

Everyone knows the tale of the Arabian night, the story of Aladdin and the Genie. At the end of the story, Aladdin used his last wish for the genie's freedom to create a lifelong friendship between a human and a genie.

Genie then went to explore the world where he fell in love with a pretty lady, he decided to settle down and have kids.

After thousands of years, the lives of the Genies had changed. A Genie does not die but losses his or her touch with reality thereby falling into eternal slumber in their lamp. Every Genie had a lamp, common knowledge really.

In recent years, a Genie is born in his or her mom's lamp before growing their own that is if the mom is a genie. If not then the human mom uses her husband's lamp. In any case, there was always a solution but a Genie could never be born in the hospital, it was forbidden.

Let's not forget that no Genie is born without a lock, even the first genie had a lock before his freedom.

The lock is a bracelet at lead 3 inches wide, that is on the hand of a newborn Genie, the bracelet grows with the baby and can never be taken off.

On the day Tarla was born every Genie got a shock as she was the first Genie without a lock. At first, they were skeptical about her being a real Genie as it wasn't rare for a genie to give birth to one human, Genies were rare but they were even more surprised that she was and more so a Genie with a large reservoir of energy.

In the past when someone finds a Genie lamp and rubs on it he or she is granted three wishes with some restrictions though like not wishing for more wishes and the like.

But in current times people were banned from using a Genie lamp as it was an infringement of human rights...well Genie rights. The Genie had become an important part of society, valued and respected mostly because they asked nothing in return for help.

These days Genies are natural helpers who use their magic for others for free. Well, a Genie could make what they want to appear. All Genies could do it but because of the restriction of the lock they can only use a limited amount of energy a day, it was still a lot though.

Now, this is where Tarla comes in, a Genie without a lock able to refill her energy after a single meal. It would have been great...no perfect if Tarla was like the others but alas she was a completely different being.

A Genie believed no one should work for free especially not a Genie and no one could do anything to her because she had no restrictions meaning she couldn't even be controlled by a lamp even if they wanted to.

She was considered an abomination and accepted the title with open hands. A Genie without a lock, after all, was an unrestrained Genie and to make it worse Tarla was a completely disobedient Genie while growing up but fortunately, she became reasonable after growing up.

Tarla and her family resided in Jubitum City, a family of seven which comprised of herself her elder sister Lakendra or Kendra for short Jake and Jasmine (twins) her younger ones than her parents, and finally her granddad.

Her dad was a handsome human with blue eyes and blonde hair, her grandpa always made a joke about how her mom married her dad because of his facial features, to be more precise his blue eyes.

Blue was a color mostly exclusive to genies, though they did not possess blue skin these days like their ancestors, their hair, eyes, and blood were blue.

* * *


Tarla's alarm clock sounded, waking all her siblings.

"What the hell, Tarla you're the one who sleeps like a log why punish us for it" Kendra groaned from her lamp. Even Jake and Jasmine made disgruntled noises to show their displeasure.

"Sorry! I have somewhere to be this morning" Tarla apologized from her lamp before walking to the shower.

Today was her first day of work and she didn't want to be very late. Being a Genie had its perks and her application had been accepted without a hitch.

Clad in white joggers and a black crop top she exited her lamp and hurried downstairs. "Morning mom, morning dad"

"Good morning dear"

"Morning my love, where are you off to in such a hurry?" her dad asked.

"Work" Tarla replied while stuffing a sandwich in her mouth.

Her reply gained her mom's attention who paused what she was doing and turned to her. "What work?"

Tarla tried to respond but her food was getting in the way of a clear speech so she finished chewing before eventually speaking up. "I'm in a hurry, I'll explain when I get back"

"I can't believe you made us wait just to say that" her mom complained and Tarla ended up chuckling. Her mom was always so cute, she was shorter than her, chubby, and had dimples too. Too bad she had no resemblance to her mother and instead looked like her grandpa.

While her mom could be considered pretty, her grandpa was the type of guy you describe as dead gorgeous and even from his face now you can tell he was handsome during his youth.

Tarla then gulped down a mouthful of water before dashing out of the house. She was already late and she didn't want to be too late.

With a snap of her finger, a bike appeared and she hopped on and drove off trying her best not to exceed the speed limit because even Genies had to adhere to the law, well most of it. Only Tarla would waste energy using a magical bike when she could use a bus.

It took Tarla six minutes to arrive at Softlines Clothing Company. The massive infrastructure housed many floors with each floor dealing with specific types of clothes.

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