

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
1002 Chs


"Void Qi! I would like to use the Contribution Points to upgrade my statistics. Please arrange for it." ,Arjun commanded.

[Command accepted]

[Requesting host to be specific on which attributes you would like to increase]

Arjun gave it a thought and said, "I would like to know the limit of my personal statistics. What is the limit of my personal body statistics?"

[Body statistics have different levels]

[Host's body has not yet reached any of the levels]


Arjun frowned. Even though he successfully established a communication with his void Qi, Arjun was not yet clear about the statistics of his body. He still has to make some changes for him to have a clarity.

"Void Qi! I want your display to be more specific. Even though you are displaying my statistics accurately, it is still confusing me."

[Request accepted]

[Requesting host in which format the statistics needs to be displayed]

Arjun said, "I want you to display my current level. Then the points required to reach the next level. And of course, my current level should be displayed as well."

[Request accepted]

[Display format is being changed as per the host's requirement]

[The format has been changed according to the host's requirement]

[The newly format is now being displayed on the screen]

[Please check]

Arjun took a deep breath and waited for the newly formulated statistics display pattern. He didn't need much time as his statistics displayed immediately.

Name : Arjun Kumar

Race : Human

Difficulty : Insane

Type : Void

Void Qi : 21500 unit

Cultivation : Immortal Body Origin Stage

Level : 10

Cultivation Name : Nature's Law Void Art

Bloodline Power : Sealed

Dao Path : Greater Dao


Contribution Point : 9860

Golden Points : 0


Health : Lv : 0 (800/1000)

Constitution : Lv : 0 (377/1000)

Spirit : Lv : 0 (317/1000)

Agility : Lv : 0 (227/1000)

Stamina : Lv : 0 (428/1000)

Intuition : Lv : 0 (45/1000)

Vigour : Lv : 0 (610/1000)


Yin-Yang Eyes : Lv : 0 (21/100)

Disguise Art : Lv : 0 (15/100)

Cloning Technique : Lv : 0 (27/100)

Size Manipulation Technique : Lv :0 ( 7/100)

Soul Shaking Art : Lv : 0 (51/100)

Void Gravitational Force : Lv : 0 (3/100)

Void Shock : Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Nature Control Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Blazing Thunder Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Scorching Flames Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Mist Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Illusion Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Web Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Burning Sun Law Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Shining Moon Law Lv : 0 (0/100)

Void Steps Lv : 0 (0/100)


Runic Language : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Forging : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Painting : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Cooking : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Tea maker : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Juice maker : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Alchemy : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Architecture : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Concocting pills : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Sealer : Transcendence (Limit Reached)

Formations : Transcendence (Limit Reached)


Dao of Fire : 71.09% (7109/10000)

Dao of Wood : 78.50% (7850/10000)


Dao of Wisdom (99%)

Dao of Comprehension (36%)

Dao of Luck (99%)

Dao of Understanding (99%)

Dao of Interpretation (99%)

Dao of Observation (99%)

Dao of Calculation (99%)

Dao of Display (99%)

Dao of Language (99%)

Dao of Translation (99%)

Dao of Immersion (15%)

Dao of Concentration (15%)

Dao of Attraction (15%)

Dao of Speech (15%)

Arjun was satisfied. This format was much more clear than the previous one. And now he has a lot of options.

He looked at his attributes and was disappointed to see that none of them reached Level 1. Arjun didn't care much about the health which has highest statistics. It has 800 points. And it required another 200 points to level it up to Level 1.

Arjun had the issue with the constitution. His constitution was at 187 previously. Hut after drinking the Luminous Drink from the Old Geezer, his Constitution was raised to 377.

Before he had the issue with the Constitution. After all, strong body Constitution was definitely required to hold the power.

Arjun was sure that he will become stronger very very quickly. And in order to hold the power, his constitution needed to become stronger as well. Or else his growth speed will stagnate.

Spirit and Stamina were still at the acceptable range. But with enough points, they could be raised as well. He was sure that he could raise them with enough time and points.

Arjun placed Agility as his priority as well. He was sure his current circumstances. He was weak. And with the likes of Raven Sect behind him, Arjun was sure that if he faced a powerful master from the Raven Sect, then he will have hard time to face them. He will never have the chance to flee.

But if his running speed is quicker than that powerful enemy, then he has the chance needed to become stronger and take his enemy down.

Arjun's biggest surprise was still vigour. Vigour was something that will help him to inhale more spiritual energy. The higher his Vigour is, higher the Spiritual Energy he could take in. So Vigour places an important role.

He never imagined that he could even raise his Vigour as well. This was a huge surprise for him.

But the thing that depressed him the most is still his Intuition. It was only at 45. Arjun considered himself to have good intuition. He thought that it was one of his greatest strength. And yet according to the Void Qi, his Intuition was the lowest one. This fact made him depressed.

Arjun had 9860 Contribution Points. Arjun was sure that the reason why his Contribution Points had such high number is because of all the enemies he either defeated or killed since his childhood. The system calculated all of it and added it to his to his contribution Points.

Arjun knew what he is supposed to do at this moment. He need to raise his Constitution urgently. He knew that with the help of SS gathering system, his strength will soar at a rapid pace. And the thing that will become hurdle for him is still his weak Constitution.

If it wasn't for his newly modified format, then Arjun was sure that he would have been in a lot of confusion state. Despite creating the system, he would never have the perfect understanding office on condition.

Even though his system is displaying his stats, without having any future vision, he would never understand what his goal would be. With all his stats divided into different stages, he now has a goal for every attribute.

Arjun took a deep breath. He no longer had any hesitation. He now knows where his strength and weaknesses are. So he commanded his void key without any hesitation, "Void Qi! Heed my command. Add 1000 points for all my attributes!"

[Command Accepted]