

A/N: I changed my mind. You won't be seeing much of his space adventures after all! MWAHAHAHAHA! I'M EVIL! I KNOW!


1144 AD: 180 Years(17)

"You guys can rest here as long as you like. If you want, I'll be contacting the Nova corps, so they can escort you guys to your homes." I say, once I'd gathered every adult prisoner. There were about 300 of them, in all, from all over the galaxy.

One of them raises his head up high, and asks, "What if we don't wanna go to those Xandarians?"

I raise an eyebrow and look around. A lot of these people were wary of Xandar too. Huh. So I answer, "Well, I can create portals to your planets, or you guys can take those Kree ships and go home. Anything really. It's your decision, I'm not keeping you prisoner here."

I pause, letting them all understand, and then say, "Or, you guys can fight the Kree and rescue other prisoners. Because there are more. Torfa was a single planet. Kree have bases around the Universe. And this cultist sect of theirs is experimenting in a lot of places. Think about it. But for now, rest. I'll send food for you later."

Letting them think on it, I leave and go to the Great Hall, where the kids were already healed up, but were now resting. Of the 80 something kids I rescued from the planet, about 50-60 had already been injected with the Kree blood, and received genetic modifications.

They'll get to decide whether they want to keep the abilities or not. Omega had already derived a drinkable serum that will purge the Kree blood from their bodies, with or without removing the new abilities.

I go towards the oldest kid here, which was the Kronan named Warg. He was 14, and had been experimented on, by bathing him in a cocktail of chemicals. Again and again.

Because of that, the rock he was made out of, had become hardened. While a normal adult Kronan can take at most 5 punches from me or Thor before breaking, Warg could possibly take a lot more, and even then keep fighting.

He had the potential to become like the Thing from fantastic four. Organic rocks.

I approach him, and ask, "So.. are you alright?"

He nods, and a rough voice says, "I am okay. But many of them are not. What are you going to do with us?"

I give him the same speech I gave the adults, with the addition, "I won't ask you to join the fight against the Kree, at least not until you're much older. But, if you don't want to go home, then I will offer you my planet to stay on."

Warg thinks on it for a while, and then looks at me. He says, "I miss my family. The pirate kidnapped me while I was playing. I want to go home please."

I nod, smiling at him, and say, "Very well. I'll make the portal for you after dinner. The elves will pack some food for you too."

I then move on and talk to each of those kids, individually, and give them the same offer. But for some of them, I had to add a horrible truth of their families being dead, or their planets captured by the Kree.

At the end of the day, of the 80 kids I'd saved, 67 people decided to go home, 5 kids decided to stay on Avalon, and the remaining 8 people had no planet to return to, so they too stayed with me.

After dinner, as I promised, I made portals to the homes of all of those who decided to leave, and sent them through.

Among those staying voluntarily, were the Zen Whoberi inhuman, and the kid Groot. The Zen Whoberi, who's name was Aora, was stronger than before, a lot stronger.

She was kidnapped along with 6 other kids, after their ruler, Divadi left the planet. They injected her with their blood, like everyone else, and then electrocuted her. Again and again.

They only stopped, when Aora broke through her bindings, and punched through a wall. Although, she was incapacitated soon after. She was 9 years old, and was already an orphan. So she decided to stay here.

Groot, who was about a foot in height, and too cute, meanwhile, simply told me he did not want to return as the air here felt better to him. Well he said, "I am Groot. I am Groot, I am Groot!" but I translated.

They were going to stay in the castle for a while, while I decide what to do with them. Other than Groot and Aora, none of the others are exactly damaged. They had just been kidnapped and not experimented with.

So, I was thinking of either handing them to the escaped prisoners, or to Xandar. But Xandar was the better option.

The Prisoners were going to be set up as mercenaries, if I had my way. Having an aim of stopping inhumane experiments, they will roam around the galaxy, rescuing people and adding to their army.

I was going to give them the planet I dropped them on as a safe house. ItIt was close to Adgard, so there's no risk of an attack happening. And they'll have a home to build on.

But, I don't think this will stop so soon. But, now that I'm back in my own Solar System, I have a talk to go through.

The Kree had Terran humans on Torfa, about a year back or so. All the humans on Torfa died though, none surviving the experiments.

I would have encountered the Kree, or even seen them on the Mirror, while I was on Midgard. But I didn't. And there's only one way that's possible. And that person was making me angry.

Going to the Moon of the Earth, I summon Ljosgeirr, and shout, "UATU! COME HERE!"

As soon as I feel him appear behind me, I swing Ljosgeirr right where his neck is. He simply stops the blade of the spear with two fingers and a thumb, and looks at me with his white eyes.

I try to pull Ljosgeirr out if his finger hold, but fail. So strong! He asks, "What is the meaning of this, Asgardian?"

I fire a blast of flames at him, which do nothing to him, and finally ask, through my anger. I ask, "Why did you hide the actions of the Kree from me?! How many kids?! How many more mortals were experimented on by them?!"

