
The legend of the Tayati -The rise

The legend of the Tayati is a story that tells us about a girl who learns that is the rebirth of a great guardian and see how she learn to use her powers and defeat her enemy

Nash_8951 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


"the soldiers and our weapons have arrived"Alex said."ok ,come on "said Allison. they both walked down and saw red and gray inviting people inside . Allison could see all of their powers some were dragons, while other were fariya and pixies and some were werewolves and vampire and banshees and white fox.they all looked at Allison, some of the people's eye turned purple .

in the hall there were more than 50. some of them were Asians and African and American.

"I am happy to have you all here .as you see Lavina is trying to escape with yokati, we don't know how long have we got so be prepared "Alex said.suddenly Natasha and marcavis came in . everyone looked in shock they never seen such a guy in their life. "everyone, this is prince marcavis mortain ,he was the husband of the great queen jewel mortain."red introduced marcavis to everyone."and this is you queen,snow mortain the lost daughter of queen deluxe.everyone please call her Allison."Alex introduced Allison.

"she looks just like deluxe "a woman said."thank you Catherine."Allison said with her blue eyes ."I am glad that you are a quick learner "Catherine said."any way everyone please take rest red and gray will show your rooms and i hope you all are comfortable to share rooms with others "Alex said."go and get some sleep Allison"Alex said.hearing Alex's command she left to her room and went to sleep.

the next morning, Allison woke up to hear loud voices and laughter.when she went down she saw Alex and everyone including Alan and Adam sitting together laughing and eating breakfast."hey Dan, sorry Alan why didn't you wake me up." Allison asked."i asked them not to wake you up ." Alex replied." last three nights you didn't got good sleep due to nightmares but yesterday you slept peacefully so"Alex explained." thanks for you consideration"Allison thanked with a smile. "come on come sit with us ,let enjoy our last moment of peace before yokati wakes up" a man said. Allison went near the table and eat her breakfast and everyone introduced themselves to her.soon breaking thier peace a earthquake again came this time it lasted a little longer than before and was more stronger.once the earthquake stopped."how long do we have George?"Alex asked."approximately, four to five days" George replied."ok do you know the location?"Allison asked."yes , Allison everyone knows . i can't believe you Alex she been here for last one week but you didn't took her to the cave" George asked disappointed."i thought it doesn't matter cause even if she knows the spot she can't prevent Lavina from coming out"Alex said.

"ALEX ,MARCAVIS IS MISSING " Natasha screamed."what you mean by he is missing"Alex asked."he took rose with him."Natasha said."he is upto something I felt something was wrong about him at the first moment I saw him, Allison,Alan , Adam and red and Natasha stay "Alex said."what why me?"Natasha asked.",you are responsible people but red he can't even one job I gave his just look after them please Nate please "Alex begged."fine just get me a kitten just like John."Natasha said."ok after Lavina is dead or after locking her,deal"Alex said"deal"Natasha replied.and all of them left in search of marcavis and rose.