
The Last Rain and Eternal Fire

The land was completely dry after the massacre of the Rain Clan. Due to the lack of water supply, animals and fauna began to die one by one, and humanity was on the verge of extinction if the lake did not appear soon. A lake with clear freshwater that flows quickly. But the lake appeared in the territory of the Fire Clan, which was notorious for being greedy and thirsty for power. Amid a drought crisis that afflicts one or both, all countries have to pay rent to get water from lakes. Dysabella Chaollski, on the other hand, is just an ordinary girl selling bread who has endured the agony of colonialism. When she was set to be slain by Merapi soldiers, however, the encounter altered her life. And just as he panicked, a blue light flashed from his body making the ground tremble, the sky rumbled, and the sky began to drip water that had not been seen for years. Dysabella had to accept the fact that the blood of the Rain Clan ran through her veins, and that she was the last and only Rain Clan. Dysabella is called by fate to bring peace to the world amidst nations torn apart by the people of fire. Dysabella realized that she, her loved ones, and her planet would be in danger if she fought the Fire Clan.

mr_starkov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

The Green Rob

With the brothers and the rest of the courtiers, Mattias was ready for defense training. In a crimson shirt and baggy black jeans, he stepped in front of Fedyor. He watched every curve of the palace he passed from the corridor. The corridor's walls are solidly painted with red hearts and carvings of firemen raising their arms among flames. People had been burnt in front of the fire tribe. Mattias knows that is the Rain Clan. These walls are etched with beautiful history (according to the fire clan).

On the corridor ceiling, are the carved pictures of people dressed in scarlet robes with flames burning on their bodies. Many creatures, including animals and humans, prostrate themselves in front of him. The fire clan's ambition for power is perfectly captured in this carving. Don't forget the beige corridor marble floor, which can cause you to reflect.


When the guard heard his name called, he moved faster to match the master's position. "I am, Your Majesty's."

"Do you have any plans to retire after more than fifty years of service?"

When the Merapi understood where his prince was heading, he laughed. "Your Majesty, not yet. When the time comes, I will step down. I would like to accompany the prince until Your Majesty can do what you desire. At the very least, I can safeguard Your Majesty by dedicating my entire life to Prince Mattias."

Mattias was impenetrable. The prince does not easily trust even those closest to him because he lives in a civilization with too many scars and unstoppable blood pours. Many royal families and hundreds of people have shown their admiration for him, but all of that is inextricably linked to his throne and power. When the opportunity arises, anyone and at any time can get rid of each other. Don't be Expect.

Mattias waited until he reached the main corridor connecting the castle and the training grounds before speaking again. Everyone in training turned to look at Mattias, who was walking around in his workout gear. Several crown princes locked their gazes on Mattias, as if they wanted to devour him. This made the prince reluctant to descend. He felt sick to his stomach when he saw his stepsisters' looks.

"Hello there, everyone! Look who's approaching!" Mattias was mocked by another crown prince—Fiorenzo Latkov—who is the king and queen's half-brother and biological son. "The Prince of Sleep has arrived! He's finally back after being away for two weeks with no training!"

Mattias remained silent when his stepsister's remarks welcomed him as he entered the grounds. He unwillingly looked at Fiorenzo, then at Fiorenzo's three siblings who all laughed at him. Mattias continued walking towards the stocky man in gleaming armor who was not far away. Ben Madden his name, is the self-defense training instructor at the palace.

"Ben," Mattias said.

Ben, who had been conversing with a Merapi, shifted his gaze. "Your Majesty," he said. The stocky 65-year-old bowed graciously. "Having Prince Mattias attend today's practice is an honor for me."

Fedyor, was silent and had the Merapi Army's flat visage, which caught Mattias' attention. "Forced."

Ben smiled instead of becoming offended. The man appeared to have grown accustomed to the palace officials' unusual attitude and manner. "It just so happened that today's drill was not as difficult as usual. You can begin training right now."

Mattias nodded and turned around without saying anything. His feet moved in the direction of the weapon holder. There were rows of the continent's most valuable shining swords, manufactured and crafted just for the kingdom of Dzkarda and unavailable elsewhere. There were also many arrows, daggers, and spears with hilts forged of the best steel on the continent and points as sharp as dragon fangs, as well as hundreds of bows. But Mattias prefers arrows over any other weapon, and he means to use them.

