
The Lone Awakener

The struggle for survival has begun. Countless genius take birth to fight against an unknown race. One among such genius was a unremarkable boy born in remote place abandoned by his clan. He has to fight for the survival of his race even though he was abandoned by all . The journey of the Lone Awakener though has a beautiful start but has a painful road.

VJR_5764 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

At the Fair

In the living hall downstairs, Regal's mother was sitting holding his sister Emy in her hands and was waiting for regal to come down so that they could go to the new year fair.

"Regal, how long are you taking to come down" having waited for quite some time Trissa was becoming impatient.

"Coming mother, just this shirt is quite difficult to wear" Regal still trying to wear this shirt came walking downstairs.

"I think I made it a bit small, hah .No worries just wear it like that." Trissa seeing that the clothes she made were a size small awkwardly chuckled.

Every New Year Regal's mother would prepare some new clothes for the whole family. It is kind of a tradition passed down her family of making clothes by themself during New Year. Though Trissa is not quite good with needles and threads, she does her best to prepare beautiful clothes for the family.

"DONE" exclaimed Regal after finally putting on the shirt.

"Let's go now or we will be later for festive processions" seeing Regal finally putting on the shirt, Trissa beckoned him towards her.

They made their way out the broken door; Trissa stared at the broken door with a strange face. Not knowing what to do, she formed some water around the edges of the door.

The door was slowly lifted to its original place, then the water around edges of the door which were also touching the frame of the started to cool down and turn into ice.

"HAIZZ,done" breathing a sigh of relief Trissa carried Emy and started walking towards the fair.

While Trissa was walking towards the fair, she didn't notice that Regal was still standing near the door, totally fascinated by his mother's piece of work.

While regal still fascinated he heard his mother calling out for him. He turned around to see his mother waving hand at him as if telling to come fast.

Regal seeing that he was left behind ran towards in mother in a strange manner. Though he ran in full speed he didn't dare move his hands as he was afraid of tearing a hole in his tight shirt.

Seeing her son running over in such a strange manner, Trissa could not help but giggle.

Regal hearing the laughter which chiming from her mother shot an annoyed look.

Trissa gave out her hand to Regal to hold. Regal who had ran fast stopped beside her, breathed heavily for some time and grabbed her hand.

Trissa holding Emy in left arm and using her right hand to hold Regal's hand walked towards the bustling city square where the fair was being held.

The fair was filled with a festive environment, many groups of people walked around the fair happily chatting and laughing with each other.

Near the center of the fair was big hotel, with a large signboard saying


This was the largest Hotel in the whole Bangra region and was controlled by a very big force called THE STAR ORGANISATION.

Inside the star hotel there were 7 floors, the first 3 floors were accessible to all common people of the Vress city. While the 4th, 5th ,6th had some restrictions on those who could enter.

For a person to enter the 4th floor they need to be at Early stages of Qi gathering or have consent of someone who is at the early stages of Qi gathering stage.

For a person to enter the 5th floor they need to be in the middle-stages of Qi gathering or have the consent of someone the same level.

The same goes for 6th floor but needed the strength of Late-stages of Qi gathering or have the consent of someone the same level.

People who could even enter the 4th floor of the star Hotel were considered elites of the Bangra region. For those people who could actually enter the 6th floor were considered the elitist of elites in the Bangra region and those who could enter the 7th floor in the Bangra region could be counted in one hand.

Regal and his mother after entering the fair walked around few stalls together and finally went to the Star Hotel, where his father was waiting for them.

As Regal and his mother entered the Star Hotel, they were welcomed by 2 beautiful people. One male and the other female, they were holding their hand in a Namaste and greeted all the guests irrespective of their clothing or behavior with a friendly smile.

Regal moved pass them into the large hall decorated with great attention. The floor was cover with milky white granite with various patterns present on them. The walls were decorated with beautiful paintings of maidens and sculptures.

At the center of the hall was milky-white table carved in a weird way, such that it had three protruding parts and three intruding parts. There were three gorgeous ladies at each protruding part interacting with customer.

Regal and Trissa made their way to the table at the center. Trissa said something to the lady and showed a white colored card.

The receptionist with a kind smile gave a small white token which had a beautiful carving present on it making it look fragile to hold but if anyone held that token they would feel as if they were holding mystic iron.

Trissa kindly accepted the token and made their way to the small room in a cylindrical shape with a radius of 1.5 metre.

At the right side of the door inside the room was small carving one exactly opposite to the carving on the token.

Trissa placed the white token near the cravings; white light began to shine brightly from the token and entered the carving.

As if responding to the white light entering the carving the room shook a little and the scenery out the door changed. Though it felt like they had teleported they just moved at high speed,faster than what an eye could see.

Regal and trissa walked out the room into the new hall, it was covered with red carpets and sweet fragrance spread throughout the room. Giving the room a cozy environment.

If one breathed the fragrance they would feel their body start to slowly relax making them feel at ease.

Regal and Trissa walked towards a certain table where three figures were seated, happily chatting with each other and drinking wine.

Seeing Regal and Trissa walk over one of the figures sat up giving the seat to Trissa and said "You are quite late"

It was Ash who had run away after he was just about to be beaten by Trissa.

Trissa sat down and nodded slightly, seeing this Regal felt a little downcast. He had originally thought a nice beating was going to place.

In the star hotel fighting is strictly prohibited and those who fight will be given strict punishment.

There was once when two men had started to fight each other in the star hotel due to some grievance and both were killed on the spot by the star warriors who maintained security in the star hotel. Since then no one dared to fight even for the largest of large grievance in the star hotel.

Regal didn't know this, thus he was sad not seeing mother beat up his father for 'Bullying him'.

He sat down beside his mother and stared at the two new guests who had been seated on the same table.

"Isn't this little regal, looks like you have grown up a little,haha." said one the guest.

He was a large man with well-defined body. He had back of bear and waist of a tiger. He looked quite fierce and strong. He was wearing and extremely large sized suit which were trying its best not to tear open.

Beside him was a small petite figure with cute face though she looked small she was same age as the big bear beside him. She had worn a black dress giving a majestic look; her normally cold eyes were a little happy seeing regal and Emy in the hands of Trissa.

"Ha-ha big bear, Why do you have to scare my little regal" said Ash seeing the huge man closely staring regal as if he were new species of animal.

The huge man who was called big bear by Ash was an awakener just like Ash and trissa, though he looked stupid he is quite cunning. He was born as a commoner and didn't have anyone who supported him yet he grew on to become one of the strongest awakeners in the Bangra region only slightly weaker than Ash who was at the peak of Qi gathering stage. His original name was kreg but most call him big bear due to his size.

The small girl beside is also an awakener with the same strength as big bear. Her name is barfi and was also born a commoner like kreg.

Trissa and Ash started chatting with kreg and barfi, the four of them had formed a group together when they were in teens to explore ruins. From then on they became close friends who shared life and death in ruins. They would celebrate all good things together.

While they were talking, Barfi in a soft and small voice asked Trissa if she could carry Emy for which Trissa gladly gave Emy to her.

Barfi started to play with Emy and slowly came out of the conversation. Seeing barfi slowly come out of the conversation big bear and Ash laughes,they knew that she was a women of few words and would rarely go on to talk for long.

They continued to chat when a loud voice came from the people, who were walking towards them,

"OH the abandoned trash of vress family still dares to flaunt his power in the Vress city"


God please it was quite challenging for me to write this ,I don't know why but I didn't have too much interest in writing this chapter, but I still tried my best hope you guys still like it.I really would like the 'real reader' and not bots who read my work to please comment on points where I could improve. I am very very much grateful for reading this.
