
Gaining a Beautiful Master?

After they arrived at the innl, Shizune showed Shiki to his room and he went to rest for a bit before dinner while Shizune went to hers and Tsunade's room so as to speak with her about the boy.

"Tsunade-sama I need to speak to you!" Shizune started.

"Unh? I can already tell I wont like this conversation . . ." Tsunade quipped.

"But we're going to have it anyway!" Shizune interrupted, it appeared she was willing to be more forceful than usual, because she truly believed this might help her beloved master and mentor.

"You want me to train the brat? Asked Tsunade with a bored expression while glancing at Shizune from the corner of her eye.

"How di!?" Started Shizune with a face of surprise, but was quickly interrupted.

"Pleeease, I'm drunk not stupid! The brat was most likely training all day since lunch you were probably moved by his efforts and want me to help him right? And . . ." Tsunade trailed off at the end but what she wanted to mention was most likely the true motive of her dear disciple's request.

Having reached this point Shizune knew there were no more words to be said, so she merely resorted to intensely glare in her master's direction.

Tsunade attempted to ignore it by further turning her head in the opposite direction from her disciple, alas she could still feel the intense glare piercing the back of her head and as the bored expression in her face started crumbling, Tsunade thought to herself.

'What's wrong with Shizune today she's awfully insistent, I fear she'll never simply let this go so let's try to reach some sort of middleground." And so Tsunade began to make a proposition.

"Fine! I'll train the boy . . ."And as Shizune's face lit up, Tsunade continued. "But I have conditions"

The second phrase immediately caused Shizune to look at her master suspiciously fearing she may be plotting a way to escape the situation in a way Shizune would not be able to refute.

Quickly noticing her disciple's suspicions, Tsunade decided that instead of making some impossible requirements she would instead merely make them extremely difficult after all, she is one of the legendary Sannin, her tutelage should not come cheap!

"First of all, I'll ask the boy some questions if I find his answers somewhat reasonable, I'll train him, Second, If he, at any point in the training complains about how difficult it is or starts to show any sign of giving up I won't teach him again."

"Okay. . ." Shizune accepted. "But Tsunade-sama must seriously consider his answers and don't forget he is still a child!" She continued.

"Fine, Fine! We'll talk after dinner, go get the brat."

"I'm going but you're limited to a few cups of sake for dinner Tsunade-sama should be sober for the conversation. Shizune demanded.

"You're bit to forceful today!" Tsunade started but seeing it was not going to get the desired effect she merely said. "Uggh, I'm already regretting this but fine we'll do it your way today."

And so, after a dinner filled with awkward silences, Shiki stood in tsunade's and Shizune's room, facing the two kunoichi. At this moment several things were going through Shiki mind.

'Damn, I'm definitely too young for this to be an invitation to a thre*s*me! So the most likely scenario is Tsunade offering to train me, this might be what Shizu-nee was thinking about after I told her about my training. Still, there's no way Tsuna-nee would train me without any conditions.

"So brat, I've called you here to offer you the chance to be trained by me . . ." After saying this Tsunade waited for Shiki's reaction but was instead surprised not to find any.

"Just so you know I'm quite a great kunoichi, this is a great opportunity for you!"

Seeing that Shiki still remained quiet Tsunade started to become angry.

"So what is that lack of reaction!?" She questioned the boy.

"Well, I sincerely doubt you're the kind of person to train someone out of the goodness of your heart, so Shizu-nee must have insisted a great deal but, in spite of that, I'm sure you put forth some conditions as such, I'm waiting to hear them."

'There's no way Tsunade would choose to train me out of the blue while being smack in the middle of her depression after all. Knowing them from the series made this one fairly easy to guess.

To say the two kunoichi were surprised at Shiki's insight of the situation would be a major understatement, what they could not know was that his hypothesis came not only from information gathered in the short time they spent together, but also from his knowledge of their characters from the series.

After a short pause, Tsunade finally broke the silence.