When Mattias was going to take an arrow, a sword with dragon carvings swung toward the table where the arrows were. Mattias grumbled, then looked disgusted at Fiorenzo. The king and queen's second child is painful and stupid. Mattias was irritated, and Fiorenzo chuckled mockingly.

"Let's have a sword fight, my brother," he added.

"I'm not your brother!" Mattias exclaimed out in his heart.

Mattias, as usual, disregarded his half-brother and headed towards the target with his arrow and bow. Mattias's cold and callous nature was no longer a mystery. He and his two younger siblings—Hestia Latkov and Tybalt Latkov—were only born to the king's concubine, who was nothing compared to Fiorenzo and his three brothers—Lapetus Latkov, Sama'el Latkov, and Allyson Latkov—who were the king's actual children and his wife, the queen.

"Look at everything!" Mattias came to a halt as Fiorenzo shouted, drawing everyone's attention to him. "That's exactly how my brother is. He is unchanging, always quiet, and unconcerned about national defense. Because she is simply the son of the king's concubine, I understand."

Mattias' jaws were rigid and clenched in rage. He took the arrow behind his shoulder and whirled around as quickly as lightning, then ready to shoot a golden bow with a dragon head in the center towards Fiorenzo. Had Fedyor not appeared in his way up front, the arrow would have shot and pierced the heads of the Dzkarda queen's son.

"Old Man, get out of the way!" Mattias demanded Fedyor's attention loudly. The arrow's sharp tip adhered to Fedyor's brow, preventing it from flying.


"I told you! Fedyor to step aside!" Mattias yelled again, aggravating the situation, while Fiorenzo and his three brothers laughed. "Is it true that you are my protector or that jerk? Huh!"

"Stop it, Prince," Fedyor whispered something. He generally had a straight gaze and demeanor, but this time he had an imploring expression. "Control yourself, as I taught you, Ben taught you, and your late mother taught you."

Mattias came to his senses after hearing Fedyor's final words. He let go of his aim before dropping the bow and arrow on the grass and walking away without saying anything.

Ben, the exercise's trainer, attempted to scream out. "Your Majesty!" and was ready to pursue Mattias when the prince's guard does not raise his hand.

"It's not necessary to pursue. He will come to realize who he truly is. Someday." Fedyor muttered this before casting a disdainful glance at the queen's four children and ultimately following Mattias.


The full moon has shone its light on the earth, illuminating it dimly. Amely and Dysabella were observed cleaning up their shop. Amely cleaned the back of the shop, polishing the empty tables and shelves that had previously been stocked with bread and a variety of sweets. While the only child was cleaning the front of the store, wiping the tables, and removing rubbish.

Dysabella periodically peered outside the bar as well as where she resided while dusting the table with a white towel that had been stained with dust. Her blue eyes fixed on the deserted roadway where the Doli people used to stroll through. But things have changed now. When the fire clan attacked the girl's country two years ago, Doli became an eerie, dangerous, and dark place.

The Palace family and high-ranking officials were powerless to intervene. In contrast to Dzkarda, which is inhabited by a fire clan with talents and diverse weapons from all over the world, as well as its fearsome dragons, Doli merely has a destiny as an average human with minimal defense. The fire has taken hold of Doli Palace, and the royal family has been beheaded in front of the people. Meanwhile, the highest-ranking officers were imprisoned in a dungeon.

When two soldiers passed in front of her tavern, Dysabella instantly turned away. The girl's heart was racing, and she was attempting to calm herself by squeezing a soiled cloth while polishing the table and other belongings. But it appeared that her luck had run out when he noticed two soldiers in armor standing silently in front of the tavern. Dysabella knew she wasn't going to make it this time when she heard the door open and the bells ringing before they arrived.

Dysabella bowed her head shakily after looking at the two tall and large Merapi. "G-gentlemen, I apologize. We are now closed."

One of the soldiers with curly red hair smiled and stepped aside as he approached Dysabella. "Honey, we don't want your bread or cake. However, we need you."

