

Arjun and Rick's clones entered the third door once again. They met the guide of the third door and choosed to fight the constructs once again.

Later they entered the portal which led them to the same mountain area where they met the three constructs in the past. Of course! They encountered the three constructs once again.

Rick asked in surprise, " Boss! We destroyed two out of three constructs right? Then why exactly there are three again?"

Arjun said, " Maybe there are many constructs in the third door. I think a person who entered the third door was supposed to face three constructs. So when we destroyed two constructs earlier, another two came and replaced them."

Rick said, " So, what's the plan?"

Arjun said, " We need to have some combat experience. We are depending too much on portals! That's why, we are poor at reflexes. We were killed by that third constructs last time. Why do you think we were killed?"

Rick said, " Because we were relying too much on portal."

" That's right!" , Arjun said, " But the most important thing is that we were relaxed! We were over confident that portals will defend us from anything. But those portals were in front of us. But that third construct appeared behind us out of no where and killed us. Because we were not cautious. We couldn't calculate our enemy's next move. That's the difference between an experienced fighter and us."

Arjun continued, " An experienced combat master always stays cautious. He thinks of multiple scenarios about his or her enemy's next move and act according to it. But look at the newbies like us. We were relaxed. We were over confident on our portals. We were not calculating our enemy's next move. That costed us with our lives."

Rick asked, " What do you think we should do then?"

Arjun said, " I think we should stop depending on portals from now onwards! We should work on our reflexes. We should learn about the efficient timing. We should not use too much of our power. Grandfather always told me to analyse your enemy first. Try to learn about your enemy's strength and weaknesses as much as possible. Then act according to it. Don't be reckless and make your move very early. So let's try to fight them head on. No more portals. This experience will help us against the dragons in the future!"

Rick who heard this, accepted everything that Arjun said.

He said, " If we die, then also it doesn't matter. We will maximum lose our clones. But we will gain some experience out of it. Isn't that right?"

Arjun said, " That's right! So let's fight them head on! What is more important is that we need to have combat experience. This experience will help us to deal with dragons in the future."

Rick nodded his head and said, " Yes. Let's fight them without depending on portals then."

At that time, the three constructs were started to attack them. Those three constructs moved quickly and appeared in front of both Arjun and Rick's clone.

But the clones were even faster. They quickly moved backwards and maintained a fair distance between them. Those constructs eyes turned red. A red beam came out of their eyea and moved towards the two clones.

The red beam was quick even for them. But both of them improved in their power. They barely managed to dodge it in time.

At that time a construct appeared behind Rick and was about to attack.

" S*it!" , Shouted Rick in anger.

Rick knew that he was about to die. Because he was too late to counter it.

But Arjun who was at mid phase of 4th level of divine origin stage was quicker than the constructs. He surrounded his right hand with golden flames and moved behind that construct who was about to attack Rick.

Arjun punched hardly on that construct's head before it could cause any harm to Rick. That construct shattered into pieces and lost it's power source.

Arjun said, " Be Cautious Rick! Try to predict your opponent's next move. We were already killed in this fashion in the past. Don't forget even a small detail."

Rick was stunned. He said, " That's right! I was concentrating too much on the present and I almost forgot our bottomline. Our bottomline is to predict our enemy's next move. I'm sorry boss! I forgot."

Arjun said, " That's the difference between us and the experienced fighter. Be calm. Try to understand your enemy first. Then act."

Rick replied, " Yes. I understand. I will do my best."

" Good!" , replied Arjun and started to focus on the remaining two constructs who were about to make their move.

One construct moved towards Arjun and another one moved towards Rick. But the constructs didn't know that they are about to meet their destruction. Because both Arjun and Rick had only one enemy each to face.

Arjun said, " Always be cautious, Rick! We did something last time which resulted in our death. You know that right?"

Rick replied, " Yes! We were relaxed. We were over confident on our portals. But we died in the end. This time we enhanced our power. This time we should not be over confident just because we have improved in divine power. We should learn it from our past mistakes."

Arjun smiled and said, " That's right! Don't be casual until you are sure that your enemy is dead. So try to judge their next move."

Rick replied with smile, " These constructs have only two skills. First is that red beam which comes from their eyes. Second is that they move quickly and appear behind us."

Arjun said, " At this moment their eyes are not red. Which means...."

Rick replied with a smile, " Which means, they will be moving very quickly and appear behind us or right in front of us."

The moment Rick said that, those two constructs disappeared from their sight and appeared behind them.

But both Arjun and Rick predicted this move from those two constructs earlier. Arjun engulfed his hands with the golden flames beforehand. At the same time Rick engulfed his hands with the blue transparent wind on his right hand.

The moment those constructs disappeared from their sight, they turned back immediately. It was as they predicted. Those two constructs appeared behind them as both Arjun and Rick turned back.

A smile appeared on both of their faces. Arjun punched the construct behind him with the right hand which was engulfed with the golden flames. At the same time Rick punched the construct behind him with the right hand which was engulfed with the transparent blue Wind.

Those two constructs didn't have the time to evade. So when they received the punch from the two clones, their head shattered into pieces. Their power source was destroyed and they fell on the ground with no moment from their bodies.

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