
The kids got a dark side

Izuku’s mind snapped when All Might tells him he can’t be a hero. But once he meets some UA students, will he snap back to reality, or could he create the most feared group in all of Japan?

TheFlipside · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Last place goes home

Shoto walked into class 1-A's classroom. Near the back of the class sat a blond, spiky haired kid. Todoroki couldn't see his face since his face was hidden by his arms. Todoroki walked up and tapped his shoulder. The boy basically growled at him, sounding like he just woke up. The blonde lifted his head, and it was the guy Deku called Kacchan

"What the?! The hell are you doing here?!" The boy yelled, causing a few people to look.

"Oh, it's you. I never got you name." The boy clicked his tongue with a scowl on his face.

"The names Bakugo Katsuki. Remember it, cuz I'll be the next number one hero!" Todoroki could already tell this Katsuki guy had a big ego problem. Shoto suddenly could see the dark bags under Bakugo's eyes.

"You stayed up all night looking for Deku didn't you?" Bakugo's eyes widened at Shoto.

"Shut the fuck up." Was all that came out as Bakugo'a head fell back onto the table.

"Todoroki? Is that you?" For a minute the voice behind him sounded like Deku. Shoto whipped around with a smile on his face, only to see Zero.

"Oh hi Zero." Todoroki's smile slowly vanished.

"What's wrong? You look disappointed.

"You just....sound like a good friend of mine." Shoto could have sworn he saw a small blush fall onto Zero's cheeks before he turned and walked to a seat. It wasn't long before the class room door opened. A big yellow Caterpillar crawled into the room. It took a moment before the class saw a homeless looking man come out of the bag.

"Hello students, I'm Mr. Aizawa and I'm your teacher. Alright we'll be getting into our gym clothes and start our tests." The girl with long dark hair rose her hand once Aizawa stopped talking.

"Sir what about orientation? We'll miss it." Aizawa went on and on about how hero's are and what it takes.

"The person who has the lowest test score, will be expelled." The class gasped but said nothing. It made since....only the best can survive. The test was almost like a normal P.E test, but everyone was allowed to use their quirk. Todoroki noticed that Zero didn't seem to have one....

'How is that possible?!' Todoroki thought. Zero had to have a quirk to pass the entrance exams, so how does he not have one here. Zero tried his best but at the end of the day, he had the lowest score.

"Alright, Zero your going home." Aizawa didn't hesitate to say as he looked at the score board. Zero looked at the ground and chuckled.

"The hell you laughing about?!" Bakugo scowled at the chuckling student. Zero grabbed onto his hair pulling it off, reveling it was a wig. And the messy green hair hiding underneath. He touched his face and took out eye contacts.

'I knew it! Deku....' Todoroki thought as he stared at the boy. Bakugou stared with large eyes.

"D-deku?!" Katsuki stuttered as everyone watched.

"Oh Kacchan~ long time no see." Deku's voice was low, sending a chill down Todoroki's spine.....but not in a bad way.

"Is that what you wanted me to say?!" Deku busted out laughing as four students walked beside him.

'Wait a minute....so that's his plan" the girl with long brown hair, pulled off her wig too.

"The real names uraraka~" she winked at the class.

"You see *ribbit* we aren't here to become hero's~" Todoroki finally noticed the green haired girl...Asui.

"Correct, we are here with our boss. The student with the quirk dark shadow, Todoroki couldn't remember his name.

"What do you kids think your doing?" Aizawa slowly grabbed his scarf, ready to use if he needed.

"Isn't it clear eraser head~? We are here to kill you~! All of you" suddenly Deku was pulled by Aizawa's scarf to his side. The three went into a fighting stance, about to attack the man for taking their leader.

"What are you doing Mr.Aizawa~? You have nothing on us, so you can't be doing this." The scarf dropped to the ground.

"Damn you...." Aizawa knew Deku was right. With no proof of a real crime, how could he take him in? Uraraka ran past her buddy's touching them all then herself, causing them to rise off The ground.

"Deku! Come back!!" Bakugo yelled after him.

"Bye bye everyone~! See you soon~" The group floated away out of sight.

"Damn it!!" Bakugo yelled falling to the ground.

"Well...looks like I lost four students instead of one today." Aizawa sighed as he stared up trying to look for them.

At Deku's house

Todoroki walked up to the small door and knocked. 'I shouldn't be doing this....' he thought as the door opened. He was greeted by a blond girl. Toga he remembers her being called.

"Ooo~! Todorki~! Boss will be so happy to see your here! Your just in time for dinner, come in!" She grabbed Todoroki's wrist, pulling him in. Once he tripped inside, the smell of delicious food and the sound of laughter filled the house.

"Come on~! Inko is like the best cook ever." Toga lead Shoto the dinning room. Inko's smile grew even larger.

"Shoto! So good to see you again my dear." Asui, Uraraka, Tokoyami, toga, and a girl he saw from class.

"Shoto? I never expected to see you here." The girl smiled and twirled her hair. "I'm momo, if you forgot."

"It's wonderful to see you Todoroki-cun~ I missed u~"