"Since you've got a good grasp of the situation I'm going to ask you some questions okay?

"Sure go ahead." Shiki answered.

And so the questions began.

"Are you familiar with Konoha?"

"I don't think I've ever been there but since I know quite a bit of my clan's history . . ." ?From the legacy that is' ". . . I naturally know some things about Konoha . . ." 'Time for a bit of bullsh*t' "But I know quite a bit even from more recent events. Maybe whoever taught me kept tabs on the village?" Shiki said with an unsure tone while inside his thoughts was different story.

'Heh even if she can tell when I'm not giving her the whole truth, she will think my lack of certainty comes from my memory loss hehe."

"Then do you know who is the current Hokage?"

"Yes, Sarutobi Hiruzen The Professor!"

"Indeed so have you figured out who I am?"

"Senju Tsunade of of the Sannin"

"When did you figure it out?"

"Shortly after I woke up."

"Why do you want to go to Konoha."

"To become stronger!" Shiki said with unusual firmness. Tsunade noticed it and immediately became interested.

"And why do you seek strength?"

'Hmm better just be honest instead of making up some bullshit reason even if Tsuna.ne might not be able to figure out I'm lying I didn't get a second chance at life so I could live a fake one. There are things I won't reveal unless absolutely necessary but this is not one of them.'

"So I can achieve my goals and dreams"

"Hoh? And what are those?"

"Immortality, world domination and a nice harem!" '#NoRegrets, #ManofCulture'

Tsunade and Shizune nearly fell down after hearing such things from a four year old child but, on second thought, the dreams of children almost always tend to be big and unrealistic.

"Are you serious?" Tsunade asked for confirmation.

"Only half-serious!"

'So you are partly serious about it!' The two kunoichi retorted in their minds.

"So give me a 100% serious answer."

Shiki merely said one word but he did so with his entire being.


"Without strength there's no way to stop others from forcing their views upon me but by being strong nobody can dictate how I'm supposed to live my life!"

"So what do you want to do after obtaining freedom?"

"Does it really matter? The point is I can do whatever I want!"

"So let's say you had the opportunity to become Hokage, would you take it?"

'This is definitely a question related to her trauma, I guess my honest wish influenced her to the point she didn't even try to disguise it, either that, or she simply didn't think she needed to when talking to a four year old child who in her mind barely knows her. The again I'm not really being childlike right now but I guess I'll answer this question honestly too.'

"Nope, not really!"

Tsunade seemed surprised and so she simply asked in an attempt to better understand Shiki.

"Why is that?"

"Truthfully speaking, being Hokage seems like the position everyone admires and looks up to but everyone dislikes after actually getting it."

Seeing Tsunade's and even Shizune's confused expressions, Shiki decided to explain further.

"Think about it. Never ending piles of paperwork, unhelpful elders constantly giving you worthless advice on how to do your job, all the tough decisions you have to make not to mention the endless amount of complaints you receive regardless of how well you do your job and the lack of a fulfilling life due to overwork, even if you feel like braving those countless hardships due to wanting to make the village a better place, according to your vision you'll only be bogged down by endless bureaucracies. Seriously! Who would ever want such a job? Only someone that doesn't Know what it entails!"

The ultimate truth of the Hokage job description blew the minds of the two kunoichi and they both, speechlessly, fell into thought.

'Although I have several ideas on how to make such a position more tolerable eve enjoyable, not to mention scalable to like say a global scale. MuahahahahaHaaa! However I'm really not acting like a child but whatever, the said in the story Itachi already had a Kage level mindset as a child and that seem beyond anything I showed.'

While Shiki went through his inner monologue Tsunade also came to a decision.

"Okay kid, after hearing your answers I've come to a decision . . ."

After a brief pause Tsunade asked one final question with a smile on her face.

"Uzumaki Shiki, would you like to train under my supervision?"

Shiki answered with a smile of his own.

"It would be my pleasure Tsuna-nee!"

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