
Rightful owner

Cold and shivering, I slumped to the ground with my head feeling dizzy. It was seven days since I left my pack, Moonraven, and ran to the vast outskirts of Seattle from Vancouver, scared that Benedict's men must be hunting me down. But I guess this is the farthest I could get with no money and food.

I leaned on the tree and closed my eyes. The light from the horizon was starting to fade and I could barely see a faint light from where I was because of the tall trees surrounding me. Sure, it was a good place to die, somewhere peaceful and calm. But should I allow myself to just die like this after my parents sacrificed themselves for my freedom? Should I put their efforts into waste by giving up?

I don't think I have the heart to do that. But I also don't know where I can get strength in the middle of wilderness.

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