Uatu calmly turns his back to me and says, "I'm a Watcher. It's my job to record everything. Your presence is already sending waves of change across the timeline. I knew that if you were made known about the inhumans, then you would have tried to stop the experiments, which would have been very damaging for the timeline. So, I hid them from you until they left."

I scream in anger and jump at him. He calmly stops my punches, and says, "Do not be hasty, Asgardian. It was a necessary evil. Don't forget, the only reason you're alive, is my vow of non interference."

He said it all so calmly that it scares even me. And I've talked back to Odin. He throws me away from him, and turns back.

I slump down into the ground, and look up at him. I ask, "How many years?"

"3 Years. They came here 4 years ago, stayed on Midgard for their experiments, and then left last year because they were called back, and the human experiments failed. Or so they thought." Uatu answers, his back still turned.

I sit down, and faintly notice that he's left. Only when he's left, I realize, I felt him when he appeared. I felt a Watcher coming.

How is that possible? Even Celestials, and Galactus find it hard to see what the Watchers have hidden. I'll think about it later. Maybe he just let me sense him. Yup, probably this.

I stay on the moon for a few more minutes and then go to Avalon again. I have to deliver food to the prisoners.

~~~Five Years Later~~~

1149 AD: 185 Years(17)

It's been five years since I rescued the prisoners on Torfa. I had done all that in an illusion of Apocalypse's face, with my body, and turning the armour colour into black. That was probably enough to not let anyone identify me as an Asgardian.

After 2 days of letting the Prisoners rest, I contacted Xandar through the Ravager ship, and told them about my rescue. They came with an armada, as it could have been a trap, and after a small briefing, they let most of them go.

Well, I say most of them, because one of the prisoners was already wanted in Xandar for stealing something.

There were close to 300 of the prisoners, if whom only 50 went home, or even had a home to go to. The rest decided to take the fight to the Kree, and said so to the Nova corps.

The Nova corps informed the Niva Prime about this, and she came to the planet to meet with them. They had a talk, I had no part in it, and they formed a partnership.

Xandar fixed the Kree ships, and modified them, while the Prisoners will work for Xandar as mercenaries, with minimum wage for 5 years, after which they will begin to get paid more.

And fight Kree they did. They raided known Kree scientific bases, and rescued any slaves, or test subjects they could. The rescued were usually given an option. Fight Kree with them, or go back home and rest.

And this way, the former group of unnamed Xandarian mercenaries got turned into a mercenary group called "Rescue", and were in the talks of making them a formal part of Xandar. But it's only been 5 years, so it'll take time.

I left the fight to them, and only went if there was a big known enemy there or something. Like the time I fought an Accuser.

Accusers are strong. Far stronger than any Kree. They have a cybernetic armour, and the Cosmi-rod, which varies in shapes with the user. The Cosmi-rod, which has nothing cosmic at all, as far as I could see, was a weapon exclusive to the accusers, and they can fire energy bolts from them.

Anyway, I killed him, no big deal. He was strong, but I was stronger. I made a name for myself, as Surya the Wizard, who defeated an Accuser in single combat. No one, I mean, no one other than my Elves, and my mother even know that I am Surya the Wizard. Well, and Groot and Aora.

Groot settled down in the Forbidden forests, and eats only fruits, flower leaves, and vegetables. He was completely vegan, except for honey. He loves honey. He especially loves the apple trees growing near the Vibranium caves.

Don't worry, I tested everything about him, and just found that he was loving the magic that the fruits had. And wasn't that a surprise. Vibranium was so weird with Magic, because the metal was Magical. No, I mean literally.

Vibranium's radiation, which changed the Rhinos and humans of Wakanda, was a brand of Magic too much different from Earth's, or even Asgard's. It was as different as water and Vinegar.

They look the same, they mix together, but the end result is not something you're going to like.

As an experiment, and after asking the now teenage Groot, of course, I fed him the juices of the Heart shaped herb. Nothing's happened yet, other than him getting bulkier. He looked the same, his Magic felt the same, and he even spoke the same. But I was hopeful.

I even blessed those damn herbs!

Aora.. was a bit hard to handle. She was a small girl, of barely 9 in the beginning. I taught her the best I could, everything from morals, and fighting, to math and science. I adopted her as a little sister, and stuck to it.

Now, she was 14, and she could fight me on equal terms.Well, while I was mortal again that is. Speaking of which, I got the inhibitor back! Well, not back, but I realized that the Armour absorbed that and the weight runes too. So I can now simply think, and the effects of the weight and the Inhibitor will begin.

And Aora can fight a mortal me easily. While she wasn't as physically strong as me, she was smaller, and so, she could dodge me better. I still won though, obviously. In a few years, I was going to teach her Sorcery.

