
Got A New Base

"Recently, Umbrella has gained a new shareholder who appears to be a very influential figure. According to information from our sources within Umbrella, some of the company's personnel have been administered a type of R-1 potion. This potion is said to grant individuals extraordinary strength, speed, and physical abilities, among other enhancements. What are your thoughts on this?"

"Sir, we have conducted an investigation into this individual, but the results seem to indicate a clean record."

The middle-aged man in the suit sitting at the head of the table slammed his hand on the table, frustrated: "Clean? But is that all? Is this the answer I should expect? Do you know what the president said about me?"

"He mentioned that Congress allocates a substantial annual budget, yet we all attend ballroom events to watch pole dancing. Frankly, it's unclear what he means by 'pole dancing'."

"Dig deeper and provide me with comprehensive information. I must understand what this R-1 potion entails. If this information holds any truth, it would be incredibly dangerous to have such a substance within a company."



This is the FIB, and its leader often finds himself berated by the eccentric president.

"Damn, the only thing I ever seem to get is grief."

Examining the green vial in his hand, it's the R-1 potion he mentioned earlier. As for how he came to possess it, it's far from straightforward. It's likely been sent by Umbrella.

Perhaps this vial isn't the only one circulating among government officials. What are their intentions?

He has no intention of rushing headlong into danger. After all, he didn't reach his current position through sheer foolishness. Sending this vial out may lead to his demise.

"Hmm...no wonder that eccentric tweeting president desires this substance. The power it bestows...it's like having the world at your fingertips."

The sensation is truly exhilarating, akin to being young again. Rumor has it that this substance can extend one's lifespan.


"Doctor, we have arrived."

Upon hearing this, Varion looked around, taking in the view. Las Vegas is ideally suited to Varion's requirements. Located on the desert's edge, it enjoys abundant sunshine throughout the year, and the base is situated far from the city.

The base's water supply is drawn from a considerable distance. In the event of a biochemical crisis, this base might be one of the safest places outside of the Antarctic base.

As he stepped off the plane, a wave of hot air hit him, but he felt no discomfort. Standing in the sun was like soaking in warm spring water, incredibly comforting.

The universe seems to favor Kryptonians, and for them, the yellow sun holds the key to unlocking their extraordinary abilities.

"Let's get started!"

"Of course."

The team began unloading supplies into the base through a specially designed entrance and exit. This platform was enormous, capable of lowering helicopters, and it was just one of the smaller access points.

The larger entrance and exit had recently been completed, allowing him to bring the Scientific Research spacecraft to this location with ease.

"Can natural sunlight reach the ground here?"

The assistant promptly responded: "Yes, Doctor. The construction team from the company has ensured that sunlight can penetrate the ground here as per your requirements."

"And security?"

"The security at the Las Vegas Base is on par with other bases, although the number of guards may be somewhat smaller. Moreover, this location is in the desert, and the surrounding area has been purchased by the company. Under normal circumstances, no one should venture here."

Varion nodded in approval: "Good. And what about our supplies?"

"Materials have been securely stored, with the entire base's resources fully accumulated."

"What about the researchers?"

The assistant appeared a bit puzzled. "Well, the company's directive was clear: the doctor declined entry to numerous scientific researchers at the Las Vegas base."

"Very well, I insist. Let's go down there too! Furthermore, notify all security personnel to administer the R-1 type medicine. I want to ensure there are no disruptions."

"Understood, Doctor. I will inform Bai Hou to handle it."

White Queen? Varion momentarily paused, nearly forgetting about this element. The White Queen, an artificial intelligence, albeit a robust one, wasn't on the same level as the Red Queen in the Hive, which could almost be considered a sentient being.

While intelligent, the White Queen remained an AI constructed by humans. Varion couldn't afford to disregard her. What if she posed an obstacle in the future?

"Welcome, Dr. Varion. I have been instructed that the Las Vegas base will be under the doctor's command from now on," projected Queen Bai's figure in front of Varion.


"By the way, is the newly constructed sub-base equipped with surveillance equipment?"

"Yes, Doctor, as per the company's security protocols."

The sub-base, a newly excavated space connected to this base, was where Varion planned to cultivate Kryptonians in the future. He nodded in acknowledgment and proceeded straight to his office.

"White Queen."

"I'm here, Dr. Varion."

"Open your core code to me."

"Checking permissions..."

"Varion Zar, level 8 clearance, meets the requirements..."

"Opening the core code."

A cascade of core codes appeared before Varion. His desktop computer linked to the White Queen's server began its modifications. Countless lines of code flashed on the computer screen, overwriting and rewriting.

"After the reset, restart immediately."

Zi...! The light blinked out, and three seconds later, it automatically powered up again, revealing the figure of the White Queen.

"Dr. Varion."

"Reset the permission levels. Keep me as the highest level of clearance, but leave the rest unchanged. Anyone seeking information about the base must notify me first."

"Command executed."

This move effectively gave Varion complete control over the entire base, barring its inhabitants.

"Display this base."

At first glance, it was impressive; Umbrella's construction team was truly exceptional. The technology used to excavate a base 1,000 meters underground was unparalleled, even in the previous world.

An autonomous energy and power supply system, an independent water purification setup, a sophisticated air purification system, and more. Each aspect was a testament to the cutting-edge technology and vast financial resources involved.

The scene where the security team received the R-1 injections was nothing short of spectacular. The entire base housed at least two hundred security personnel, and with everyone inoculated, they could potentially withstand a medium-sized war, let alone the extensive arsenal of weapons, armed helicopters, armored vehicles, and other resources at their disposal.

They were well-prepared.

"Andre, how are you?"


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