16 Chapter 16: Siren Prince

Hearing how much I was tempting him scared me, I wanted to let go of him but my body only held on tighter. Then suddenly, a cloud crept over the moon, making Ikko's appearance return to normal. The darkness made me come to my senses and pulled away from him. But before I could, he quickly grabbed me and pulled me back. "How dare you provoke me."

Now it was I who was shaking. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'll never tempt you again I promise, just please, let me go." He hesitated for a moment then loosened his grip allowing me to pull away. "If you ever touch me like that again, I'm afraid I won't be as strong, and take you then and there. So go to sleep before the moon comes out again."

I looked down still shaking. 'I haven't been so close to someone since Sythyon. I feel so bad for making Ikko fight back when I knew that he couldn't resist my soul. But if I apologize again he'll just think of me as an annoyance.' I slowly relaxed as Ikko turned his head away from me. "...Does your skin and wings only glow like that in the moonlight?" He closed his eyes and sighed. "No. It's just more powerful in the moonlight. It glows in sunlight as well, which is why I prefer to walk in the shade. It's nothing but a curse."

I shifted my position and tilted my head. "I know it's none of my business, but, why did you become fallen?" He looked back to me glaring and I immediately regretted asking. But before I could apologize, he relaxed his face. "Let's just say that I grew tired of only existing for someone else." He then rested his head back against the tree and turned away from me again. "Go to sleep temptress." I looked up in shock, but Ikko had already started to fall back asleep. I crawled back beside Arine and layed down. 'Temptress? I didn't think I would ever be called that before.' I closed my eyes and drifted off for the rest of the night.

When I woke up it was sunrise and there was a cold breeze flowing through the forest. The sky was still dark and was filling with pinks and oranges as the sun lifted in the sky. I was the only one awake, and the howling wind started to scare me. 'Why do I wake up so early?' I started to shiver as the breeze grabbed a hold of me. 'It's so cold this morning. I don't think I can go back to sleep.' But as soon as I thought that, Arine opened his eyes. He sat up and looked over to me.

"Wow. You're up early." I sat up as well. "You're up early too." He noticed I was shivering and took off his jacket and gave it to me. "Here. I don't want you catching a cold out here." He wrapped the jacket around me and smiled. "We have a long trip ahead of us, so I'll keep you warm cutie." I smiled a little. "Do you think you're well enough to fly today?" He nodded. "Yep. I'd do anything if it means I can hold you for the entire day again baby." He booped my nose and I instantly blushed. 'Yikes. He's even more pushey than usual today.' But before I could answer, Ikko sighed. "Why do you get to carry her? I think I should get a turn." I turned to see that Ikko was awake and still sitting against the tree. "Oh. Good morning Ikko." He smiled and Arine glared at him.

"You don't get a turn because you're a homicidal megalomaniac who has a craving for Silvera's soul!" Ikko's smile disappeared. "How is that any different than a egotistical narcissist with a huge crush on her like you?" He gasped and was about to get up but I pulled him back down. "Arine, we want him to help us, remember?" I sighed. "It would only be fair if he could carry me if he wants at least once."

He mumbled angrily and crossed his arms. "Fine. But if he tries anything, he is so dead." Ikko stood up. "Right. Well we better get going, I don't fly in direct sunlight." Arine stood up too. "Why? Do you melt?" Ikko walked over to me and picked me up. "Think of the logic in that question."

They started to argue again and it was getting really annoying. 'I could try to stop them by taking advantage of their crushes on me... But I don't really know how to do that... I could at least try.' I then tilted my head in a cute way and wrapped my arms around Ikko's neck. They both froze and I made a cute sad face. "Can you two please stop fighting? I like you both very much and it hurts to see you fight."

They glared at each other one more time then looked away. Arine let his arms fall to his side. "Fine. I guess I could dial it down..." Then Ikko sighed blushing. "...Just because you're cute." I smiled. 'Damn I'm good.'

A few hours of flying later we landed near a lake behind some trees. Ikko put me down and started to walk around the lake. "He should be around here somewhere..." Arine rolled his eyes. "Just who are we looking for?" Ikko answered continuing to look around. "Cienar." Arine stopped frozen. "Wait, Cienar?! As in, the siren prince?!" I suddenly lit up. "A siren? We're going to meet a siren?! I've never seen one before I'm so excited!" Arine then grabbed me by the shoulders and faced me to him. "What?! You're excited?! Sure sirens are known for their beauty and song, but they're nothing more than greedy perverts who take everything they see!" Ikko laughed. "Haha... You should know."

Arine glared at him then turned back to me. "The point is, when we meet him, you have to stay behind me at all times." Ikko then turned to us. "He has a point. I've known Cienar for years and if he's anything like the siren I knew, he would grab a pretty girl like you as soon as he got the chance." I shuttered. 'Great. What is it with men and grabbing me?'

Then suddenly, I heard some music in the distance. "Hey, do you hear that?" I walked passed them wanting to know where it was coming from when Ikko took my arm. "What did we just say?" I continued to look in the distance. 'Right. That must be Ceinar singing. I forgot that siren calls were to lure humans to a watery death. Which is probably why Arine and Ikko aren't affected by it. But I can't help but want to follow the beautiful sound.' I struggled out of Ikko's grip. "I want to get closer." I continued to walk until Arine flew in front of me and picked me up. "Hey! Let me go!"

Arine sighed. "Great. She's under his control." Ikko hesitated a moment. "Since she has a beautiful soul, she can't resist things similar to it, therefore things with beauty have a more powerful effect on her than regular humans." Arine got annoyed. "Then let's stop that damn tuna from singing before she goes insane!" I hit his chest. "I can hear you you know!!"

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