
The legend of the Tayati -The rise

The legend of the Tayati is a story that tells us about a girl who learns that is the rebirth of a great guardian and see how she learn to use her powers and defeat her enemy

Nash_8951 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


"Where has Marcavis gone ?" Allison asked. "he is a crazy guy,he doesn't know what to do or what he is doing " red replied. "you are right he killed jewel just cause he thought she slept with gray. later he regretted, and that the reason he hibernated" natasha said.

"i always wondered how did alli became my biological sister when our parents are two different couples and how did the he*k, did her mother transfer her into my mother's?" alan asked.

"deluxe transed Allison." red said. "what does transed means ?" Allison asked. " daniel i will explain."natasha said.red just simply rolled his eyes.

"do Allison you know that your mother and you are the tayati ,which means the great guardian. you and your family females are known as the tayati because of the goddess creota , weird name I know. and creota's dragon was a pure white dragon with crystals on her back so this dragon was know as tayati and she was given the responsible of earth " natasha said. "so i guess she turned into a guardian queen and the children she later gave birth to became the next heir " Allison said hesitated . "yes you are correct, after that creota have her a egg as a gift of her loyalty and that was the beginning of my family tree the soul guardian of tayatis"red said proudly.

" so creota not only gave her tita(the baby dragon or the soul guardian of tayatis) as a gift but also blessed her and her children to have all the powers existing on earth hence the tayatis became the fifth most strongest guardian of the universe"natasha explained.

"and there was this monster call baemo.ba stands for baby e stands for eating mo stands for monster.just like their name the female only ate the babies of other kind to give birth to a strong baby" red said.

"but one day a baemo ate the baby of the great healer fariy.the fariy prayed for years to have a baby and when she lost her baby she could feel the pain of all other parents." natasha said. "so she cursed all baemo that they will no longer be able to hold babies more that a week of pregnancy or if they keep both mother and baby will die," red said.

"inorder to keep their species survive the have to transfer the baby into another female who cannot have babies" natasha said. "hence they got the name transegg. and all the tayatis had that power but they could keep the baby but it was useful during war time the queen could give the baby to someone and fight but the red flag was that the person who receive wil become the birth mother" red said.

"that means sarah is my birth mom and deluxe is my biological mother" Allison said. "yes " red said with a sigh."so , I wonder where Marcavis took rose?" adam asked."we were just getting along that when that moron took her"adam said disappointed. "he must have to her to find dragonia." red said ."dragonia? "Allison asked."oh it is the capital of earth,it got destroyed and please alli don't ask me about it " red request. "fine.red I have a question for you do alex like me?" Allison asked.

"of course he likes you,how can he resist you when you are his soulmate ..no " red said and covered his mouth when natasha gave his a 'I am gonna kill you look'. "seriously he is my soulmate omg i knew it from the beginning he was some way connected . he was about kiss me yesterday but all other gave right before it ." Allison said. "so you want to kiss his." red asked ."no its not but i would be cause i am 23 but never had even a single kiss"Allison said."so you really wants to kiss me."alex said ."alex where are.."before Allison could complete her words alex pulled her in for a kiss.

dear readers I have Published a book called Know Me Better where you can know more about the characters