
The Last Sun

"What is power? How is it attained? Since the dawn of humanity, individuals have sought it relentlessly. All of recorded history has been shaped by the pursuit of power. The insatiable desire for power has driven humans into conflict with one another, whether it be over land, women, or wealth - all things that fuel this lust for dominance. As long as humanity endures, the quest to assert control over others and acquire power will persist. This is the narrative of a relentless pursuit of power. So, dear readers, let us delve into the story..."

Shiki457 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4

Under the bright light of day, within the ancient stone walls of the castle, a clandestine meeting was set to take place. The council chamber, hidden away in the heart of the fortress, was bathed in the warm glow of sunlight streaming through the windows. The air was filled with anticipation as each member of the royal council arrived, their footsteps echoing against the stone floors.

Queen Isabella, draped in regal robes, entered with a graceful presence, her eyes holding the weight of the kingdom's future. The council members followed suit, each a figure of authority and influence in their own right. Orin Copperheads, the royal advisor, walked with measured steps, his gaze sharp and calculating. Sir Alaric, Master of the Treasury, carried himself with an air of quiet authority, his eyes assessing the room's every corner.

Lord Casimir Ironwood, the enigmatic Shadow Guardian, moved with a silent grace, his presence a reminder of the kingdom's unseen protectors. Grand Vizier Lord Benjamin Blackburn, a man of shrewd intellect, entered with an aura of purpose, while Chief Envoy Lord Lorenzo Moretti brought with him an air of worldly experience.

At Queen Isabella's side, her father and Hand of the King, Lord Edmund Delacourt, offered a steadying presence, his eyes filled with paternal concern. The council assembled, their faces illuminated by the natural light, a tableau of power and intrigue. The stage was set for a pivotal discussion that would shape the course of the kingdom's destiny.

As the members settled into their appointed seats, a hushed silence fell over the chamber, punctuated only by the rustle of parchment and the occasional clearing of throats. Queen Isabella took her place at the head of the table, her gaze sweeping over the faces of those assembled.

"My esteemed council," she began, her voice carrying a note of gravity, "we find ourselves at a juncture of great significance. Prince Ethan, though of royal blood, poses a threat to the stability and prosperity of our kingdom should he ascend the throne. We must consider all avenues available to us in order to preclude him from becoming king."

Lord Orin Copperheads, his eyes gleaming with determination, leaned forward. "Your Majesty, we must first assess the legal avenues at our disposal. Is there any provision, any precedent, that allows us to divert the succession?"

The Queen nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Lord Orin, we must explore every legal avenue. But we must also be prepared to consider more... creative solutions, if need be."

The council members exchanged knowing glances, a tacit acknowledgment of the gravity of their task. Sir Alaric, the Master of the Treasury, spoke up next. "Your Majesty, the kingdom's coffers hold a considerable influence. We may find ways to limit the resources at Prince Ethan's disposal, thus hampering his ability to garner support."

Grand Vizier Lord Benjamin Blackburn interjected, his keen mind already at work. "Furthermore, we must scrutinize the alliances that the prince may seek. Diplomatic channels can be subtly influenced, and whispers of doubt can be sown."

The discussion continued, the council members offering their insights and strategies, each one a piece in the intricate puzzle they sought to solve. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the chamber, the question remained in the air, unresolved but not forgotten: how could they preclude Prince Ethan from becoming the next king?

Grand Vizier Lord Benjamin Blackburn leaned forward, his fingers steepled in contemplation. "Your Majesty, if I may, we must also consider the court's perception of Prince Ethan. A carefully crafted narrative could cast doubt on his suitability for the throne, eroding support from influential quarters."

Queen Isabella regarded Lord Benjamin with a nod of approval. "Indeed, Lord Benjamin. Perception holds its own power, and we must not underestimate its sway in these matters."

Lord Casimir Ironwood, the Shadow Guardian, broke his silence with a voice like velvet. "Your Majesty, there are... discreet avenues available to us. Agents who specialize in matters of delicate persuasion. They may prove invaluable in influencing key individuals who stand behind the prince."

The Queen's gaze flickered toward Lord Casimir, a glint of acknowledgment in her eyes. "Lord Casimir, your suggestion is duly noted. Such measures may indeed become necessary."

As the council continued to deliberate, Orin and Alaric observed the proceedings with their characteristic inscrutability. Orin's voice, when it finally rose, held an air of quiet authority. "Your Majesty, in matters such as these, information is power. We must ensure that we possess a complete understanding of the prince's intentions and affiliations."

Sir Alaric, his tone measured, added, "And, if I may, Your Majesty, discretion must be our guiding principle. Loose lips could unravel our carefully laid plans."

The council members exchanged a series of knowing glances, recognizing the wisdom in Orin and Alaric's words. It was clear that their approach was one of calculated precision, each move made with meticulous care.

As the discussion stretched on into the night, plans were formed, alliances considered, and contingencies laid out. The chamber remained cloaked in shadows, a fitting backdrop for the clandestine proceedings. The question still hung in the air, but within those stone walls, it was clear that the council was determined to find a solution.


The next day, as the first tendrils of dawn unfurled across the horizon, bathing the landscape in a soft, golden hue, the grandeur of King Antonius's palace came to life. The turrets and spires reached skyward, their silhouettes etched against the canvas of the awakening sky.

The courtyard, meticulously tended to, lay in peaceful repose, the dew-kissed petals of vibrant blooms glistening in the early morning light. Birds perched on ornate ironwork, their song adding to the symphony of nature's awakening.

Within the palace walls, a sense of quiet anticipation hung in the air. Servants moved with purpose, preparing for the arrival of the esteemed guest. Tapestries depicting the kingdom's history adorned the corridors, their vivid threads weaving a tale of valor and diplomacy.

As the sun continued its ascent, it cast long, inviting shadows through the arched windows. The chamber doors were thrown open, revealing the ornate council room, where dignitaries and advisors gathered, their expressions a blend of eagerness and respect.

King Antonius stood at the heart of it all, his presence commanding the room. He gazed out of the window, his eyes fixed on the horizon, where the sun's warm embrace heralded the beginning of a significant day.

"Today, we welcome a visitor of great importance," King Antonius intoned, his voice carrying the weight of the moment. "Let us ensure that every detail is attended to, for this meeting carries the potential to shape the course of our kingdoms."

With that, the preparations continued, every detail meticulously attended to, every gesture executed with grace and precision. The scent of fresh blooms mingled with the subtle hint of polished wood, creating an atmosphere of refinement and purpose.

As the sun climbed higher, casting its benevolent gaze over the palace, the courtyard gates stood open, ready to receive the honored guest. The drawbridge, lowered with a purposeful thud, signaled the commencement of a day that would be etched in the annals of history.

And so, as the sun's rays bathed the palace grounds in a warm, golden light, the stage was set for the arrival of King Edward.

To be continued...