9 Page 5 - English

Mum asked, "Fifi, what are you doing here?"

Fifi politely smiled and replied, "Oh! I heard from mum what happened to your plants and shoes, so I came to see."

"Oh, so sweet of you dear." Mum replied and continued. "Look how my poor plants have suffered, and my shoes. My poor shoes."

"Yes, indeed." Fifi replied sweetly. She replied, "You know auntie, even our shoes were in the lift, right now."

"Is it?" Dad asked.

"Yes. Mum is so angry right now." Fifi said.

"But I didn't see any message." Dad said.

"Mum didn't post yet."

"Tell your mum, when you'll go back, to go a write a message. Parents should give a good earful to these kids." Mum sternly said.

"Oh but I won't be able to say now, for I left from home out to play in the sunlight."

"But it's raining now and it's dark." Dad replied.

"Is it?" Fifi replied with an awkward tone and expression.

"Yes it is." I replied kindly.

"Oh, then I'll go to my friend's house then." Fifi replied.

"Bye sweetheart." Mum said.

"Bye." Fifi said.

Dad closed the door and said, "People with no backbone."

"Ah, now don't start with this. Let me call Aparajita and console her." Mum said.

"And let me write a message in the group." Dad replied.

I had my science exam, you see. So I was not interested in what they were talking about but one thing I hope you remember is that when I am extremely focused, I tend to hear more clearly.

I tell you, honestly, not even half an hour, 5 mins later, I heard a sound of closing the shoe rack. I said with a yell, "Mum! Dad! Shoes!"

Mum and dad both quickly opened the door and saw that all 19 pairs including slippers were missing.

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