
The Keeper of the Orb

Follow along to the tale of the Keeper.

SeriouslyWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Keeper

The moon was high in the sky, casting a pale glow over the forest. The trees rustled gently in the breeze, the leaves whispering secrets to each other. Somewhere in the distance, an owl hooted, breaking the stillness of the night.

In the midst of this tranquillity, a figure appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. It was a woman, tall and slender, with long silver hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes glimmered like stars, and her skin was as pale as the moon itself. She wore a long white robe, which flowed behind her like a river.

The woman walked through the forest, her steps light and graceful. She seemed to be searching for something, her gaze scanning the trees as she moved. After a while, she stopped in front of a large oak tree, which towered above all the others.

The woman closed her eyes and raised her arms towards the sky. For a moment, nothing happened. But then, a burst of light erupted from her fingertips, illuminating the forest in a brilliant display of colours. The light engulfed the oak tree, causing it to tremble and shake.

Suddenly, the trunk of the tree split open, revealing a staircase that spiralled down into the darkness below. The woman descended the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the cavernous space. As she went deeper and deeper, the air grew colder, and the light from above faded away.

At last, the woman reached the bottom of the stairs, and she found herself standing in a vast chamber. The walls were made of dark stone, and torches flickered along the perimeter, casting eerie shadows across the room. In the centre of the chamber stood a pedestal, upon which rested a single object: a crystal orb, pulsing with a soft blue light.

The woman approached the pedestal, her eyes fixed on the orb. She reached out to touch it, but just as her fingers brushed the smooth surface, a voice spoke out from the darkness.

"Who are you, and why have you come here?"

The woman turned to face the voice, but she could see nothing. It seemed to come from all around her, echoing through the chamber.

"I am the Keeper," she replied calmly. "I have come to retrieve what is mine."

There was a pause, and then the voice spoke again. "Very well. But be warned, Keeper. This orb is not to be trifled with. It contains great power, and those who seek to use it for their own purposes will be met with destruction."

The woman nodded, her eyes still fixed on the orb. "I understand the risks. But I must have it. It is my duty to protect it."

The voice was silent for a moment, and then it spoke again. "Very well, Keeper. Take the orb, and do what you must. But remember, power always comes with a price."

The woman reached out and picked up the orb, cradling it gently in her hands. She turned to leave, but as she did, the torches along the walls flared up, casting the chamber into bright light. And in that light, the woman saw something that made her heart skip a beat.

Standing in the shadows were two figures, their eyes fixed on her with an intensity that made her skin crawl. They were tall and muscular, with sharp features and dark, piercing eyes. They wore black robes, which fluttered in the wind as they stepped forward.

"Who are you?" the woman demanded, holding the orb tightly.

The figures did not reply. Instead, they raised their hands, and from their fingertips came a blast of dark energy, which hurtled towards the woman with frightening speed.

She raised the orb in front of her,

and it glowed with a bright blue light, deflecting the dark energy and sending it back towards the figures. They dodged the blast effortlessly, and with a sinister grin, they charged towards the woman.

She stood her ground, channelling the power of the orb through her body. Her eyes blazed with determination, and she raised her hands, summoning a powerful gust of wind that sent the figures flying backwards.

But they were not deterred. They rose to their feet, their eyes now glowing with a malevolent light. They began to chant in a language the woman did not understand, and she felt the air around her grow thick with magic.

She knew she had to act fast. She closed her eyes and focused her mind, channelling all the power of the orb into a single burst of energy. She opened her eyes and unleashed the blast, which shot towards the figures like a comet.

They tried to dodge, but the blast was too fast, too powerful. It hit them head-on, and there was a blinding flash of light. When it faded, the figures were gone, vanished into thin air.

The woman stood there, breathing heavily, clutching the orb tightly. She knew she had been lucky. She had not expected to encounter such powerful foes in this chamber.

But now she had the orb, and she would protect it at all costs. She turned and began to ascend the stairs, the orb pulsing in her hands. As she climbed, she felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had accomplished her mission.

But she also knew that this was just the beginning. There were others out there who would seek the power of the orb, who would stop at nothing to possess it. And it was up to her, the Keeper, to make sure that they never succeeded.

As she emerged from the staircase and into the moonlit forest, the Keeper paused to catch her breath. She looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the world around her. But she knew that the peace of the night could not last forever.

She turned and began to walk through the forest, her mind racing with thoughts of what she had just encountered. Who were those figures, and why had they tried to stop her? And what did they want with the orb?

As she walked, she thought about the words of the voice in the chamber. "Power always comes with a price." What did that mean? Was the orb truly as dangerous as the voice had claimed? And if so, what could she do to keep it safe?

She knew that she could not keep the orb in the same place for too long. There were too many people who would seek to find it, and too many dangers that could arise if it fell into the wrong hands. But where could she go? Where could she hide the orb?

The Keeper walked for hours, lost in thought, until she came to a clearing in the forest. In the centre of the clearing stood a stone circle, ancient and mysterious, and as she approached, she felt a sense of peace and calm wash over her.

She knew that this was the place. This was where she would hide the orb. She placed it carefully in the centre of the circle, and as she did, the stones began to glow with a soft blue light. The orb fit perfectly into the circle, as if it had been waiting there for her all along.

The Keeper stepped back and looked at the stone circle, feeling a sense of satisfaction. She knew that she had done the right thing. The orb was safe, for now. And she would do whatever it took to make sure that it stayed that way.

But as she turned to leave the clearing, she heard a faint whisper in the wind. It was a voice she did not recognize, but it sent a chill down her spine.

"The Keeper has the orb," the voice said. "We must find her. We must take it back."

The Keeper knew that she had to be careful. She had enemies now, and they would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. She walked away from the clearing, her eyes scanning the forest for any sign of danger.

The night was still and quiet, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before her enemies found her. She would have to be ready. She would have to be strong.

For she was the Keeper, and the fate of the orb was in her hands.