
The Luna of Krystal Pack

Athena is an orphan who after her parents death relocates to Krystyal pack. she meets lots of people and not excluding Alpha lewis what happens when she turns out to be his mate? Will Athena and Lewis move well? Or will they end up been estranged in Twist?

jugwu3392 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2

For the last time young lady, you are not going anywhere.

you are not leaving this house, whats the time on your watch? Mrs maslow asked Athena who rolled her eyes before answering

8pm mum, f**king 8pm and that's not even past curfew Athena said as she turned and faced her mum

mum, i have always made you happy; you asked to leave Haven pack and i did. why don't you just let me be happy Athena yelled.

all this years, you just cared about work, promotion and loots and i was only left with Dad who really cared about me and knows more about me than you do.

the day he died you weren't even here Athena yelled

please mum, don't stop me from being happy this time

i will be back before dawn , Athena said and left her mum who was engrossed im her thought.

i am really sorry Athena, Mrs maslow said before the door closed before her face.

i hope in the future you know i am doing everything for your sake she said and went upstairs to her room.


Hey, you finally came Chels said as she hugged Athena.

it's my last party with you until God knows when so i have to attend it.

awwwnn my barbie, Owen and calen are here already chels said and Athena rolled her eyes

What barbie...

you and i know how hard it is to avoid calen after what happened, believe me i am so nervous around him Athena said 

come on, barbie its just a kiss moreover been shy its normal chels said as she pulled her to the vip section in the club.

Pinkie, dawn, Ariel you guys are here Athena said as she embraced them all.

we wouldn't miss your send forth party even if its for the whole world pinkie said.

let the party begin Dawn screamed and there was a loud song in the background with wolves dancing or making out.

lets party Athena, Ariel said and dragged her to the dance floor where she danced to her hearts content.

Calen, won't you make a move on her now? you and i know you won't ever get a chance like this Owen whispered to Calen who eyes was on Athena the whole time.

Calen walked towards her thankfully for him she was tipsy. so they danced togather. when she got tired they sat on a chair and calen made her straddle him. 

he brought her face closer to his; Athena he cooed, his voice so husky. you know i always wanted you he said.

hmm, i know Athena said slowly and slumped in his arms. 

huh, i just got started Calen hissed and took her to the room.

good night love 💕 he said and kissed her forehead


The rays of sunlight hit Athena's eye and she groaned,

augh, she slowly raised up her head and stared at the room, her eyes roaming everywhere.

where am i? she asked no one in particular. she opened the door and left the room. 

oh am still at the party, but where is everyone?

Athena, Athena Chels called out to her. come lets go

what happened last night? Athena asked as they entered the car..

nothing serious barbie but promise me one thing

what? Athena asked

you won't react badly to what i will tell you, chels said slowly 

come on tell your girl something you are making me scared with the way you are behaving.

did anything happen just tell me Chels Athena asked once more.

I'm really sorry to tell you Athena but I think we lost your mom

what the heck!! you know what Chelsea stop playing this game enough of expensive jokes just take me home I really have somewhere to be now if you remember.

yeah, am trying we lost your mum, i wouldn't lie to you. Am really serious.

thats why no one is still at the pub house.

everyone is at your house chels added and words stuck in Athena's throat.

her eyes watered with threatening tears, My mum is d-e--a---d.

i can't believe it at all, its not true. i can't be an orphan no way. Athena said slowly.

chels pulled up in front of the Maslow Mansion, Athena got down from the car and rushed into her house.

the crowd was much, guessed the whole pack visited.

they paved way for her and she walked towards her mum's body.

Mum, Athena said slowly "Wake up" Stand up

am back home.

you can scold me, it's fine i won't argue. Athena yelled.

you said you would never be pathetic, but here you are lying down lifeless.

what about your loot and your job? your Prejudice.

i know you are stronger than this, please mum stand up Athena yelled, tears pouring down.

chels moved towards her and held her, crying together

We have to find cause to this death and solve it, Owen said and left the mansion.

soon everyone sympathized with Athena and began to leave slowly 

Athena sat devastated on the floor of her room, it was already dusk, but she was still in that position since morning. 

Chels was preparing food for her in the kitchen, an autopsy result was sent to her.

she cried harder when she knew the cause of her mum's death.

it was a strange pill and it was forced down her throat, before the killer strangled and stabbed her.

Athena regretted leaving home, she remembered her mother's last words before she left the house.

"i am really sorry Athena"

Athena felt that it was her fault, she lost her mum. she blamed herself for leaving.

here's your favorite meal, eat up Athena chels said as she presented the food before Athena.

i don't want to eat! Athena said.

please help yourself and eat and also stop blaming yourself. What if you didn't leave the house. the killer would have killed you too Chels said 

yes, you are right chels i just have to focus on finding the killer. Athena replied

Barbie, it's getting late. eat fast so we can go to my house because i know it's not gonna be okay if i leave you here chels said and Athena smiled

Who do you think is after the Maslow's. firstly Mr Maslow, now his wife. if they really want to wash away the maslow's bloodline, Athena could be next Owen sai

d slowly 

he wants to make sure, Athena is safe..

invite chels and Athena to the Pack house. Owwn said and Calen left for the Maslow's mansion