Adeline is also four years old, just like Lucas, and she too possesses the gift of magic. We both know that it is extremely rare for someone to possess such abilities at such a young age. Now, imagine if Adeline and Lucas were to produce offspring in the future. That child would be blessed with their talents and Lucas's intelligence - the perfect combination. So, I implore you to reconsider."

Count George's face contorted with anger at Duke Vigar's suggestion. He felt as though the Duke was treating his son like a breeding bull, and the thought made his blood boil.

"How dare you suggest such a thing!" Count George snapped, his voice thick with fury. "My son is not some animal to be bred for your benefit."

"Please, Count George, let us be civil about this," Duke Vigar replied, his voice level and even. "I understand your concerns, but I must remind you of your status. As a member of the nobility, your family's alliances are crucial. A marriage between our families would benefit us both greatly."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "And I assure you, I am not treating your son like a breeding bull. I simply recognize the potential in both Lucas and Adeline and believe that a union between them would be advantageous."

"Think about it, Count George," Duke Vigar added, his tone smooth and persuasive. "A marriage between Lucas and Adeline would only strengthen our houses bond, and it would ensure a bright future for both of our houses."

Count George took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He could not let Duke Vigar's words cloud his judgement. He knew that his duty as a father was to prioritize his son's happiness and wellbeing above all else.

"Your Grace, I appreciate the importance of family alliances, but my son's happiness is my top priority," Count George replied, his voice steady. "I cannot force Lucas into a marriage that he does not want, even if it means jeopardizing our families' relationship."

He leaned forward, fixing his gaze on Duke Vigar. "I understand that you see potential in both Lucas and Adeline, but I believe that my son should have the freedom to choose his own path in life. If he decides that he wants to pursue a relationship with Adeline in the future, that is his decision to make. But for now, I cannot agree to an arranged marriage."

Duke Vigar nodded, his expression portraying a hint of disappointment. "I understand your concerns, Count George, and I respect your decision. But please do not forget the importance of our families' relationship. We have much to gain by working together."


As I wandered through the lush gardens of the Duke's castle, I hear a voice behind of me. I turned to see a young girl, about my age, with silver hair and golden eyes staring at me with a curious expression.

"Hello there," I said, trying to be friendly. "I'm Lucas. What's your name?"

The girl regarded him for a moment before replying, "I'm Adeline. You're not from around here, are you?"

As I shook my head, I replied, "No, my father is only here to discuss a potential deal with Duke Vigar. My father is a count."

Adeline's expression seemed to shift into a sad one as she stood up a little taller and said, "I'm the daughter of Duke Vigar."

I sensed the sadness in her tone and decided to change the subject. "Do you like magic?" I asked, holding out a small ice flower that I had conjured in my hand. As I handed her the ice flower, her face lit up with admiration.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. It was clear that she was impressed by the ice flower. "How did you change the shape of the ice? All I can do is make a ball," she said, showing me her meager attempts at forming a flower, which came out as a ball every time.

I couldn't help but smile at her attempt. "It's all about focus," I explained. "You have to concentrate on the shape you want and then use your magic to create it."

Adeline listened intently as I showed her how to focus her magic on the ice. She was a quick learner, and soon she was able to create her own ice flower with ease.

"That's amazing, Adeline! You're a natural at this," I said with a smile.

Adeline blushed at my praise and replied, "Thank you, Lucas. I couldn't have done it without your help."

I waved it off. "Nonsense, you did all the work. I just showed you the way."

Suddenly a maid interrupted our conversation"Master Lucas, it's time for your departure," she said, bowing her head in respect.

I sighed, disappointed that our time together had come to an end. "Thank you for informing me. I'll be on my way," I said with a nod.

Adeline looked up at me, a small frown on her face. "Must you go so soon, Lucas?" she asked, her voice filled with a hint of sadness.

I smiled at her. "I'm afraid I must. But don't worry, Adeline. We can continue our magic lessons another time," I said, hoping to lift her spirits.

Adeline nodded, her smile returning. "I look forward to it," she said, giving me a small wave goodbye.

As we arrived in front of my father, I couldn't help but notice his slightly annoyed appearance, in contrast to Duke Vigar's calm demeanor. 'I wondered what they had discussed during their meeting.'

"Let's go, Lucas. We have to get going now," my father said, quickly changing his expression from annoyed to happy. "We don't want to keep your mother waiting."

I nodded and followed my father towards the carriage. Before we left, I turned to Duke Vigar and said, "Thank you for your hospitality."

Duke Vigar waved it off with a smile. "Don't mention it. Just be careful and have a safe trip now, Count George."

As we entered the carriage and started the journey back home, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to my father's meeting with Duke Vigar than what was discussed. But for now, I decided to focus on the present and enjoy the ride home.