
Eternal peace

The least that Balor now wanted was to come into conflict with someone. He just wanted to push the boundaries of his understanding of this world and just leave. But it was too late to regret, so he looked at the duet in front of him and thought a little.

"I believe that whoever is stronger is right. And you can always check who is stronger in a friendly duel. Sorry, but we are in a hurry, we have to go."

Pushing into the side of Shanley Lin, he turned and began to move in the opposite direction. Rejoicing how easily he was able to avoid the conflict. But this joy did not last long.

Chao Lin took a step forward.

"I cannot agree with you. I think that power is in truth: he who has the truth is stronger. Balor, I want to give you a warning, your anger and cowardice in your heart can give rise to internal demons, which will prevent you from moving to the Tao."

Balor looked into Chao Lin's eyes and could have sworn that he saw a feeling in them as if the old man had lectured the young people and it infuriated him a little. Therefore, he could not help but ask ironically.

"I wonder what you need to have in your heart for better promotion in 'Tao'?"

"There must be ' eternal peace ' in the heart, and only then internal demons will not form in it and the path to the Tao will be clear for you, like a serene lake."

Chao Lin said as if he was advising the young, it infuriated Balor even more.

Nearby standing Shang Liu, an expression appeared on her face as if she had been enlightened and she looked at Chao Lin as if admiring his wisdom.

"Eternal peace of the heart is unlikely to please. Eternal peace for ancient ruins." - Balor sharply answered.

"Your malice will only hinder you."

As if tired of arguing about an obvious thing, Chao Lin shook his head.

"Are you a good person?" Balor could not bear and ask.

"I can't be called good, but I'm not evil either." Chao Lin said in a multi-valued voice and afterward looked at the sky, as if recalling his past.

"You just got lucky that fate did not make you evil. When fate compels, you do what can, and not what do you want."

Having said this, Balor turned again and was about to leave, while not forgetting again to push Shanley Lin with his elbow. At this time, he prayed inwardly.

Please, I want to leave beautifully, do not spoil the moment!

But suddenly he heard a sigh behind him.

"I again cannot agree with you."


"The whole history of reasonable races is a story of compassion and overcoming difficulties for the common good. There are many negative feelings in the world, but positive ones are an order of magnitude larger. "- saying this, he looked as if he knew the very essence of the world.

When Balor heard this, he truly showed a surprised face. He almost laughed when he heard "overcoming difficulties for the common good", but he could restrain himself.

"The whole history of reasonable races is the story of the prolonged suicide of living matter, which 'cosmic chance' gave the ability to think, and living matter did not know what to do with this random fateful ability. And it did not find her the best application, as the creation of the most effective methods of total suicide."

Having said this, Balor turned again, not forgetting to grab Shanley Lin, who was still pondering the last words and quickly went towards the Assignment House.

Leaving the three people with very strange faces. After some time, awareness appeared in the eyes of the former demigod and he looked at the back of Balor, who was already able to go far.

"Who are you?"

Ten minutes later, Balor and Shanley Lin had already entered the Assignment House. It was a huge stone building, at the entrance of which stood two guards. Through the large door all the time someone came in and out.

Entering inside one could see a huge stone wall 10 meters high with many inscriptions.

"The task is written on this wall and by completing them you will receive points that you can spend on things necessary for yourself."

Stepping closer, Shanley Lin began to read to choose a suitable task for himself.

"Collect 10 moonflowers, 10 contribution points. Nope. Very few points. Kill 20 silver wolves, 15 contribution points. Nope. Create a seven-color poison pill, 4 contribution points. Are they kidding me? Why so few points."

Balor also looked at the wall, but because he couldn't understand anything, he was just listening. At that time, Shanley Lin began to watch the assignment with a lot of contribution points.

"Kill the white dragon, 1200 points of contribution. I'm not ready to die yet. Investigate the killing of two apprentices in a purple forest, 600 points. This is not for me. Find the dragon root, 100 points. Okay, let's see what you can get for these points."

Shanley Lin went to another wall and Balor followed him.

He was immediately attracted to the golden inscriptions on the highest part of the wall.

"Brother Shanley Lin, what do you think of these awards."

"Brother Balor, you have a very keen eye. The Great Spiritual Pill for 10 million points, it can increase and strengthen your soul. Heavenly Dragon Blood for 12 million points can give you the dragon's lineage. Divine Purifying Dew for 15 million contribution points can cleanse your body of all impurities. But these rewards are too expensive, you need several lives to get at least one of them. "

Balor was surprised at the price. It feels like the heavenly Blue Dragon school was just mocking students.

He was also very interested in the Great Spiritual Pill. For each magician, his soul power was very important. If physique influenced the amount of mana, but the power of the soul was important on the strength and speed of the spell.

In the world of magic, tinctures were distributed that increased the strength of the soul temporarily or permanently, even Balor took several. But due to the price of the ingredients and some side effects, magi have limited themselves in their use.

"It would be foolish to spend a decade at this school to get this pill, and even if I can get it, I still don't have any spiritual veins ..."

Suddenly, a strange thought came into his head.

"Brother Shanley Lin, can these things be used if you have no spiritual veins?"

"What a strange question, naturally it is possible, they interact only with the soul and body. Even an ordinary mortal can use them."

I guess I should reconsider my plans and stay a little longer. Once, my teacher told me that in this merciless world, if you have something taken or stolen, you can only blame your weakness.

Slowly, a smile appeared under the mask of Balor.

'Eternal peace of the heart is unlikely to please. Eternal peace for ancient ruins.'

'And for the star that gathered and falls.'

'There is only a moment - a blinding moment!'

Any feedback or opinion on the story is welcome. Thanks for reading.

Artyomcreators' thoughts
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