

Time bonds people together everywhere. Whether you're trying to make a new friend or just deepen an existing one, you need to find a way to make it work.


No one had expected Crol to be beaten like this.

Even with a frail body like his, Haste still managed to make his classmate fly with this single move.

"How is it possible?"

"When did he become so strong?"

"Why does Crol is still lying on the ground?"

The people in the classroom all had different thoughts. Some were amazed by what Haste just did right now since they never expected someone like him to be able to defend himself. Others were perplexed since they didn't understand how this situation where Haste was winning came to be, while some were just shocked by what had happened.

Crol wasn't just a nobody. His family was powerful, almost as much as the Laborde family. So no one ever dared to mess with him, be it at school or outside.

And even though everyone knew that Haste came from an influential family too, they also knew that he wasn't really welcomed in this very family either. So seeing him punching Crol like this meant that a change had occurred.

They didn't know if it was the family or just Haste that had changed, but things won't look good for one of them in the end.

But this thought, only very few people had. The others were too busy watching what had happened.

'Things would be interesting from now on,' A boy who has brown hair and grey eyes thought and smirked.

After some time, Crol stood up and roared like a beast.

"You bastard, I will kill you," He rushed toward Haste at full speed. Albeit, the teacher stopped him by smacking his head.

"Don't be a fool and go to your place. Classes have already begun, so don't waste my time," The teacher said as he walked toward his desk. If he didn't stop Crol now, the situation would have become problematic.

"Tch, just wait," Crol clicked his tongue. "You're going to suffer," He walked toward his seat before sitting and putting his head in his arms.

Haste went to his seat too, and after the classroom was cleaned a little, classes finally began.

However, it was annoying. No one really likes theory classes since people could get rich just by being at a high level. So everyone focused on that, even more, when they were young.

And Haste was no exception to that. He didn't like those types of classes since they didn't bring him anything. Even more now. Since he got a blessing from a god-like being, he just wanted to go and kill monsters.

Unfortunately for him, he still needed to attend class since they were forced to.

It has become a global rule in modern society.

No matter the country, be it a big one like the United States, or a small one like Cralmin, which was the country Haste lived in, everyone had to attend school until they get 20.

And this was mostly for one reason.

There wasn't any country that wanted to send the new generation to their death. So by doing so, the new generation needed to spend most of their time at school, where they were safe while being able to level up.

Like this, once they turned 20, they would be able to fight without worrying too much about their lives since they will already be at a quite high level at this time. Of course, if they were dumb enough to not know their limits, they would die.

But at this point, not a single country could do anything about that.

And as the class continued, Haste couldn't help but feel someone staring at him from behind. He knew that it wasn't Crol since he was in the front of the class and still had his head in his arms. But he didn't know who it could be either.

He didn't know anyone in his class since he didn't befriend anyone. Not that they would have accepted either.

But even after some time, Haste still felt the stare on his back. So he turned around and asked. "Can I help you?" The person who was staring at him had brown hair and grey eyes. He even smiled when Haste turned toward him.

"Do you mind if we talk after classes?" He asked, still smiling.

"Huh?" Haste didn't expect that. He thought it was another person who wanted to bully him. Albeit, it wasn't. 'Does he want something from me? Did I do something to piss him off? Does he want a fight too?' Multiple thoughts appeared in his head. But not a single one was a good answer.

And as if he could read his mind, the boy said. "Don't worry, I don't mean any harm. I just want to have a casual talk with you."

"Yeah, sure," Haste answered as he turned back again, still not being able to process the entire situation.

Since the lecture wasn't interesting, Haste didn't bother listening to it. And as time passed, the ring finally rang, announcing the end of the first period.

Haste immediately saw Crol giving him a menacing glare before he went out to eat. It was lunchtime, so he didn't want to waste it with someone like Haste.

The latter sighed before going to the canteen too.

Though, he forgot that he needed to talk with someone.

So the boy with brown hair and grey eyes came behind him and put a hand on Haste's shoulder.

"Did you already forget? I'm hurt," He acted as if his heart was in pain.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Haste apologized, not taking his act. "By the way, can I know your name?"

"You don't know it? I'm truly hurt this time," He said as Haste rolled his eyes. "Just joking. Anyway, my name is Leo Vanguy, but you can call me Leo." He smiled.

"Sure, nice to meet you, Leo. I'm Haste, but I'm sure you already know who I am," Haste said as they entered the canteen. They were discussing while walking. "So? What do you want to talk about with me?"

"Let's be friends," Leo didn't wait and immediately said what he wanted, making Haste's meal tray fall from his hands because of the shock. Thankfully, it was still empty.

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