
The Lonely King.

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendingly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time writing something so don't hate it too much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might rewrite this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


Nix slowly opened his eyes. His body hurt all over. When Nix finally opened his eyes, he noticed that he was in a different room.

Nix sits up and thinks of how he got here. Then Nix remembers the demon, and how it just played with him.

Nix grits his teeth in anger. With nothing to do Nix looks at the bandages around his body.

While Nix was inspecting himself someone entered the room.

"At least you're not dumb enough to try and move around."

Nix looks at the person who talked. It was the king of the elves.

Nix moved his mouth to realize he couldn't speak.

"Your jaw is broken right now. Along with three cracked ribs. Two ribs broken, barely not piercing your lungs. What you did was just plain stupid."

Nix grits his teeth hearing this.

"But you have my thanks."

Nix looks at the man with confusion.

"Thanks to you, we were able to avoid more casualties. If you didn't hold the demon back a lot more people would have died."

Nix looks at the king questionly.

"I'm not here to only insult and thank you. You are young and talented. With time you may be one of the strongest out there. So that's why I am inviting you, to be trained as a royal guard. We are running out of time. And we need as many people to fight the demons."

Nix thinks for a couple of minutes. Mentally debating all the pros and cons of accepting the king's offer.

Finally, Nix nods his head to the king.

"Good. Once you are finished healing, the training will start right away."

And with that the king left, leaving Nix in his thoughts.

----------( a month later)----------

Thanks to the king, Nix was able to pull a full recovery in just a month.

When Nix was discharged from the hospital, a knight was waiting for him.

"His majesty ordered me to get you."

Nix followed the knight to the training ground.

"Alright, first we are gonna see where you stand now. I will come up with a training plan after I see what you can do. Now come at me with the intent to kill."

No words needed to be said. Nix was already running at the man with his scythe.

Nix sent a straight kick at the knight. He watched his foot with one hand. Twisting his body, Nix swung his other leg at the armored man.

Again he catches it. With both of his legs caught, Nix swung his scythe down. The knight unable to dodge or block the weapon, slammed Nix down on the ground.

Taking this moment Nix sank into the shadows.

Jumping out of the shadows, behind the armored man Nix swung his scythe ending the fight.


In Nixs lost.

The man spun around and backhanded Nix in the face, sending him flying.

Knocked unconscious Nix lay there. With his jaw broken again.

"I thought he would be stronger than this. He's too predictable. I already know what to work on next."

And so the knight dragged Nix to the closest infirmary.


Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter

Till next time

Have a good day