While the second soldier, who had blue eyes, laughed and joined in with his friend in closing the distance. "Come on, honey. For tonight only."

"There's something wrong—"

Amely arrives with somewhat untidy hair and an uncontrollable face of surprise. When he witnessed two Merapi's inside his tavern-especially his only daughter who was crushed by the two fire clan-he had a hard time breathing as if he had lost his oxygen supply. Amely was at a loss for what to do, and Jonathan had no idea where he was tonight.

When the blue eye got close enough to Amely, he snapped his fingers and flames appeared in his hand. He smiled adorably. "Is it possible for us to borrow your daughter for the night? We're both lonely."

The 65-year-old woman stared blankly at the flames in the blue eyes' hands, which were becoming increasingly true to their hue. Amely turned to face her daughter. With a defeated expression, Dysabell was crushed by the curling hair. The man with curly hair was also smirking at her, and his hand was filled with flames that he was ready to shoot at anyone who dared to oppose him.

"I hope—"

"You know what I'm talking about, Old Lady." The blue eyes pierced through, and he moved his hand closer to Amely, revealing the fire in his hand.

"Take me, but don't do anything to my family."

Amely stared at Dysabella, speechless. As the two soldiers laughed, he simply froze, and then took her daughter's body out of the bar and home of the Chaollski family. Dysabella nodded as if to say, "I'm alright." Amely burst into tears.

As her feet walked out of her house and shop, Dysabella couldn't stop crying. She spotted many Merapi protecting every turn in the Doli neighborhood just a few meters after exiting. When others saw a youngster in the hands of the two Merapi, others whistled, laughed, and tempt the curly-headed man and blue-eyed man.

"Yes, I'd want to take a turn!"

"Remember to let me know when you're finished, guys! I'm also in need of some warmth!"

"That girl is unattractive and slender! Isn't there anyone else?"

As Dysabella was carried through each curve, the cheers continued. The Merapi guards publicly stated that they wanted her for tonight, but many mocked Dysabella's thin looks and loose curls, which made her appear unkempt. Dysabella was carried by these two Merapi until she arrived in Doli's wooded location.

"You have everything ready, right?" the blue eye inquired.

"Yes. That's used Ivan and young girl, who he met east of Doli."

Dysabella felt sick to her stomach when she heard that. The Merapi has a decent and elegant aspect, but why does something intimate have to incorporate the forest and the darkness of night? That is truly revolting. They're like dogs who have lost their senses.

They kept walking into the forest, leaving the Doli village in the moonlight. They strolled in stillness, darkness, and among dry trees that had died as a result of the barrenness of the area. When Dysabella felt something following the three of them, her hair went down her spine and she shuddered. She hopped from one tree to the next.

"What?" With a giggle, the curly hair inquired. "Are you expecting someone to—"

A dagger pierced his head and took his brain out before he could finish his set. The man's grip on Dysabella was broken, and his body slumped to the ground, his head pouring red liquid that showered down on the desolate forest.

"Oh, no!" When the blue eye man saw his comrade die without a fight, he was enraged. He didn't give a damn about Dysabella any longer—both of his hands erupted in flames, ready to be hurled at anyone who tried to do something. Dysabella sought cover behind a dead hard tree right away.

"Leave, you coward!" When he didn't find his friend's killer, the blue-eyed man was furious.

Soon later, an identical dagger arrived from the top of the tree and landed perfectly in his gorgeous blue eyes, ripping the deepest cell to the back of his skull's bone. His body dropped next to his friend, who had been the first to go.

Dysabella stood motionless, peering out from behind a dry tree to assess the situation. A figure emerged from the top of the tree not long after. As her boots reached the ground, producing a noise. Dysabella could see a woman from behind the tree. Her face is obscured, but the woman is dressed in a lovely green robe that covers her entire body from the neck to the ankle. Wearing black pants and boots while. A part waist-down robe only covers the part hips and side legs.

But before she left, the woman had a chance to catch Dysabella's gaze, who had accidentally emerged from concealment, and she smile at her. A question arose in the girl's head at this point. Who is that young lady? Only nobles were allowed to wear robes back then. So, who is the brave woman who stands up to Merapi, a powerful and merciless army from the region of fire?