Aora and Groot did get along quite well, and she was beginning to understand his language. She was still far from mastering it though. Groot, and the Elves at least managed to bring her out of depression within the year. And Aora even slept with baby Groot as her teddy bear.

I have too many cute memories saved and ready to show my mother when they finally meet. Yeah, I haven't gone to Asgard in a while. No particular reason, but I wanted to wait a while.

Along with that, I managed to make five more additions to my genes. As I'd said before, I kept a year between each new addition.

After my first addition of Healing Factor, I next inserted the gene giving Telekinesis. It hurt, but not as much as the first time. After TK, I gave myself even more Telepathy, and spent the rest of the days training those two.

My Telepathy and Telekinesis, were not as strong as a Phoenix host's. But now, I could compete with the Jean who had been to Avalon.

Next, came matter manipulation. Thanks to the Phoenix shard inside me, I could already manipulate matter a bit. I could make chairs out of dust, I could disintegrate anything less than the size of my head, and my Light daggers had gotten better.

But after I added En Sabah Nur's personal matter manipulation ability, I became a literal God. I disintegrated the Cosmi Rod, which the Accuser was boasting as invincible 3 minutes ago. I created a building, as tall as Hogwarts is wide, without a sweat.

This also enabled me to pull Vibranium from Torfa without actually mining it! But I never used it in my fights. Well, except for that one time with the Accuser, but I wanted to see if I could do it! I beat him with my fists!

I'm an Asgardian Prince! I'm not using tricks to win fights. I'm defeating my foes with my fists!

After that, I added Pyrokinesis to my list, which gave me the first surprise of the decade. Dimension. A Ruler-less Dimension. Filled with fire. 3 of the 4 pyro mutants that Apocalypse absorbed, could simply manipulate fire, but not emit it like I could.

But the last one? The last one could shoot flames out of his hands, legs, eyes, and even his whole body. He was sort of the ancient version of Johnny Storm. And the place he pulled those flames from, was a whole Dimension filled with fire. Literally. It felt like, this was simply made for me.

As soon as I felt the connection to the Dimension, I immediately went inside it in my Astral form, like I did with the Light Dimension, and meditated, or cultivated, I guess. I absorbed as much of it's energy as I could, turning myself into the Pseudo Ruler of that Dimension too.

And now, even I could flame on completely! No need to use only hands and legs to fire flames. I could now use my butt hole if I wished!

And lastly, I added Energy manipulation. The one I wanted to wait to add. I added it just 3 months ago, and I've spent all this time getting used to the ability. And now, I'm finally ready.

I am going to officially crown myself as the ruler of the Light Dimension.

I was sleeping in the Medical Wing, while Groot, Herby, and Aora were sitting around me.

"I am Groot?" I hear from where my left, barely 10 seconds after I told Groot and Aora of my plans.

"No Groot, you can't come. I'll have to do this alone for now, I'll take you there to visit later." I say, my eyes closed.

"I am Groot!" he says, sulking.

"Hey!" I and Aora shout as one, while Herby smacks Groot with a dustpan, and says, "That be bad language, Master Groot!"

I groan and open my eyes. I look at the three assembled people, Aora, Groot, and Herby, who was my Medical Elf, Potions Master, and my Herbologist. I say, "Look, guys. I am going to have to do this. I told you about my Divinity imbalance, right?"

Aura nods, and says, as I've already told them all of this before, "You absorbed too much of Divine Energy aligned to your Sun Divinity, while keeping the Light Divinity too low, so you had to connect to the Light Dimension to balance it out."

I nod, and continue, "Yes. While I was connected to the Light Dimension, I still mostly used Sun energy attacks, so they were mostly just about balanced out. You understand?"

"I am Groot." "Yes." "Yes, Master."

I then say, "Now, I have a shard of Phoenix Force, which is a force of Rebirth, and flames, along with a few more. I've absorbed Fiendfyre thrice, and I've been connected to the Fire Dimension for a year. Comparatively, I've used the Light Dimension Energy too few times. So, I have to go and connect to those two energies, and then combine them into one. This way, I won't have two Sun and Light Dimensions, but I'll have a singular Sun-Light Dimension. Get it?"

"I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot?"

"Same. I did not understand that last part, at all." Aora says, while the two look at me blankly.

Oh, fuck it.

I sigh, and say, "Herby. Take care of these two for me. Aora, don't let Groot eat anything he shouldn't. And Groot, take care of everyone while I'm gone. I'll take a few days to return in the least. And while I'm unconscious, don't disturb me."

Saying that, I push my Astral form out of my body, and send it through my connection to the Light Dimension.

Light Dimension, you'll be mine soon.


A/N: And we're finally here! He's going to take over the leadership of the Dimension!

Now, the explanation I gave, is bullshit. I know that, you know that. But this is a fic, anything goes.

Edit: Added a part I'd thought I'd written, but obviously did not. The part where I say the inhibitor and Weights got absorbed is the one I'm talking about.

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