
The Machiavellian Heir

After a long and dangerous career as an assassin and politician, a man finds himself reborn into the world of his son's novel. Born as Lucas de Clare, the son of a rich count. With his extensive knowledge and skills, Lucas must navigate the treacherous political landscape and manipulate the plot for his goals 5 chapter per week ———————— (First Novel just giving it a try) Criticism is welcomed as I always look to improve Comments Power stones and Ratings help the story grow!

PapiTaxi · Fantasia
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79 Chs

Chapter 10

The day had finally arrived for my father and me to visit the Duke. It had been a month since my father first mentioned the visit, and I was feeling a sense of confidence.

As my father called for me to get into the carriage, I turned to say goodbye to my mother. "I'm going, mother," I said, trying to hide my nerves with a smile.

"Be safe and respectful, okay?" she replied, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry, mother," I continued. "I'll make sure to bring no shame towards the family name."

With that, I climbed into the carriage, ready for the 2-week trip ahead.


Before the day of the trip came I already knew about the Duchy of Tiaga because of the novel. Duke Vigar is a cold man who is solely focused on keeping the Duchy of Tiaga running. In the novel, He has three kids, the oldest son and heir is named Aric, age 15, magic is stoic and reserved, often keeping his emotions in check and preferring to stay out of the spotlight. He is fiercely loyal to his family and possesses a strong sense of duty towards their estate. Though he may appear distant at times, he deeply cares for his loved ones

The second son Kael, age 11, magic wind, is often seen as the "problem child" of the family. He is rebellious and impulsive, constantly pushing the boundaries and breaking rules. He has a penchant for getting into trouble, whether it be getting into fights or engaging in other reckless behaviors.

Third but definitely not least is the only daughter, Adeline, age 4, magic ice, she sees her father's lack of affection as a personal failing, believing that she is weak and undeserving of his attention. She resolves to become stronger and earns her's fathers respect and affection. This caused her to begin religiously training in magic and swords at the mere age of 4.

It is sad to see that they have been affected by their father's cold heart. It is only natural that a child would blame themselves after all children will always notice when they are not loved as much as they might and need to be. They understand none of the reasons for this neglect but they feel all of the pain and yet they need to locate an explanation and the explanation they see as most likely is themselves.

"We have arrived, Lord and Young Master," announced the knight, interrupting my thoughts as we stepped out of the carriage. The sight of the mansion before me was breathtaking, its artistic design a feast for the eyes.

A butler greeted us as we arrived and led us into the mansion. As we followed him, my curiosity was piqued, I noticed numerous portraits adorning the walls, yet not a single one depicting a family. "This the room" the butler bowed and took his leave

Upon entering the room, my attention was drawn to a tall man with black, emotionless eyes and a long well groomed beard - Duke Vigar.

"Count George, greetings," said Duke Vigar, rising from his seat and extending his hand to my father.

My father bowed and shook his hand. "Greetings, Duke Vigar."

The Duke then turned his attention to me, giving me a quick glance before looking back at my father. "This must be your son, Lucas. He appears to be quite intelligent."

"He is my greatest achievement your grace" My father replied with a similar prideful look

As my father and Duke Vigar sat across from each other at the wooden table, the room fell into a brief silence. The Duke's expression was serious as he spoke up, "Alright, let us get to the main topic. As you know, the duchy is in need of food supplies, and I understand that your territory produces a significant amount of wheat and other crops."

My father nodded in agreement, "Yes, that's correct. However, we have already received offers from other buyers, and we need to consider all of our options before making a decision."

The Duke leaned forward, his eyes fixed on my father, "I understand, which is why I'm willing to offer ⅓ more than the current market value for your wheat and other foods. In addition, I'm willing to cover 80% of transportation costs."

My father listened attentively before responding, "While that's certainly a generous offer, your grace, I'm afraid it's not quite what we're looking for. We could agree to ⅔ above the current market value, and the duchy would cover 70% of the transportation costs. However, it's important to us that we receive payment for the wheat and other foods, even if they don't arrive at the duchy due to circumstances beyond our control."

Duke Vigar stroked his beard thoughtfully, "I don't think we can agree to those terms I suggest you lessen your terms if not I think this conversation is over" As Duke Vigar stared at my father I decided to enter the conversation.

"Excuse me, If I could talk to my father for a bit" It seems like Duke Vigar was hoping that I changed my father's mind so he agreed.

"Father, how about you agree to the ⅓ above the market value and keep the 80% transportation costs but add that half the payment will be made upfront and the other will be made after," I whispered to my father.

"That wouldn't be that beneficial to us Lucas the duke is desperate for more food and we can take advantage of that" my father responded

"Father can you trust me I promise I will negotiate a good deal if you let me take charge," I asked my father with puppy eyes hoping that he will budge.

"Sigh, Fine I trust you go ahead but if I feel you negotiating a horrible deal I will intervene" It seemed like my father couldn't resist my eyes

"Duke Vigar after a quick talk with my father we have decided to offer this deal. We agree with your proposal of paying ⅓ above market value and we agree with you paying 80% of the transportation cost. But we want to require half the payment to be upfront and the other half to be when it has arrived. Also, I recently heard you have found a new iron mine but it seems like you don't have enough money to fully get the mining started so as part of the deal I offer you that we cover 70% of the cost of mining while getting 60% of all profits." I quickly glanced at my father and I noticed that he didn't have an issue in fact he had a smirk. I also kinda cheated here since I have knowledge from the novel that the iron mine has amethyst which is a very precious stone so the profits from this deal will be even higher.

"This is your offer?" Duke Vigar said looking at me with a slightly surprised expression "I agree" He quickly agreed to the deal as it was overall beneficial for both the duchy and us. Duke Vigar stood up and shocked my father's hand and turned to me. "Young Lucas would you mind letting me speak with Count George privately"

"Not at all" I quickly answered

"Perfect, Maid! Take the young child towards the garden while I speak with his father make sure to treat him like family" Duke Vigar instructed

"As you wish your grace" the maid replied and I followed her outside as the doors closed behind me